Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 532 I Amnesia

Chapter 532 I Amnesia
Bai Bingbing ran while talking, and soon entered the Dragon Fury headquarters.

Xing Caiyuan looked at her in astonishment, she couldn't believe her ears, what exactly did she hear just now.

Bai Bingbing saw Xing Caiyuan and Ye Ling at first sight, and with her mind, she instinctively thought of that.

Her brows immediately frowned, and she was about to yell, but her mouth was covered by nightshade.

Somehow, Solanum nigrum sensed a very familiar feeling from Xing Caiyuan. Her insight was absolutely the first among all the girls, and she immediately saw that Xing Caiyuan's identity was extraordinary.

Bai Bingbing was really annoyed, she didn't plan to come, but the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and finally she followed.

Unexpectedly, when she entered the headquarters of Longnu, she saw the two women who made Lin Yi "abandon" them. How could she suppress her anger?

The point is, Solanum nigrum actually attacked her at this time, preventing her from swearing, which made her even more angry.

There was a slight smile on Solanum nigrum's face, and she said to Xing Caiyuan, "Auntie, if I guessed correctly, you should be Lin Yi's mother, right?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Xing Caiyuan's face, and she said, "Little girl, how did you see that? It seems like we've never met before, right?"

Solanum nigrum smiled and shook his head, and said: "Auntie, there are some things that can be seen without meeting each other. I am quite sensitive to the breath, and your breath makes me feel very close, so you must be Lin Yi He told us, his biological mother."

Bai Bingbing was completely stunned when she heard Solanum nigrum's first sentence. When she heard Solanum nigrum's next words, it was difficult for her to describe her mood at this time in words.

This is so dramatic!Even after beating her to death, she never imagined that things would develop to this point.

She actually said such blunt words in front of her future mother-in-law, she suddenly felt like she wanted to find a crack in the ground.

As for Lin Yi, he is currently busy in a completely soundproof room, and he doesn't know anything about what happened outside.

Xing Caiyuan smiled indifferently, and said: "Very nice little girl, such insight is indeed remarkable. Who was that little girl just now? I didn't hear very clearly just now, what did she say?"

Bai Bingbing groaned secretly in her heart, she walked out pitifully, and said: "Auntie, I didn't say anything just now, I... I lost my memory..."

Seeing Bai Bingbing's appearance, Xing Caiyuan couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "Silly girl, are you afraid now? Aren't you very arrogant just now? However, it's not bad to be arrogant. People control, if you don't treat him fiercely, I'm afraid you won't be able to restrain him. Let me introduce to you, her name is Ye Ling, and she is one of the daughter-in-laws I recognize. She is a very good girl. I hope you can get along in harmony in the future Well. Well, in fact, I still value monogamy and single-minded love, but my son... well, let’s not talk about it, it’s useless to talk about it.”

Weiwei covered her mouth and smiled when she heard this, "Auntie, if I'm not mistaken, the girl Lin Yi is going to save this time should be a princess, right?"

"Huh? How did you know? Brother Xiao Yi said that she is a Swedish princess with blond hair and blue eyes, which is very strange!" Ye Ling said with great interest.

"Of course I know. I was there when he dated that little princess, that is, when they fell in love! At that time, I had a secret battle with her for a long time and fought for Lin Yi. But later, Lin Yi took both of us Abandoned, and then ran away alone. I guess he was scared by the two of us." Weiwei said with a smile, with a hint of complacency in her words.

Xing Caiyuan kept scanning Solanum nigrum and the others, nodding secretly, obviously very satisfied.

Although Lin Yi has been a little more affectionate, she still has a good vision. As a mother, having many children and grandchildren is of course what she looks forward to most.

Ye Ling suddenly realized, and said: "So that's the case! It seems that Brother Xiao Yi is really bad."

"He's not just bad! He's down to the bone!" Bai Bingbing shouted immediately, not daring to look into Xing Caiyuan's eyes, but secretly pulled Ye Ling aside, looking very careful.

Xing Caiyuan smiled and said: "Why, is there anything I can't listen to? Although I am Lin Yi's mother, I don't necessarily have such a big generation gap with you, right? Let's chat first, and wait for the little girl Yi come out, I also want to know everything about Xiao Yi."

All the girls were chattering outside, but Lin Yi in the room was very busy.

He was piercing Sophie's head with silver needles one by one. This kind of treatment is very dangerous, and he would not use this trick if it was not an emergency.

Thirty-six magic vein needles pierced the top of the head at the same time, and then forcibly broke the seal. This was definitely a great challenge for him.If one is not careful and the seal bites back, he will definitely suffer no less damage than Sophie.

Thinking of Su Fei'er stabbing himself when he was controlled, Lin Yi felt a little scared, Zhou Yan's methods were indeed extremely cruel.

Fortunately, the treatment went very smoothly. Soon, the killing god seal in Sophie's mind was broken by the powerful power of the magic vein needle, and then purified by Lin Yi's nine yang inner energy. When the seal power was completely purified , Sophie let out a groan, opened her eyes, and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

"Smelly old man, you have the ability to kill me, don't control me, don't—" Su Feier suddenly shouted, very emotional and short of breath.

Lin Yi lightly pressed one hand on her back to calm her agitated blood, then smiled and said, "Girl Fei'er, don't get excited, it's me, I'm Lin Yi. The stinky old man has been beaten away, now Only me."

Lin Yi's tone was very gentle, and Sophie's body froze suddenly, her eyes slowly fell on Lin Yi, and she exclaimed: "No! You must be fake! I... I had a dream just now, I I killed my elder brother Xiaoyi with a knife, I killed him, he is already dead... How could I kill the person I love the most? Is that a dream? No, no..."

Sophie'er spoke incoherently, Lin Yi sighed softly, hugged her into his arms, and said: "Sophie'er, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I didn't protect you well. But why are you so stupid? Be good at the palace Is your princess not good? Why do you have to come to Huaxia?"

"I saw you on TV. I miss you so much. How could I not come to you? Brother Xiao Yi, was everything that happened just now really just a dream? Are you really Brother Xiao Yi? That dream is so real , I'm really scared..." Sophie said tremblingly, obviously, it's not easy to get out of this shadow.

He sighed, and brushed his hand lightly on Sophie's forehead. Sophie closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep again.

Lin Yi knew that this was not something that could be accomplished overnight, it had to depend on time, maybe it would be good to let her sleep for a while.

After doing this, he turned around and went out. As soon as he went out, his expression was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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