Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 330 1 whetstones

Chapter 330 A Whetstone

It's another annual fight!But the object of the torment is not a woman, but two old men.

Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, these two old men were fighting with each other, and their strength was very extraordinary. It seemed that if they continued to talk about it, they would really roll up their sleeves and stage a martial arts arena.

"Okay, okay, the two old men quarreled so much, aren't they afraid of being laughed at by others?" Lin Yi said helplessly, the two old men were really speechless.

"Ahem, Lao Long, Lao Qin, aren't you afraid of losing face if you quarrel like this in front of juniors?" A gray-haired old man walked towards Lin Yi and the others step by step. With such a powerful power, this person's strength is definitely no less than Wuxiang.

"Peak of True Qi Realm? No, it seems to have surpassed that level! Could it be that he is a master of Dan Qi Realm?" Countless thoughts appeared in Lin Yi's mind, and his intuition told him that this old man is not simple.

If he could speak to Long Baichuan and Qin Sang in this tone, he must be the Dragon King.

The Dragon King of Dragon Fury is so powerful, no wonder those ancient martial arts sects are very afraid of Dragon Fury.

Long Baichuan and Qin Sang glared at each other, then laughed again.

"Arguing? How could it be? We two brothers have a good relationship! Lord Dragon King, I'm going down first. I, a lowly person, can't hear Dragon Fury's high-level meeting." Qin Sang said with a smile, turned around and was about to leave.

"Old Qin, did you see me coming and couldn't wait to leave? Doesn't it seem a little bad to do so?" Dragon King said lightly, with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"Hehe, Lord Dragon King, how dare I have such thoughts? It is already your great favor that I can stay here, and I am really grateful. No matter how you think of me, I have something in my heart. Gan said, I know what to do." Qin Sang said meaningfully, his eyes fell on Lin Yi, and said: "Then, Lord Dragon God, I will go down first, waiting for your good news, come on! "

Lin Yi nodded with a smile, and watched Qin Sang leave, when Long Baichuan's voice suddenly came from his mind: "Xiao Yi, don't be surprised, the relationship between the three of us is like this. I have time to discuss the specific situation with you."

Just as Lin Yi was about to respond, the Dragon King's voice came over: "You are Lin Yi? Hehe, it's very good. You have reached the realm of true energy at a young age. Although you have just reached it, you have such inner qi coercion. It seems that you have realized The road to Nine Suns Sacred martial arts cultivation is now."

Lin Yi smiled lightly, nodded, and said, "Master Dragon King is overrated, I'm just a little bit lucky, it's nothing."

"Haha, I'm still a humble little guy, very good, I like it very much! My name is Zhou Yan, you can call me Old Zhou or Old Man Zhou." Zhou Yan let out a hearty laugh, and Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little puzzled , he originally thought that this Lord Dragon King was not easy to get along with, but judging from the current situation, Zhou Yan seems to be quite easy to talk to!

Lin Yi chuckled and shook his head, and said: "Mr. Zhou was joking, you are the Dragon King of Dragon Fury, how can I call you that? Should you tell me what is the more important test? I am short on time, so don't waste it Better."

Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a faint smile: "So eager to start the test? Don't you want to rest for a while?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said: "Resting is a waste of time. Anyway, the test is nothing more than finding a few people to play a few games. It's almost the same in the morning and evening. However, you don't want to do it yourself. With your strength, I I'm afraid I won't be able to handle a move."

When Lin Yi said this, many Dragon Fury members frowned slightly. Except for those old men, it was the first time they saw someone talking to Zhou Yan in this tone.Zhou Yan, the dragon king, has accumulated power in the dragon's anger for a long time, so no one is not afraid of him.

As long as anyone dares to make him angry, even if the opponent is new to martial arts, he will not show mercy.Many people are afraid of him because they are afraid of being beaten by him.

However, after hearing Lin Yi's words, Zhou Yan was surprisingly not angry, but shook his head with a smile, and said, "Little guy, you think too much. Of course, this kind of test doesn't require me to do it myself. The position of Dragon God , for Dragon Nu, it is a very important position. Since the old Dragon God died in battle, this position has been vacant for decades. Dragon God is the battle god of Dragon Nu, and it is the yearning of many people in Dragon Nu and worshiped idols. Therefore, this position must be decided after careful consideration and numerous tests."

When Zhou Yan said this, Long Baichuan also nodded, and said: "Old Zhou is right, because this position is too important, so we have not dared to make a hasty decision for so many years. The reason why we gave this name before Give it to you directly, in fact, the main purpose is..."

"Let me be a sharpening stone, right? Let everyone regard me as the most promising person to become the dragon god, and then let many people challenge me. In the process, just kill some moths in the dragon's anger I have to say, this method is so ingenious that I have to admire it." Lin Yi interrupted Long Baichuan, his tone was a little more cold than before.

Long Baichuan coughed lightly, and said: "So you already know all this, Xiao Yi, I know you have complaints in your heart, but this is also Long Nu's affirmation to you, if you can't even pass the challenges of those people, then What qualifications do you have to become the Dragon God of Dragon Fury?"

"Hehe, I understand, so I didn't blame you. On the contrary, I would like to thank you. If there weren't so many people rushing to die, my life would be so boring. If it wasn't for them, I must not be strong enough. It will improve so quickly. However, Lord Dragon King, I have already killed the strongest of Dragon Fury's younger generation, so you will let Duguchun or Bai Jian come? That doesn't seem to make much sense." Lin Yi said Here, an incomparably cold murderous aura emanated from his body.

It has to be said that even for Zhou Yan and Long Baichuan, the murderous aura emanating from them was not as pure and powerful as Lin Yi's. When the murderous aura emanated, they clearly felt that Lin Yi seemed to have merged with that murderous aura. All in one.

"It turns out that the way of killing you cultivated, it's no wonder that Du Yidao will be folded in your hands. With such a pure killing breath, combined with that killing knife, the old man has to admit that there is no one among the younger generation who can suppress you .However, since it is a test, the person who tests you is of course the old man's decision. If the younger generation can't find it, then look for it from the older circle." The smile on Zhou Yan's face became more intense, and he clapped his hands lightly , Soon, three black shadows shot from behind him and appeared in front of him, kneeling on one knee.

(End of this chapter)

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