Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 379 All of you are wiped out!

Chapter 379 All of you are wiped out!
According to the information given by Solanum nigrum, Lin Yi soon came to the western suburbs. This is a demolition area. After several nail households signed the agreement and left, the place was completely empty.

Since the demolition of the building has not yet begun, the place looks empty and desolate at first glance, but it feels a bit cold.

Lin Yi's figure quickly flew among the abandoned buildings, and locked the location of the stronghold in a short while.

Near that stronghold, more than a dozen people were ambushed.Lin Yi couldn't help but sigh, the lurking ability of these people is really poor, at this level, unless the group of people inside are really scumbags, how could they not be discovered?

It seems that there is no problem with the result he deduced before, and there is indeed a fraud in it!
He didn't want to alarm these lurking people. In that case, they might be discovered by the Dark Demon.

He immediately entered the Demon Suppressing Tower, and then let the Demon Suppressing Tower walk through the ground, reaching the base of the stronghold very easily.

At this time, the voice of the Gorefiend suddenly came: "Do you need my help? If I take action, it will be very easy to deal with these guys. The blood of these people is very strange, it seems to taste like a demon, it must be delicious."

Lin Yi smiled lightly, and said, "I don't need your help yet, seeing how enthusiastic you are, after the battle, I will give you a few to enjoy."

"Really? Don't tell me... you are not afraid that I will rush out of the Demon Suppressing Tower after my strength increases?" the Gorefiend asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, you think too much. As long as I don't let you leave here, you will never leave here for the rest of your life. Don't talk nonsense, I'm busy. When I need help, I will find you." Lin Yi After coming out of the Demon Town Tower, I found myself in a bathroom. Judging from the footprints on the ground, it seemed that many people had been here.

"I didn't expect that there are so many people in a three-story building. How do these people eat, drink, and sleep? I really didn't expect that these people have a strong ability to survive." Lin Yi thought to himself, and suddenly, A familiar voice sounded from not far away, judging from the ummm, there should be men and women fighting.

With a playful smile on his face, he disappeared into the bathroom like a ghost, and then quickly moved out of a small room.

He stretched his head and took a look, and what caught his eyes were two naked men and women, their bodies were shaking desperately, as if they were making a final sprint.

Finally, at the moment when the bodies of the two were almost convulsed, the battle died down, and the two of them collapsed on the bed, both looking very satisfied.

What puzzled Lin Yi was that these two people turned out to be Asian, and they even seemed to be Chinese.

Isn't the Dark Demon a force in Western Europe?How could there be Chinese people among them?

Soon, Lin Yi's guess was finally confirmed. The words spoken by those two people were all in authentic Huaxia language, and the words were correct and round, which was very standard.

"I really don't know what the boss is thinking. We have nearly a hundred people. Could it be that we can't deal with the mob outside? How strange?" The woman wondered while smoking a cigarette, looking completely incomprehensible.

"Fool, of course the boss has his plans. Don't forget why we are here. Our main target is that evil hunting god. Otherwise, the first few actions can kill him." Those women are gone! Only by attracting the Evil Hunting God can we truly achieve our goal. Hey, my dear, let’s have another shot, look at my baby, she’s still holding her head up.”

"Go, go, I won't do it! Since you got the gene of the boss, your body is as strong as a cow. How can I bear it so many times? You should find another woman to vent your anger!"

"How can this work? Besides you, who can withstand my attack? Yesterday I went out and fucked those chicks, and I was only one third of the way, and they were all killed by me. Then I couldn't get up and down , it's really uncomfortable. Honey, please let me do it again, just once, okay?"

The man started teasing the woman again, Lin Yi couldn't stand it any longer, coughed lightly, and said, "Can you pay attention to your image, watching you perform like this, I will get a needle's eye."

The faces of the two people changed drastically, and they were about to contact other people, but they found that the contact tools had been thrown aside by them.

They were about to take it, but their bodies felt numb, and then they couldn't move.

Lin Yi smiled coldly, picked up the man, and then pierced a magic vein needle into the top of his head.

Soon, he knew all the secrets of this man and their plans.

With an idea, Lin Yi took out a human skin mask, quickly completed the disguise, and turned into this man.

Then, he put the two of them into the Demon Suppressing Tower. I have to say that this spiritual treasure of comprehension is really very practical. It is very simple to use it to sneak around and pretend to be a person.

"Blood Demon, don't touch them for now, wait until I finish everyone. It looks like it will take a little effort to get rid of them." Lin Yi had a wicked smile on his face. Facing a strong opponent, he and Xie Dao was very hungry and thirsty.

After he left the room, he walked upstairs. The dark demon, the leader of the dark demon, Wolf, was on the third floor. As long as he eliminated that guy, there would be no suspense in this battle.

As soon as he went up the stairs, a majestic voice came from the dark place: "You are quite courageous, stupid Huaxia pig, don't you know that you are not allowed to come up on the second floor?"

After the words fell, a white man came out. He was very tall, burly and strong, and he looked like a master of strength.

Lin Yi's face darkened immediately. The memory he captured was indeed correct. Among the dark demons, there was a clear hierarchy. Except for white people, members of other skin colors were absolutely discriminated against. This point, not to mention in these organizations, even in It is normal in Western European countries.

Lin Yi warned himself that he had to suppress his anger and kill a few young men, which would not achieve his goal at all.

He managed to squeeze out a flattering smile, quickly recognized the person's identity, and said, "Respected Lord Viscount Gran, I have something important to ask to see Duke Worf, please let me go up."

"Important things? What important things can an inferior person like you have? I only think about having sex every day, and I feel disgusted! If you are sensible, get out of here, or I will kill you now!" Viscount Grand He said viciously, obviously intending to kill someone.

Lin Yi's anger immediately rose, and with a flick of his finger, a magic vein needle shot out, directly piercing the guy's eyebrow.

In an instant, his body could not move at all, and he just stood there like a sculpture.

Lin Yi took a sip, and said angrily: "It's still easier to do it this way. Damn, if the tiger doesn't show its power, treat me as a sick cat, fuck your sister! A group of monsters of wild dog blood, I will be wiped out today you!"

(End of this chapter)

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