Chapter 538
Gui Qiangu's face turned cold all of a sudden, he glared at Lin Yi viciously, and said, "How dare you provoke me, do you want to die?"

"Hahaha, don't you just kneel and lick me without provoking you? What a joke! Gui Qiangu, although I am young, I have also come through the bloody wind. After all these years, I have not been afraid Who! Do you think that with your little ability, you are so awesome that I am afraid? Don’t think I don’t know. You have been delaying time since you killed those soldiers just now. If my guess is right, you now It should be in a critical period of evolution, right?" Lin Yi said something amazing again, Gui Qiangu's face changed instantly, he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, as if he was looking at a monster.

"You...what are you talking about!" Gui Qiangu gritted his teeth, grabbed his left arm violently, pulled hard, and the arm bone was actually pulled off.

After the arm bone was pulled off, Lin Yi was surprised to find that the joints of the broken bone started to grow again, and quickly returned to their original shape.

"Damn it, fight with your own bones, you are so awesome!" Lin Yi couldn't help exclaiming, Gui Qiangu's performance is really awesome!

Gui Qiangu sneered, and said: "Next, I want to show you what is really scary! Yinguyu, open!"

Gui Qiangu's voice seemed to be full of magic, and it actually turned into visible sound waves.

The sound wave quickly enveloped Lin Yi, and Lin Yi suddenly found that the surrounding environment began to change.

"Play domain as soon as I come up, hehe, it's very interesting. Unlimited killing domain, open it for me!" Lin Yi smiled coldly, and a red light burst out from his body.

The red light spread quickly, with his body as the center, within a radius of several miles, was covered by Lin Yi's killing area.

However, Gui Qiangu's yin bone domain did not disappear, but overlapped with Lin Yi's killing domain, which is extremely rare.

Gui Qiangu looked greedily at Lin Yi's killing domain, and said: "What a perfect domain, if it can be swallowed, my Yin bone domain will definitely be great. By then, I will definitely be able to break through the spiritual energy realm and reach the legendary A higher realm!"

"Hehe, I'll just say it, your appetite is too big, and you just talk about such nonsense. Do you have to let me see what your yin bone domain is capable of?" Lin Yi said with a smile. The murderous aura has begun to spread to the surroundings, and is eroding the yin bone domain.

Gui Qiangu let out a strange laugh, and said, "Since you are asking so urgently, how about letting you take a look? Yinguyu, howling ghosts and howling wolves!"

As soon as Gui Qiangu's words fell, Lin Yi immediately heard the wailing of countless ghosts. Those voices were like poisonous stings, piercing his eardrums, making him feel very uncomfortable.

At this moment, Lin Yi immediately felt the dust beads in his body start to vibrate, and then emitted a very gentle force to protect his brain.

At this time, Lin Yi found that the Ghost Qiangu was slowly walking towards him step by step, with a smug smile on his face. It felt as if Lin Yi had already been captured now, and he was just here to collect the spoils.

"It seems that this is a kind of soul attack. This guy thinks I've been dealt with, hehe, what an interesting idea." Lin Yi secretly smiled in his heart, but the expression on his face was very natural, as if he was shocked.

Gui Qiangu walked up to Lin Yi, and said with a smile: "What about you little guy, do you still dare to be arrogant in front of me? Now that you can't even move, it's really easy for me to kill you."

Ghost Qiangu smiled, and stretched out his hand to grab Lin Yi's head. The terrifying bone claws made people shudder.He reckoned that such a grasp would be able to crush Lin Yi's head, and the visual impact of brains splashing made him feel indescribably excited.

Seeing the weird smile on Gui Qiangu's face, Lin Yi couldn't bear it any longer, he suddenly swung his hand holding the evil knife upwards, and Gui Qiangu immediately let out a shrill scream, and part of his right side was chopped off, Suddenly, the black air erupted, and the screams were even more terrifying than the howls of ghosts and wolves before!
Lin Yi sighed and shook his head, and said: "Recently, the accuracy has become worse and worse. I thought this knife could cut him in half. What a pity, alas..."

Gui Qiangu tried his best to stabilize the injury, but the murderous aura contained in the evil knife was like a maggot attached to the bone, hindering the restoration of his bone.

Gui Qiangu gritted his teeth, took out a skull out of nowhere, opened his mouth and bit it, sucking desperately like jelly.

The sound of sucking made Lin Yi want to vomit.

Fortunately, he sent those girls away, otherwise they would not be able to bear this picture alone.

However, Gui Qiangu's sucking had a very terrifying effect. Soon, his chopped bones recovered at an extremely fast speed, and even the remaining murderous aura was forced out of the bones.

There was a ferocious smile on Gui Qiangu's face, he glared at Lin Yi viciously, and said, "Boy, how do you feel? Are you surprised? This seat is immortal, no matter how you hack and kill, this seat can recover I was careless just now, I didn’t expect that you actually have soul defense means, if I’m not wrong, you should have a great treasure in your body, right?”

Gui Qiangu licked his lips, not only was he not worried because of what happened just now, but the greed in his eyes became more intense.

Lin Yi chuckled, stretched out his hand to press between his eyebrows, and then easily took out the dust-cleaning bead.

"Of course there is a good baby, do you know this one?" Lin Yi spread his hands to let Gui Qiangu see the Jingchen Bead.

"Jingchenzhu!" Gui Qiangu suddenly exclaimed, shouting in disbelief.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "The eyes are very useful, yes, it is the dust-cleaning bead. It is because of its existence that I can easily resist the impact of your soul. Hey, do you want it very much? Wipe it first Drool, after all, you are also the head of the sect, don't be so sloppy, it's really embarrassing."

Gui Qiangu really drooled a lot, he wiped it indiscriminately, looked at Lin Yi eagerly, and said: "Boy, as long as you are willing to dedicate the clean dust beads to this seat, this seat will spare your life. And forgive all the sins you have committed before. If you want, I can even hand over everyone in the Lin family to you, and I don’t care how you want to kill them!"

Lin Yi was secretly startled, it seemed that this clean dust bead was really important to that Gui Qiangu, otherwise he would not have made such a big concession.

"You really want this bead?" Lin Yi had a playful smile on his face, and deliberately tossed the clean dust bead.

"I want it, I want it! With this bead, I have a chance to hit a better level, how can I not want it? Boy, no, Lin Xiaoyou, what you want, you can tell the old ghost, the old ghost will definitely Try to do it." Gui Qiangu squeezed out a smile on his face, but Lin Yi felt a little panicked, this guy's smile is not as good as other people's crying!

"Anything is fine, okay, then you kneel down for me now, and then bark like a dog twice, I can consider giving you this bead."

(End of this chapter)

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