Chapter 319
The Black Tiger King was obviously much smarter this time. He completely wrapped his body with monster power, then swung his sharp claws and grabbed Lin Yi.

Just when the sharp claws were about to touch Lin Yi's body, an evil smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and with a whoosh, he passed by the Black Tiger King and rushed directly towards the magic circle.

He has the token of the Demon Suppressing Tower, as long as he rushes into the demon destroying circle, any problem can be easily solved.

Jin Ling and Xiao Bai's eyes lit up, as long as Lin Yi could rush into it, there would be no suspense in this battle.

"Want to enter the magic circle, dream! The black tiger eats the sky, sucks!" The black tiger king suddenly roared, and opened his mouth to suck in Lin Yi. The huge suction power was comparable to a giant vacuum cleaner, and Lin Yi suddenly felt his body trembling. light, and then fly backwards.

"Damn it, what an awesome trick!" Lin Yi's complexion changed drastically, and just as he was about to make a move, the voices of Xiao Bai and Jin Ling came over.

"Thousands of bondage!"

"The cry of frogs shook the sky!"

Xiaobai suddenly attacked the Black Tiger King, wrapping his body heavily.The golden spirit was burning potential, and made a loud frog cry, which made the wild wolf king stunned for a while.

Lin Yi cast a grateful look, then speeded up and rushed towards the magic circle.

The other monsters were about to stop them, but they were intimidated by the light of the demon-killing circle, and they didn't dare to approach at all.

With the help of the dagger, Lin Yi entered the magic circle very easily, and the demon-killing power of the demon-killing magic circle did not bring him any hindrance.

"It seems that the old man Tianlingzi really didn't lie to me. Everything went very easily." Lin Yi said to himself, and not long after, he saw a huge stone plate with a handful of Rusty long sword.

As soon as the long sword appeared, Lin Yi could clearly feel the strong hostility emerging from Xie Dao, as if Xie Dao had met a great enemy.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with that sword?" Lin Yi gently stroked the Xie Dao and asked in a low voice.

When Xie Dao heard Lin Yi's question, his reaction became stronger, and the meaning expressed was obvious, that is, to ask Lin Yi to stay away from the sword.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, and said: "It seems that you really know that sword, and the enmity between you two was quite deep before."

Hearing the words, Xie Dao bent the tip of the knife desperately in a very humane manner, and the meaning expressed was obviously nodding.

Lin Yi couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "Although you hate that sword very much, it is the key to controlling the Demon Town Tower, and I must get it. Don't worry, you are my best partner, no matter how powerful I get it weapon, and will not abandon you."

Lin Yi's tone was very serious. After this reassurance, Xie Dao was much calmer than before.

Lin Yi walked into the stone plate step by step, the closer he got to the sword, the more obvious the palpitations in Lin Yi's heart.

There seemed to be an invincible power on that sword, and it was the first time Lin Yi felt such a domineering sword intent.

When he was only about three meters away from the sword, the sword was suddenly surrounded by a ball of red light, and then the sword energy within it shot out at an extremely fast speed, overwhelming and endless.

Lin Yi's complexion suddenly changed, and he directly resorted to a move of a thousand swords.

The endless saber energy collided with those sword energy, and the entire demon-killing circle trembled slightly.

Lin Yi didn't want to waste time. After Qiandaolu was cast, he suddenly accelerated, appeared next to the long sword, reached out and grabbed it, and grabbed it.

At this time, an extremely hot force erupted from the long sword, shaking Lin Yi's hand away abruptly.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a smile, "So you reject me? This is not a good sword!"

The Nine Yang Inner Qi in his body suddenly exploded, and the power gathered in his right hand, and with a sudden grab, he suppressed the scorching power.

Lin Yi's hand was extremely fast. When he grabbed the hilt, he immediately pulled out the rusty sword with all his strength.

In an instant, countless tiny sword qi rushed into Lin Yi's meridians and began to destroy his meridians.

"No wonder Xie Dao hates you, you really aren't a good sword!" Lin Yi sighed softly, pressing the dagger that Tian Lingzi gave him on top of the long sword.

Soon, the long sword began to tremble, and then, all the sword energy disappeared.

Without the sword energy attacking the meridians, Lin Yi's pressure was greatly reduced, and at the same time, his contempt for Tian Lingzi increased a bit.

That guy was so unreliable, he didn't say anything clearly, he suddenly discovered that he was able to come to the fifth floor and enter the magic circle of exterminating demons, it was simply the virtues accumulated by his ancestors and the blessings of eight lifetimes!
He carefully inspected the long sword. From the outside, there was nothing special about this sword. The only thing that stood out was that it was very old and almost rotten.

However, Lin Yi took a closer look at the hilt of the sword, and finally found the two words engraved on the hilt - Qing Suo.

Lin Yi was greatly surprised by these two words, and couldn't help but said to himself: "Qingsuo sword? Isn't it one of the purple and green twin swords of the Shushan Sword School in the legend? No wonder this magic circle has the power to destroy demons , It turned out that there was this precious sword guarding it. However, most of the spiritual energy of this sword has been lost, and it is no longer comparable to the evil sword."

Hearing the words, Xie Dao flew around very happily, and occasionally touched the Qingsuo Sword, looking very proud.

Lin Yi couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "You guy, you really look like a villain. Please calm down first, you still have business to do!"

The evil knife returned to Lin Yi's hand obediently, and Lin Yi walked slowly to the stone plate.

There was an ancient aura exuding from that stone plate, which had obviously gone through endless years.Lin Yi stroked the stone plate lightly, and said to himself, "The spiritual treasure of cultivating the truth of the Shushan Sword School will belong to me, Lin Yi, from now on."

Lin Yi slowly put the dagger into the small hole in the middle, and soon, the whole disc became bright.

Lin Yi's finger hurt, and a one-centimeter-long wound suddenly appeared, and blood dripped onto the disk.

Soon, Lin Yi had a very strange feeling, as if he was integrated with the entire Demon Suppressing Tower, and the power of the Demon Suppressing Tower suddenly became very friendly, allowing him to control it.

Moreover, every corner of the fifth floor of the Zhenyao Tower is within his field of vision. He has a feeling that as long as he wants to go, or who he wants to release here, it is just a thought.

However, what surprised him was that he still couldn't see the sixth and seventh floors clearly, and when he deliberately looked there, he felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

Obviously, even with his current authority, he cannot touch the top two floors.

Outside the magic circle, there were bursts of roaring sounds, and a fierce fight was going on, and Xiao Bai and Jin Ling were beaten terribly without any accident.

Lin Yi quickly put away the Qingsuo sword, no longer thinking about the two floors, and said to himself: "It took so much effort to finally get the control of the fifth floor of this tower, it's time to clean up this tower gone."

(End of this chapter)

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