Chapter 551
Lin Yi's smile made Wu Da's scalp tingle, he really didn't expect that even after he did this, Lin Yi was not afraid and dared to walk towards him.

"You...don't come here! I really pressed it, really..."

"Press it, press it quickly, don't talk nonsense! If you don't press it, you will be beeping! I don't like you who are unhappy. It's really meaningless." Lin Yi said while grabbing Wu Da.

Wu was furious, and when he pressed hard, Xuanyuan Kun's heart suddenly became cold, it's over, his old nest is over!

However, Xuanyuan Kun and Wu Da were both stunned by what happened next. The bomb didn't go off, and everything was intact, as if nothing had happened.

However, Wu Da flew out in the next second and slammed into the wall hard, causing all kinds of messes.

Lin Yi appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, stretched out his hand, pulled the bomb off Wu Da's body, and threw it into the sky.

A burst of murderous intent shot out, and the bomb exploded, shattering a large piece of glass nearby, which scared the nearby residents to scream.

Wu Daxin was ashamed, it was over, it was really over now, even the last reliance was gone, what else would he have to fight with Lin Yi?

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, stepped on his chest, and said, "How is it? Did you find it enjoyable? The feeling of escaping death should be pretty good, right?"

Wu Da looked at Lin Yi bitterly, and said, "Tell me, how did you do it? I really can't figure out why the bomb doesn't go off?"

"Why, it's very simple, because I moved his hands and feet, so of course he can't blow up!" Lin Yi said with a smile, looking at the broken remote control on the ground, and said: "Blood devil, come out and show it, let them know the culprit Who is the culprit?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a trace of blood flowed from the remote control.Soon, that trace of blood began to swell, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a blood demon.

The Gorefiend looked at Lin Yi with a wry smile, and said, "Master, don't you use this adjective too badly? The culprit? I did a great deed!"

"Nonsense, of course it's a good thing for me, but isn't it a bad thing for him? I didn't expect that you have such amazing skills, and you can turn into a drop of blood to destroy the machine. This trick is used in the war, it is absolutely a fortress." Lin Yi said with some emotion.

Today's wars are computer-controlled and purely mechanized.If the Gorefiend can score [-], it will definitely be a devastating blow to those weapons and the like.

The blood demon chuckled, and said: "Master, I am very praised. As long as the blood demon's ability can be listed on the master's favor, even if I am smashed to pieces, I will have no complaints. Master, you are the sky. Of course, the blood demon will dedicate me to you." of all."

When the blood demon spoke, his tone was flattering. Lin Yi suddenly felt a chill, and couldn't help but think of the blood demon in the demon town tower who wanted to offer chrysanthemums.Thinking of that scene, he felt an urge to vomit. This guy's flattering skills have reached the pinnacle!
"Fuck off, I don't want all of you, you old glass!" Lin Yi couldn't help but spat, he was speechless to this guy.

The Gorefiend smiled strangely, and returned to the Demon Town Tower obediently.

Xuanyuan Kun swallowed, looked at Lin Yi dumbfounded, and said, "Lin...Little friend Lin, was that guy just now a blood demon? The one sealed by the Shushan Sword Sect?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to do research on this. I caught this Gorefiend in the Shushan Sword Sect. There's nothing I can do about it. I don't have any useful people under my command. Let's use the Gorefiend first." Lin Yiyi Looking helpless, Xuanyuan Kun and Wu Da were both stunned.

"I'm crazy, what kind of pervert I was dealing with just now, the blood demon can be captured by him as a slave, and I still want to fight him, isn't that stupid?" Xuanyuan Kun thought to himself, The back was soaked in cold sweat, which was too scary.

Wu Da looked at Lin Yi pitifully, and said: "Master, I was wrong, I was really wrong. You... don't kill me, I know a big secret, which is related to the survival of the entire China, as long as you don't kill me Me, I'll tell you!"

"Oh? The big secret sounds really tempting! Hehe, if I say, I'm not interested, what will you do?" Lin Yi sneered, it's this time, this guy is still playing this trick , is too ignorant!

Wu Da's head was about to explode, he lay on the ground with a plop, hugged Lin Yi's leg, and cried, "That's not the case, you must be interested, this big secret is related to the Poison God Sect, if you don't I know, Huaxia may be over like this. Believe me, I really..."

Wu Da's words stopped abruptly, and Lin Yi's palm was lightly pressed on the top of his head, and a powerful spiritual force rushed into his mind quickly.

Under the influence of this spiritual power, Lin Yi quickly browsed through his memories.This process was a great pain for Lin Yi, because what Wu Da had done was so unconscionable to the extreme, and that Wu Zhuang was nothing compared to him.

Lin Yi usually doesn't like to use the soul searching technique, and this is the main reason.Seeing so many disgusting pictures will seriously affect his appetite and sleep quality, and even his sexual desire will be affected.

Lin Yi tried his best to browse through some of the important memories, then took a long breath, let go of his hand, and said: "It's more disgusting than watching people eat shit. If it is not necessary in the future, I must not use this trick again. It's a birthday!"

Xuanyuan Kun looked at Lin Yi with burning eyes, and said, "Little friend Lin, how is it going? Is the soul searching technique effective?"

"Of course it works. I paid such a high price and watched so many disgusting things. If nothing works, I'm a loser. It's a pity that I didn't let this guy suffer too much pain. Even if I kill him now He, I guess he doesn't know anything, it's too cheap for him!" Lin Yi said angrily, seeing Wu Da's stupid look now, he felt irritated and hateful.

Xuanyuan Kun's expression changed slightly, fearing that Lin Yi would take his anger on him, he quickly said: "Oh, the old man has misjudged this time, if he had known that this guy was an out-and-out beast, the old man would have killed him It’s dead! Let Xiaoyou Lin take action now, it’s really dirty your hands, little friend!”

"Stop talking nonsense, Xuanyuan Kun, if you follow my temper and you support Wu Da this time, I will definitely make you pay the price. But, for the sake of your feud with Zhou Yan, let me ask you a question , would you be willing to cooperate with me to defend China together and destroy Zhou Yan and the Poison God Sect? You can choose not to agree. In that case, it will prove that what you said earlier about having an enmity with Zhou Yan was fabricated. I this I hate people lying to me the most in my life, especially when it comes to national righteousness, you'd better think clearly before answering!"

(End of this chapter)

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