Chapter 778
Hong Ling once again erupted with the mighty power of her female man, and the way she put her hips on her hips and rolled up her sleeves is really a bit of a big sister's demeanor.

Jing Shou was taken aback, how could this happen?How could there be such an improvement in Lin Yi's strength? It's unscientific!Even after taking the elixir, it's impossible to change so much!
Lin Yi took her arm, hehe smiled, and said: "Don't be so impulsive, it's not good to scare the old man. We are all civilized people, peace is the most important thing in everything, and killing can only be used as a last resort. I I've told you more than once, you just don't listen, you're not good at all."

Speaking of this, his eyes fell on Jing Shou, he chuckled, and said, "Jing Shou, do you still want to stop me? I came here for the inheritance of the immortal ancestors, do you want to prevent the inheritance of the immortal ancestors? Or, Do you think you can stop me?"

Lin Yi has already controlled the power of killing gods to perfection, and the law of killing gods derived from the power of killing gods is fused with the law of life and death, bringing a powerful impact on Jing Shou.

Although he knew that if he fought Lin Yi, it was unlikely that he would lose.However, if the overall plan was disrupted because of such a trivial matter, he would be really unwilling.

He gritted his teeth, and finally stepped aside, saying: "Your Excellency, you can do whatever you want, I have no objection."

Xian Luo opened his mouth slightly, but then slowly closed it, as if he was about to speak.

Lin Yi glanced at him, sneered, hugged Mei Ji and Hong Ling, and walked up the mountain.Yue Ji held Mei Ji's arm, and walked forward without daring to turn her head, for fear of meeting Jing Shou's eyes.

After Lin Yi and the others left, Xian Luo said in a deep voice: "Xiaoyao, is it too much for us to do this? In this case, even if Master Xianzu recovers, he will not forgive us. It is said that Master Shenzu is still alive, you How will Master Xianzu face him in the future?"

Jing Shou glanced at Xian Luo, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Xian Luo, at this point, do you still regret it? We are on the same boat, and no one can escape! When we get angry, I will bear it alone. You should understand me, everything I do is for Master Xianzu, and I have never done it for myself, you should be very clear about this!"

"We have seen all the sacrifices you made for Master Xianzu, otherwise, we wouldn't be crazy with you!" Xianhun Bracelet said in a low voice, with a clouded face, "However, that kid Lin Yi He is really kind to us, he also has all the advantages that Master Xianzu hopes to see, I think it is still possible for him to be the successor of Master Xianzu..."

"Xianhun, did you fall into his tricks and be fascinated by him? Do you know what you mean by saying this? You are denying Master Xianzu, don't you want Master Xianzu to resurrect and lead the world again? Let's kill all those enemies outside the territory and build a new fairy world? No matter how good Lin Yi is? Is he comparable to Master Xianzu? He is at most a temporary substitute for Master Xianzu. Discard! What we are waiting for is the return of Master Xianzu, anyone who hinders the return of Master Xianzu, I will kill them all, kill!" Jing Shou first smiled, and then burst into a burst of laughter, laughter It spreads within a hundred miles, and Lin Yi and the others are not afraid of hearing it.

Lin Yi and the three women had already climbed nearly a thousand meters, and then sat on a big rock, admiring the reflection light curtain created by Lin Yi.

The so-called image light curtain is actually a small method of Taoism, which Lin Yi learned by accident in Tianjianzong.

The principle is very simple. For example, it is to leave a pinhole camera in one place to record everything that happens there, and then convey it in the form of a message, and then play it out.

Meiji watched from the beginning to the end, her face became more and more gloomy. She finally understood why she felt a familiar aura from Jing Shou before. people!
The hatred of killing one's father is not mortal, let alone the hatred of killing one's own self!Meiji's mood was extremely complicated at this time, she wanted to take revenge, but she was afraid of hurting Lin Yi, so she could only suppress the hatred in her heart and try to remain calm.

Lin Yi put his hand on Meiji's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice: "Mei'er, don't worry, your revenge is mine, and I will definitely avenge you! I will never let anyone who hurt you go!" But, they all have to die!"

Lin Yi's face flickered with hostility, he didn't want to bloodthirsty, but others wouldn't let him, so he could only pick up the butcher's knife and kill demons!
Meiji smiled softly, and said: "Why are you so stupid? Everything is in the past, since it is in the past, what hatred is there? Promise me, please? Don't let yourself experience more danger , I would rather bear all this myself, and I don't want you to suffer more danger!"

"Okay, don't say such stupid things. It's better for you women to take care of things between men. You can rest assured that everything is with me. Go ahead. There is no vegetation on this road, and there is not much danger hidden. The front It's a forest, I can smell danger, you'd better follow Yueji and me closely, and don't get too far away." Lin Yi said in a deep voice, and all the girls nodded cooperatively, expressing their agreement.

This Wenwen Mountain didn't seem big from the outside, but after he actually set foot in it, he realized that there was something else.

It turns out that what you see outside are all illusions, and they are all scenes shrouded in a layer of illusion. The real Wendao Mountain is extremely majestic, but the growth of vegetation is a bit weird.The bottom kilometer or so is grassland, above the grassland is a large forest, and further up is a land of ice and snow, and on the land of ice and snow is a dense forest, which makes Lin Yi unable to understand.

Logically speaking, isn't the distribution of vegetation on the general mountain peaks followed by forests to grasslands, and then grasslands to ice fields?Wenwen Mountain is indeed the most mysterious place in the Fairy Continent, and it can be so special in this respect.

Before he got close to the forest, Lin Yi felt a breath of life. Logically speaking, this breath of life should make Lin Yi feel very comfortable.But Lin Yi felt an indescribable feeling of palpitations. There seemed to be a strong murderous intent hidden in that breath, which was enough to make him face it squarely!
"Heaven's Punishment, help me to see, what law power is contained in it? Look clearly, don't read it wrong." Lin Yi said lightly, and the voice of Heaven's Punishment's dissatisfaction immediately came from his mind.

"Please, don't you know my strength? I'm not a feng shui judge for others, how can I tell the rules?"

"I can't even see the rules. I didn't expect you to be so useless. Forget it, let's dig it out."

"Damn it! Stop it for me! Forget it, do you think it's okay for me? I'll take a good look at you!"

(End of this chapter)

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