Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 376 Nine Petals Fairy Ganoderma Lucidum

Chapter 376 Nine Petal Fairy Ganoderma Lucidum

Lin Yi's stunned look was expected by all the girls, Hua Chuchu couldn't help laughing and said: "I knew Brother Yi had this expression, do you think the heavens are unfair, you have cultivated to the Qi Transformation state, it seems that it is not so simple Bar?"

"Yeah, I worked hard to reach the Qi Transformation Realm. What's going on with them? No, I'm almost dizzy." Lin Yi felt dizzy for a while, what the hell was going on?Obviously not playing cards according to common sense!
Hua Chuchu chuckled and said, "Of course it's not that simple. Do you still remember the ice silkworm and poisonous toad you got earlier?"

"Remember, what about the two of them? Logically speaking, they should have entered the realm of monsters, can they cultivate?" Lin Yi asked with a smile. Lin Yi has always been very grateful to them two. If it weren't for them, Lin Yi would have It is impossible to defeat those enemies.

"The two of them are doing well now. They disappeared for a long time after you left. We thought they would never come back. Unexpectedly, one day, they suddenly came back and brought back a very precious tree. After they gave us their things, they disappeared again." Having said this, Hua Chuchu walked towards the safe in the room.

She opened the safe and took out a cold jade box from it. When the jade box was opened, a scent spread immediately.

Lin Yi's eyes were wide open, he looked at the things in the jade box in disbelief, and exclaimed: "This... this is the Nine-petal Fairy Ganoderma lucidum, which is at least thousands of years old, my God, how could there be such a thing in China A level of heaven, material and earth treasure?"

Both Jin Ling and Bai Ling stared at the Ganoderma lucidum with wide eyes, as if their eyes were about to pop out.Of course they know the value of that Ganoderma lucidum, if they can eat all of it, it will definitely increase their skill for thousands of years, it is a rare treasure!

Lin Yi carefully observed the Ganoderma lucidum. The main body of the Ganoderma lucidum was as black as ink, and it was divided into nine petals, which were nine colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and gold.Among them, the red petal was missing a small half, which was obviously pinched off by someone.

Lin Yi looked at Bai Bingbing in disbelief, and stammered: "You... you can't just eat... eat this thing, right?"

"Why? Can't it work? Isn't this something for food, can it be applied externally?" Bai Bingbing looked disapproving, Lin Yi's words really made her feel strange.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said: "Of course it is for food. But after eating this, you didn't feel bloated? This food is not something that ordinary people can eat! If it is not good, it will be directly overwhelmed by the medicinal properties. You guys Don't be afraid of death!"

"Hey, brother Yi, don't worry. We all shared that small piece, and I used the cross of the holy spirit to neutralize the medicinal properties, so we didn't suffer any severe shocks. Moreover, these medicinal properties are perfect Otherwise, it is impossible for the two of them to improve so fast. We are not fools, and we would not do such stupid things that hurt ourselves." Weiwei said with a smile, Lin Yi immediately felt relieved when she said these words .

He took a long breath and said, "Fortunately, you only ate such a small amount. If each of you ate a petal, it would be hard for a god to save you! More, but it will cause more harm to the body. Moreover, it is too wasteful for you to eat like this. If you refine it into Jiuzhi's panacea and take it, the effect will be much better."

"Really? Then quickly refine it into some kind of panacea, let's make us stronger! The Qi Transformation Realm is really not that good, and it's the strength like Weiwei that is the most powerful." Bai Bingbing's eyes were shining. It looks like it wants to eat people.

Lin Yi smiled wryly, and said: "Well... Actually, I don't know how to make alchemy. I haven't studied alchemy or something, so..."

"Tch, I thought you were some kind of miracle doctor, that is, a quack doctor who only knows how to insert people with needles." Bai Bingbing's enthusiasm disappeared, replaced by a look of disappointment.

Hearing this, Jin Ling suddenly regained his energy, and said, "My lord, Miss Bai's words have connotations, and piercing someone with a needle has another meaning. Would you like me to explain..."

"Shut up!" Lin Yi and Bai Bingbing shouted at the same time, Jin Ling was taken aback, and hurriedly retracted her head in desperation, not daring to speak.

"I just don't know how to refine it for the time being, because the prescriptions are all in the hands of those three old men, and I have to ask them for it. You should collect the medicinal materials first, this thing is a priceless treasure, and it must not fall into the hands of others. You Sit down, let me help you clean up the impurities in your meridians, taking medicinal materials directly will cause a lot of load on your body, and will leave a lot of impurities in your meridians, you must never do this again in the future." Lin Yi said very seriously, all the girls nodded and sat down cross-legged obediently.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and used the Shenmai needle to clean up the impurities in their meridians one by one.After about an hour, the impurities in their meridians were completely cleaned up, and an indescribable refreshingness emanated from the inside out, making them unable to help but speak freely.

However, there is still a stinky smell that they can't bear. Weiwei and Hua Chuchu are fine. There are not many impurities in their bodies. Most of the impurities given to them by Ganoderma lucidum have been digested by their bodies. Therefore, The impurities precipitated by the two of them were only sporadic.

However, the situation of other people is different, each face is covered with a layer of dirt, which smells very bad.

"Lin Yi, I'll fight with you!" Bai Bingbing suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi seemed to have seen a ghost, and fled quickly, shouting as he fled: "It's none of my business, it's your own body that has impurities, and I didn't stuff them into your body!"

"Ahem, my lord, your words have more connotations..."

"Golden Ling (dead frog), you die for me!"

"Uh, my lord, please forgive me..."

After tossing for a while, the girls decided to leave the office quickly, and then go back to the villa to wash and change clothes.

They will never forget in this life, when they were seen by those people, those people whispered.

"What's wrong with the chairman? Why did he become so stinky after he came out of the office?"

"Who knows? Could it be that they all have diarrhea, and it's all on their pants?"

"These women look glamorous, why are they all so stinky?"


Lin Yi found that he was quite sensible, at the most critical moment, he chose to jump out of the window, otherwise, he would definitely be beaten to death by those crazy women.

As he ran towards the villa, he muttered to himself: "It's strange, where did the two of them find such precious things? And it has become so mysterious that even I can't feel their breath. Could it be that they got a big treasure? ?”

While Lin Yi was thinking, his chest felt tight suddenly, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.At this moment, he heard a weak calling sound from his heart, and his face changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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