Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 365 Women's Intuition

Chapter 365 Women's Intuition

When He Yueru said this, she let out a long sigh, looking very helpless.

She really didn't know what sins the two sisters had committed in their previous lives. There were so many headaches in this life.

Lin Yi asked nervously, "What happened? Could it be that someone is harassing her?"

"Isn't it? Our sisters are born beautiful and hard to give up. There is no way! She is being entangled by her boss's son. It is said that he is a sea turtle with a doctorate in law and has money in his family. That guy is different from Li Feng, and it is not because of his sister. On the contrary, he got worse and pestered him every day. Last time, my sister was so angry that she almost pulled out the gun and killed him. I think, if this continues, I am afraid that my sister will be in danger. That person feels very sinister to me. , definitely a villain!" He Yueru said very seriously, looking like a famous detective Ke Lan possessed.

Lin Yi frowned, and said, "How do you know that guy is a villain?"

"It must be a woman's intuition! I have always been proud of my intuition! And, once, I saw him beating an old beggar woman because she accidentally soiled his trousers, brother-in-law, Tell me, is this kind of person still a human being? He is a scumbag at all, and calling him a villain is flattering him!" He Yueru said angrily, if it wasn't for that guy driving away quickly last time, she would I really want to rush up and beat that guy up, it's annoying just thinking about it!
"It looks like a beast. Yueru, what about your sister? What's her attitude?" Lin Yi asked very seriously.

"Hehe, of course she hates that guy! Although my sister and I have very different personalities, we both have something in common when it comes to love. That is, once we fall in love with a man, I won't accept any man's love anymore, so my sister will definitely not talk to that guy." He Yueru laughed, the deep meaning in these words was very obvious.

"By the way, let me tell you something. Are you surprised that as long as there are large-scale activities with you, my sister will be on duty? Hehe, the reason is very simple, it was specially applied by my sister! You should know by now, Is my sister's friendship with you?" He Yueru laughed strangely, she sold her sister very easily.

"So that's the case, I thought it was all a coincidence! Hey, if this is the case, then I have to meet your policewoman sister today. Let's eat first, and we spent so much money, how can we not eat enough?"

When they were talking, all the dishes on a table were served. Huang Yuandong came over with a smile and said, "Young Master Lin, all the things you asked for have been served. Just now, I have raised the price of vegetables by a thousand times according to your instructions." , you only need to pay 5000 yuan."

Huang Yuandong's words startled He Yueru, this guy is too good at flattering, he even used this method.

Although these dishes are not worth more than 1000 million, they are worth more than 100 million, but now they are worth more than 1, which is incredible!
Not to mention other things, the market price of that bottle of 82 Lafite is more than 2, which is too exaggerated.

Lin Yi glanced at him with a smile, and said: "Why don't you say that it has been improved by [-] times? Then I can get it done for [-] times?"

Huang Yuandong chuckled, and said, "I think so too, but I think that's a bit too unrealistic. Lin Shao, to tell you the truth, the cost of these things is very low, 5000 yuan, and we still make money!" "

In fact, Bai Qianqiu had already informed him that as long as Lin Yi came to be resplendent and resplendent, he could pay the price for free.However, Lin Yi didn't like this, so of course he had to pay a token amount.

Of course Lin Yi understood what he meant, since Bai Qianqiu was so polite, of course he was not hypocritical.

"The first time I saw you, I really wanted to beat you up, but seeing you now is much more pleasing to the eye. Hehe, with your talent, being a lobby manager is really a bit of a talent. Work hard, opportunities are always grasped " Lin Yi patted Huang Yuandong's shoulder lightly, Huang Yuandong immediately understood what Lin Yi meant, and a chrysanthemum appeared on his whole face.

"Yeah, Huang understands, I will work hard! Don't disturb Young Master Lin's meal, I'll go to work first." Huang Yuandong exited the box cheerfully, and gently closed the door.

He Yueru looked at Lin Yi in surprise, and asked, "Brother-in-law, why is that guy flattering you so much? Could it be that you really married into the Bai family? That's not okay, you are my brother-in-law, you have to marry my sister!"

"Ghost girl, what are you talking about! I am a handsome seven-foot man, how can I marry someone else? That guy sees that I have a deep relationship with the Bai family, and wants me to support him. Hehe, before changing, of course I I don’t want to do it, but I’m quite satisfied with his performance today, so it’s okay to say a few good words for him and give him a hand.” Lin Yi said cheerfully, his eyes fell on the delicious food on the table, and he buried his head in eating.

He Yueru was about to ask a question, but saw that Lin Yi was already eating and drinking, his mouth puffed up, and after yelling, he also started to eat and drink.

He Yueru originally thought that there were too many dishes, but she didn't expect that Lin Yi's fighting power was almost heaven-defying.

It didn't take long for the dishes on the dinner table to be eaten up. As the main force, Lin Yi's combat effectiveness was frighteningly high.

He Yueru couldn't help but gasped, and said to herself, "Fortunately, this guy is rich. If he was in an ordinary family, he would have ruined his entire family."

After the turmoil, Lin Yi rubbed his slightly distended stomach, and said with a smile: "I barely eat three full, and the food here is not bad."

"Fuck, brother-in-law, are you kidding me! I only ate one lobster, and you ate the rest!" He Yueru couldn't help but swear, and looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Lin Yi glanced at her, and said with a smile: "You, why are you making such a fuss? The dishes here are not many, not enough to eat, okay? Back then, I killed a big bison in Africa, and after roasting it, it was just It tastes right after eating a meal! It's a pity that I don't have the chance to eat that kind of thing now."

"Wow, have you ever been to Africa? Have you ever eaten big buffalo? Aren't you a doctor?" He Yueru couldn't help asking.

Only then did Lin Yi realize that he accidentally slipped his mouth.

He chuckled and said, "What's so strange? Doctors can't go to Africa? I stayed there for a while and ran everywhere."

"I really envy you, you can go to such a fun place. I always had a dream when I was a child, that is to travel around the world, but unfortunately, when I grow up, this dream can only be stranded. Alas, if I have the opportunity to go to the world with my beloved man How good would it be to eat, drink and have fun everywhere?" He Yueru glanced at Lin Yi with a bit of resentment, apparently pointing to something.

Lin Yi coughed lightly, and said with a smile: "Your wish will definitely come true, so you can rest assured. Eat and drink, shall we? Let's go find your sister. If we meet that guy who harassed your sister, I'll take care of you again." Beat him up!"

When He Yueru heard this, a trace of loneliness appeared on her face. She nodded, and slowly stood up. Just as she took a step, she suddenly became dizzy and fell backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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