Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 540 See How I Treat You

Chapter 540 See How I Treat You

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, Gui Qiangu's face changed suddenly, and he quickly threw away the evil knife in his hand.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly appeared in front of Gui Qiangu, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the evil knife in his hand.

The power of the Tree of Killing God erupted immediately, completely shattering the bones of the Xie Dao's blade. When Lin Yi mentioned the upward chop, a dazzling blade light erupted, and it hit Gui Qiangu's eyebrow very accurately.

Gui Qiangu's face changed drastically, and he suddenly shouted, a black light shot out from his mouth, and it shot straight at Lin Yi's face.

"Suppressing Demon Tower, suppress it for me!" Lin Yi turned the blade, scattered the black light, and then shouted loudly, the Demon-Suppressing Tower flew out and smashed towards the top of Gui Qiangu.

With a bang, Gui Qiangu was smashed to the ground, the huge impact caused the blood in his body to churn, and most of the bones in his body were shattered.

Yinguyu shattered at this moment and disappeared, Gui Qiangu spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his aura suddenly became sluggish, extremely bleak.

Above Lin Yi's figure, appeared next to Gui Qiangu, the evil knife pointed at his head, as long as Lin Yi had one thought, Gui Qiangu's head could be crushed.

Gui Qiangu twisted his body and wanted to stand up, but Lin Yi stepped on him unceremoniously, and said coldly, "Do you still want to struggle? Don't you think it's boring?"

Gui Qiangu raised his head, met Lin Yi's eyes, snorted softly, and said, "Boring? Ridiculous! You defeated me only by relying on magic weapons, not by your cultivation. If our cultivations are equal, Without magic weapon, you can't possibly be my opponent!"

"Hehe, stupid? Are you joking? The two of us were fighting for life and death just now, and we weren't children playing house. Could it be that I have some magic weapon that I still hide, so that you can attack me and kill me?" Are you mentally ill? I have never seen such a shameless guy. I really don’t know how your parents gave birth to you. Oh, I almost forgot, how could any parents give birth to a bone spirit like you? If there were, I probably killed him when I was a child." Lin Yi sneered, and unceremoniously used his killer weapon.

Gui Qiangu glared at Lin Yi viciously, he really wanted to swallow Lin Yi alive so that he could vent his hatred.

However, he has no chance to resist Lin Yi, no matter how successful he is, no matter how much he resents him, it will be futile.

He sighed, and said: "Okay, I admit it, what do you want to do to me? What should I do to let you go? Do you want gold, silver and jewels, or treasures from heaven and earth? Or secret exercises, As long as you don't kill me, I can give you whatever you want."

"Yo? You are the leader of the majestic faction. Don't you have such a backbone that you begged for mercy so quickly? I'm really surprised." Lin Yi said with some emotion, Gui Qiangu laughed disdainfully upon hearing this.

"Why can't I beg for mercy? A person has only one life, so I died so simply. Isn't it too bad to die? Only living is the most important thing. What is the spirit of fearlessness? In our Yingumen, that is Nonsense! Actually speaking, we don’t have much enmity between the two of us, it’s just some ideological differences. Besides, your God-killing clan doesn’t kill fewer people than our Yingumen, and it’s even worse to kill innocent people indiscriminately. There are too many. So, don’t talk to me about the horrible crime of killing innocent people indiscriminately. I’m really inferior to you.” Gui Qiangu spoke directly, and for a while, Lin Yi really couldn’t find a refute. reason.

The God-killing clan back then definitely killed more people than the ten Yingumen. In this regard, the Yingumen can only kneel and lick.

Lin Yi sneered, and said: "There is indeed some truth in what you said, but when you say these things in front of me, I can only tell you that you have found the wrong person. Although I am a member of the killing gods, but, I have nothing to do with the people and things that the God-killing Clan killed before. However, I saw all the things you did just now. You killed my Huaxia soldiers, and even enslaved their souls , This kind of crime is not an exaggeration, even if it is cut into pieces. So, sorry, what you said just now is nonsense, I still want to kill you!"

"Hahaha... I never expected that the dignified God-killing clan, the descendants of the god ancestors, would be timid and willing to be the lackeys of the state machine. Find joy in killing, instead of living in such a useless and restrained life as you are now. Lin Yi, cooperate with our Yingumen, don't worry, the two of us will definitely conquer the whole world. When the time comes, you The enemy Zhou Yan, and that Shura, I can help you solve it together. I just want you to give an area for our Yingumen to develop after the battle is over, it's that simple! Don't hesitate, everything will come true! Guku, for the sake of a better future, what's the point of dying?" Gui Qiangu persuaded Lin Yi earnestly, with a very sincere tone and expression.

Lin Yi admitted that if this Gui Qiangu were to do MLM, he would be able to win the hearts of many people just by his speech.

It's a pity that he underestimated Lin Yi too much.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "What you said is very emotional and impassioned, but I'm really sorry, I'm not the kind of person you think, I don't have that much ambition and ambition. My wish is very Simple, it is to live peacefully with my beloved, without being disturbed by anyone, and without worrying about anything. But your appearance has become one of the major factors that disrupt my dreams. If I don’t kill You, I’m afraid the road ahead will be even more difficult. You also said just now; once you succeed in everything, for my small goal, I have no choice but to sacrifice you.”

Lin Yi looked helpless, and before Gui Qiangu could speak, Lin Yi's evil knife pierced Gui Qiangu's skull, and soon, Gui Qiangu's head shriveled and became a skull in a short while.

Lin Yi didn't stop absorbing, he had to feed Xie Dao to make up for his "psychological trauma" just now.

When all the bones of Gui Qiangu were sucked into powder, Lin Yi stopped the evil knife from devouring it, because it was no longer necessary.

"Oh, I'm still too impatient, I killed him so quickly, and I haven't asked him for some information yet!" Lin Yi sighed, looking very annoyed.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the Demon Suppressing Tower and the God-Slaying Tower were enveloped in a thick layer of resentment, and the blood god in it had already been used as a tool to vent his anger and was severely beaten.

Thinking of the crazy appearance of all the girls, Lin Yi finally made a decision.

He placed the Demon Suppressing Tower in the Dragon Fury Headquarters, and then rushed out immediately, releasing all the women from the Demon Suppressing Tower far away.

As soon as it came out, Solanum nigrum was so angry that it shattered a huge boulder and said viciously: "Lin Yi, wait, how dare you even lock me up, let's see how I will deal with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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