Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 358 The Threat From the Hunter Circle

Chapter 358 The Threat From the Hunter Circle
Lin Yi suddenly discovered that this Tian Lingzi was really reliable.

He used the method of lifting the ban, and he actually lifted the ban on the five ghosts.

After the restriction was lifted, Tian Lingzi immediately turned his nostrils to the sky, and said with a smile, "How is it? As I said, this restriction is easy to solve, so there will be no problem!"

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being a master of restraint, amazing! Then, master Wudu's restraint is up to you. If possible..." Lin Yi's voice suddenly dragged on for a long time, with a ruthless smile on his face, and said: "Take Wuyu killed, and then created the illusion that he went mad and died. It is not good to scare the snake, but if they do nothing and just show weakness, they will become more and more rampant and unscrupulous. Therefore, this I will trouble Senior Tianlingzi with this matter, try to make it as clean as possible."

"Okay, I understand what you mean, I must do it cleanly and neatly!" Tian Lingzi's face showed a hint of ruthlessness. He is indeed a kind person, but he will never be soft-hearted when dealing with enemies.

After Lin Yi explained a few more things, he left the small world.Lin Yi doesn't have to worry about Tian Lingzi and Qin Xu's attack.

After returning to the western metropolitan area, Yin Zheng had collected information and returned.

"Brother Lin, I have already obtained some information through my circle of friends. It has been more than three years since the last battle of the gods, and some masters have sprung up in the hunter circle. Those masters are not satisfied with their current status, and they want to launch the war of seizing the gods again You are the latest God of Hunting, so you will naturally bear the brunt. Soon, many people from all over the world will come to challenge you, and whoever defeats you will be awarded the title of God of Hunting!" Yin Zheng's tone was a little low, obviously very worried .

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked: "This is what I expected. How many masters have come, is that guy Dugutian here?"

"I really hope he comes, so I can get rid of the shame! But, that guy decided to retire from the world the year before last. He probably knows that he is in poor health and wants to find a place to retire." Yin Zheng was a little annoyed, and the topic suddenly changed. Said: "However, that guy sent his direct disciple here. It is said that the boy is also a genius, named Sword Demon, and it is said that his strength is not simple."

"Oh? The master is a sword god, and the apprentice is a sword ghost. This is quite interesting for the master and apprentice. Well, if this is the case, then I will wait for them to challenge. It's time to clean up the hunter circle. It's really good to think about it." I'm looking forward to it." A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, full of killing intent.

Yin Zheng frowned, and said: "Brother Lin, you can't be too careless. The current situation is very unfavorable to you. The new and old generations in the hunter circle are all targeting you. If you are not careful, you may fall into the trap." Fall into a place of eternal doom!"

"Brother Yin, don't worry, of course I know this very well. However, I have no other choice but to fight to the death! Could it be that if I choose to beg for mercy, they will let me go? The masters who have enmity with me are indeed killed by me. Killing is almost the same, but people who have no enmity with me, they may not trouble me. This is the way in this world, the jungle preys on the weak, that’s all.” Lin Yi is very open-minded, since he decided to take this path, he No regrets.

"Hahaha, well said! Brother Lin, don't worry, no matter when, I will try my best to remove obstacles and wipe out enemies for you! I am secretly cultivating power for you. Your Shenlong Gang is too weak. You charge into the battle, your strength is really poor!" Yin Zheng laughed, and his mood suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Okay, then please trouble Brother Yin. If you need anything, just tell me that we are brothers! By the way, how is Sister-in-law A Ling? You are running around and leaving her alone at home." , isn't it too good?"

"She, hehe, she's pregnant and can't run around with me now. I'll put her in Pinghu and take care of Aunt Lu by the way. Aunt Lu has been thinking about you for a long time, and she was asking me last time when you will go back. "Yin Zheng said with a smile. For most of his life, he really never thought that one day, he would have a virtuous wife and a child who would meet soon. For him a long time ago, this was simply a luxury.

Lin Yi laughed out of joy, and said, "Congratulations, Big Brother Yin, I really envy you, I'm going to be a father soon. I'm going back to Pinghu today. I haven't seen Mother Lu for a long time. I miss her a lot too."

Lin Yi glanced at the east, it was the direction of Pinghu, there were too many worries there, he had to go back.

After Lin Yi explained some things to Yin Zheng, he boarded the special plane that had been prepared and returned to Pinghu.

As soon as he returned to Pinghu, he contacted A Ling immediately, and through her, he met Lu Guihua whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Compared with before, Lu Guihua looks much younger. This carefree and happy life keeps her in a good mood every day.

Seeing Lu Guihua's current state, Lin Yi felt much more relaxed. After chatting with her for a while, he set off for Longshen Real Estate Company.

Just halfway through the car, he suddenly saw an acquaintance, it turned out to be that unruly girl He Yueru.

He Yueru was standing next to a convertible sports car, and the man in the sports car yelled at him unwillingly, as if he wanted to eat people.

When encountering such a thing, Lin Yi of course wanted to slip away as soon as possible. It would be a bit annoying if he was entangled by this girl.

However, He Yueru, this girl's eyes are so good, she caught Lin Yi just as he took two steps.

She shouted at the top of her voice: "Lin Yi, I saw you, don't try to run away! Okay, you have been hiding for so long, the first thing you do when you see me is to run away, stop quickly, otherwise I'm not done with you!"

He Yueru's temper has always been fiery, and seeing Lin Yi wanting to escape, it's no wonder she could hold back her anger.

There was a wry smile on Lin Yi's face, and he said, "What a coincidence, I'm so familiar with you, I didn't expect to meet you here. This should be your friend, so I won't bother you."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. At this moment, Lin Yi also saw clearly the appearance of the man in the car.

It was a young man in brightly colored clothes, he was not a kind person.

Especially the way that guy looked at He Yueru and swallowed his saliva made Lin Yi frown even more.

Although He Yueru was unruly and willful, which made him discouraged, she was He Yueshu's biological sister and He Jiajin's biological granddaughter after all, how could he let that girl suffer?

He Yueru was about to lose his temper when the man in the car stood up, looked down at Lin Yi, and said, "Cousin Yueru, who is that man? Why have I never seen him before? He looks familiar. Why."

He Yueru frowned, and suddenly had an idea, and ran towards Lin Yi with a smile on her face, then grabbed his arm and said, "Cousin Li Feng, this handsome guy is my boyfriend Lin Yi, Lin Yi, I Let me introduce you, this is cousin Li Feng, his mother is my third aunt..."

Lin Yi was about to break free from He Yueru's hand, but He Yueru's cold voice sounded in his ears: "If you dare to cheat, I will fight you, hum!"

(End of this chapter)

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