Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 790 Swallowed

Chapter 790 Swallowed

As soon as Jing Shou finished speaking, a purple-black circle of light quickly spread out around him. After covering Lin Yi, the circle of light suddenly began to rise, and finally turned into a black mask like a half egg.

"Oops, this is the Realm of Destruction. He has really mastered the law of destruction! Hurry up and find a way to break this damn thing, or we won't be able to escape!" Tian Punishment shouted at Lin Yi, in this situation, It's really too dangerous.

"Destruction Realm? What the hell is this?" Lin Yi subconsciously slashed out with a knife, but the light of the knife disappeared quickly and was annihilated by an invisible force.

Lin Yi's face suddenly changed, and he quickly integrated the power of ten laws into the demon armor, raising the defense to the extreme.

"This destructive force is much stronger than the previous law. It really is a great method!" Lin Yi could feel that the destructive force was destroying his defense, as if it was going to kill him look.

Lin Yi couldn't figure it out, didn't Jing Shou want his own body?Why did you do this again all of a sudden?

"Boundaries are one of the symbols of the Saint Transformation Realm. Logically speaking, only those who have reached the Saint Transformation Realm can use them. However, some people who have absorbed the luck of the Saint Transformation Realm can also display some incomplete realms. If my guess is correct, this guy has absorbed 100% of the celestial ancestor's luck. From the looks of it, the matter may not be as simple as we imagined." Tian Punishment said in a deep voice, a golden light suddenly burst out from his eyes, and shot upwards.

Lin Yi could tell that Heaven's Punishment seemed to be searching for something.Sure enough, a message came from Heaven's Punishment soon.

"The northeast corner is where the flaw is. The defense there is the weakest. It is the only way to break through the boundary!"

Lin Yi nodded, and quickly rushed to the northeast without saying a word.

At this time, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded from behind Lin Yi: "As expected of the Eye of Heaven's Punishment, it is indeed quite powerful, and it can even see clearly the weaknesses of this seat's realm. It seems that this seat is really I underestimated you. It's a pity that your every move is under my nose, and you can't hide! Now that the net has been laid, it's time to close the net. Don't worry, although I use the destruction realm, the destruction All you need is your soul, even if you don't defend now, your body will not be destroyed."

Lin Yi secretly scolded him for being shameless, the meaning of these words was too obvious.Once the soul is destroyed, wouldn't it be much easier for him to seize the house?To be precise, this is not a seizure, but a grandiose occupancy, without bothering at all.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, the most important thing is to get out of here quickly!" Tian Punishment said anxiously.

Lin Yi didn't procrastinate, but also speeded up and rushed forward. However, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and a gleam of joy appeared on his face.

"If so, it would be great." Lin Yi chuckled, swung the evil knife sharply, and turned into a red light, shooting towards the northeast corner.

Tian Punishment was taken aback by Lin Yi's actions. It couldn't figure out why Lin Yi stopped and why he threw the evil knife away. Could it be that he wasn't afraid of Jing Shou's attack?This is too weird!
Seeing Lin Yi throwing the knife, Jing Shou appeared behind Lin Yi strangely, and stabbed Lin Yi with his sword.

Without Xie Dao's metamorphosis, he would have no scruples, otherwise, no matter how much he fought, it would be meaningless.

Lin Yi remained motionless, letting the sword stab into his back, the ten layers of laws on the Heavenly Demon Armor exploded at the same time, and the powerful defense made it impossible for the sword to penetrate at all.

Lin Yi turned his head, looked at Jing Shou with a smile on his face, and said, "Destroying the realm is really a wonderful thing!"

Jing Shou's face suddenly changed, something was wrong, there must be something wrong!
He hurriedly distanced himself from Lin Yi, and when he looked back, he saw an astonishing scene.

The evil knife pierced the weakest part of the boundary very accurately, and then, the law of destruction in this boundary turned into a pure force of destruction, which was swallowed by the evil knife.

"No way, how is this possible!" Tian Punishment and Jing Shou shouted at the same time, this situation is simply unimaginable.

"The original most powerful power of the evil knife is devouring, and after it fuses with the law of destruction, although it cannot devour the law, it can directly swallow and absorb the law of destruction. So, I really thank you very much, because you, The law of destruction between me and Xie Dao has finally been accomplished." A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, a tyrannical force of destruction erupted from his body, Jing Shou looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, from this force Judging, Lin Yi's law of destruction has definitely achieved a small success!

"Impossible! This is my law of destruction, how can it be absorbed by you, don't even think about it!" Jing Shou roared, immediately flew up, waved his hand, and the realm of destruction turned into a black light, condensing towards his hand.

The black light condensed very quickly, and not long after, a jet-black destruction spear appeared in Jing Shou's hand, pointing directly at Lin Yi.

"Die to me! Destroyer Spear!" Jing Shou yelled, and the Destroyer Spear shot towards Lin Yi with a thunderous momentum. Wherever it passed, the space was shattered. The power was shocking. .

Heaven's Punishment immediately gathered strength, ready to kill Nirvana, maybe it could save Lin Yi's life.

Lin Yi smiled lightly and said, "Ji Mie? It sounds awesome. It's a pity that it's the same many times."

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, the destruction spear disappeared like ice and snow from the tip to the end of the spear.

The Xie Dao flew out and struck at Jing Shou. The destructive force was mixed with a violent murderous aura. It was a kind of power that seemed to be able to destroy everything.

Jing Shou was panicked at first, but when the Xie Dao really came in front of him, a smile floated on his face, and he suddenly opened his mouth.

Lin Yi thought that he was going to yawn or sneeze, but he saw that his mouth opened more than three meters in diameter, which was the real big mouth.

At the same time, a terrible suction force came from his mouth, sucking the evil knife in forcefully.This can't be blamed on Xie Dao, it never thought that Jing Shou would play such a powerful move.

Before Lin Yi had time to think about it, he suddenly realized that it was dark all around, and a strong stench enveloped him.

Before he could speak, Jing Shou's strange laughter came over: "How do you feel? Are you scared? Don't worry, you won't be scared soon."

Lin Yi's face suddenly changed, and a warning signal rose in his heart. He stepped back subconsciously, leaning against a wall.

With a thought in his mind, countless fireballs appeared around him. The power of the law of fire is good for lighting.

Under the illumination of the fireball, the surrounding area quickly became bright, and a large area could be seen clearly.

Lin Yi saw many dead bodies with strange shapes, dark red flesh walls, and a bunch of strange tentacles writhing not far in front.

Lin Yi immediately had a terrible thought in his heart, and exclaimed: "No way, could it be that I was swallowed by that guy? Don't play like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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