Chapter 542
Lin Yi tried to chop a lot of knives before, thinking that this big formation would give him some pressure and improve his cultivation.

But I didn't expect that I had done so much, but it was in vain. Not only did my strength not improve, but I also wasted a lot of internal energy.

In this case, of course Lin Yi has no leisure to continue playing.With just a simple punch, Lin Yi destroyed the foundation of the formation. As a result, this simplified version of the Jade Immortals and Mishens Formation could no longer function.

After doing all this, the white-haired old man was completely stunned. He looked at Lin Yi in a daze, and said in disbelief: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Even if this is not a complete Zhuxian and Deshen formation, it is impossible You can break it!"

"What else do you want to say? Are you wondering if you are dreaming now? Hehe, little old man, before I kill you, do I have to tell you your name first, I don't like killing unknown people very much." Lin Yi smiled and walked over, and quickly walked in front of the old man.

The old man wanted to run away, but suddenly found a powerful energy locking him.It felt as if he would be caught by Lin Yi no matter where he fled.As long as he dares to escape, he will surely die!

After Lin Yi approached, he realized something strange.This white-haired old man has no cultivation. To be precise, he should have suffered serious injuries. It was because of the serious injury that he lost all cultivation.

"How can my name be known by a petty person like you! Hehe, just wait, Huaxia is not the only one that has turned over with our Yingumen family, and more of your so-called evil sects have recovered from recuperation. This world will be back under our control, and we will never let you wait to manipulate it!" The white-haired old man roared, very emotionally.

Lin Yi thought for a while, put him in the God-killing Tower, and then shouted to the God-killing Tower: "Mom, please do me a favor, this guy seems to know a lot of important secrets, please share these secrets with me." They were all tortured. Hehe, you are my mother, so you shouldn't be angry with your own son, right?"

"Hmph! It's no wonder I'm not angry! Even your own mother dares to shut you down, you are too courageous. I don't care about you for now, since you brought in a sandbag, then I can vent it out!" Xing Cai Yuan squeezed her fist and made a crisp creaking sound. Lin Yi felt his scalp go numb, and asked Xing Caiyuan to make a move. Will this guy just belch like this?
Only a second later, the old man's screams came out, Xing Caiyuan really beat him like a sandbag, the scene was horrible.

Lin Yi sighed, spread out his mental power, and after searching for a while, he locked a position and rushed out.

When he stopped, he was already standing in front of a big house. Strangely, the door of the house had been opened, as if to welcome him.

Lin Yi sneered, and said: "Lin Guodong, I know you are inside, if you want to play some tricks, then just say it directly, you don't need to be so secretive, like a turtle."

"Lin Yi, it's fine if you defeat Gui Qiangu, but I didn't expect Gui Qianqiu's formation to be defeated by you. It seems that today is destined to be the day when the Yingumen and the Lin family will be destroyed." Lin Guodong sighed and walked out of the door. After walking out, after taking three steps, he stopped and looked at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi sneered, and said: "If you do evil yourself, you can't live. This is your retribution. What is there to sigh? There is a way in heaven and earth, if retribution is not good, it's time for you to die!"

"Retribution? Hahaha, retribution? It's so funny! You are a dignified person who kills the gods, why are you talking about retribution with me? If there is really retribution, your god-killers shouldn't exist in this world!" Lin Guodong suddenly burst out laughing, As if crazy.

Lin Yi sighed, and said: "It's useless for you to say these things to me, and it doesn't even stimulate me a little bit. Because, in my eyes, the kind of cruel and bloodthirsty murderer who can't even control himself , should not have existed in this world. Even the ancestor of our God-killing clan was thinking about asking me to kill all the demonic and bloodthirsty people, so what you said didn't even make me angry. I have no strength."

Lin Guodong was speechless at Lin Yi's words. At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and a group of soldiers with live ammunition rushed in, aggressively.

A smug smile appeared on Lin Guodong's face immediately, and he said, "Lin Yi, it's not that easy for you to destroy our Lin family! Our Lin family represents China. Have you seen that the army has already begun to intervene!"

"Really? Old turtle Lin, then take a good look, who is leading this army." A familiar voice came from among the soldiers, and Long Baichuan appeared in Lin Yi's sight with arrogance. The posture is really handsome.

Walking with Long Baichuan was an old man with gray hair. Judging from the stars on his shoulders, he turned out to be an admiral.

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at Long Baichuan and said, "Why aren't you late? I haven't finished my work yet!"

Long Baichuan glared at him, and said, "Who told you not to hurry up? However, it would be better not to kill this old guy. His testimony is very important to rehabilitate your crime. Lin Guodong, the old turtle, played quite well this time." Damn, he actually directly put the head of the Military Commission under house arrest, and only then did he gain the command of the Military Commission. Now that everything has been revealed, killing him is no different from the state sanctioning him."

"Lin Guodong! You conspired to subvert the country and frame the country's pillars of talent, what do you have to say?" the old general said in a cold voice, with awe-inspiring righteousness.

"Huh, Qin Dingbang, don't act so righteous and awe-inspiring, as if you are great. You are just a fool, but you are less courageous. I lost this time, so you are in such a posture. If I win , I’m afraid you’ve already knelt and licked it!” Lin Guodong snorted disdainfully, the old general’s face darkened, and he gave him a hard look.

"Lin Guodong, if you think so, you don't understand me, Qin Dingbang. Do you think that our Qin family has always maintained neutrality, because we are greedy for life and afraid of death, because we want to be fools? Hehe, you think too simply. Our Qin family has always Since then, we have maintained close ties with the Shushan Sword Sect and Banruo Temple. The current head of the Shushan Sword Sect is a member of our Qin family, but you don’t know it. Sending Banruo Temple to stand on the same front, doesn't it mean that this doesn't show our attitude?" Qin Dingbang said with a smile, and Lin Yi suddenly realized that the behind-the-scenes supporter of the Qin family turned out to be the Shushan Sword Sect.

Lin Guodong's complexion suddenly changed, and he said "yes" three times in a row, and said in a cold tone: "I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that your Qin family hides so deeply. But, so what! You are going to die anyway, you are going to die in the This! Hehe, you probably don’t know that the large area of ​​the Lin family has been planted with bombs, as long as I press the button, you will all be blown up to the sky! Hehe, it’s so wonderful to think about it!”

(End of this chapter)

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