Chapter 808
Lin Yi had to admit that this lizard's ability to pretend was much stronger than him, and he was simply weak in front of this guy.

However, this kind of fusion power is really awesome. For a while, he really didn't think of any way to deal with it.

"Damn it, that guy Zhang Bairen must know that he didn't tell me. He's trying to kill me!" Lin Yi said angrily. I can't use it anymore.

"Don't do these boring things, the power of this king has been integrated into your law, so your power of law is useless at all. I will swallow you in my stomach in a while, and by then, everything about you will be Mine. The law of time and space, the law of destruction, these are all good things, it’s too wasteful to keep them on your body.” Lizard smiled strangely, in his opinion, Lin Yi is the most delicious food, and has already Can't escape his palm.

"In this case, we can only use the law." Lin Yi sneered, the power of the tree of killing gods walked in every corner of his body, and the evil knife that turned into a giant ax melted in the blink of an eye, and then merged into Lin Yi. Yi within the body, returning to the "embrace" of the Tree of Killing God.

Lin Yi quickly used the Killing God Tree to eliminate the power of the lizard. It was a very weird adsorption body. If it weren't for the fact that the Killing God Tree didn't contain any laws, I'm afraid this adsorption body would also be integrated into the Killing God Tree. tree, take it under control.

Branches and leaves began to grow on Lin Yi's body, and those branches and leaves wrapped the lizard's tongue. In an instant, the lizard retracted its tongue as if it had been electrocuted, and looked at Lin Yi in shock.

He felt the vast and mighty power coming from the Tree of Killing God, this power is so tempting!
"Tsk tsk, it's really wonderful. I didn't expect that you, a little guy, would surprise me so much. No wonder I saw you as extraordinary when I saw you." The lizard smiled strangely, sticking out its long tongue, He licked... his forehead like a dog.

Lin Yi's body was continuously raised, and a huge tree with a height of one hundred feet appeared under his feet. From the perspective of visual impact, he had already defeated the lizard.

He looked down at the lizard coldly, and said indifferently: "Is it useful to flatter me now? Just now you pretended to be aggressive in front of me, I will return everything to you intact!"

"Actually quite enough, unfortunately, the strength is too weak, you think you can deal with me with a tree, you think you are the tree of the world! How ridiculous!" It spewed out from its mouth and poured towards the tree of killing god.

Soon, there were bursts of hissing sounds, and the liquid actually had a corrosive effect, causing damage to the Killing God Tree.

Lin Yi watched this scene quietly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and said, "If I tell you that it is the World Tree, what will happen then?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished speaking, a burst of red light suddenly burst out from the Killing God Tree. Under the defense of that layer of red light, the green liquid was completely bounced away.When it was about to fall to the ground, countless branches and leaves suddenly appeared on the ground, blocking the liquid so that they could not cause damage to the monks below.

The lizard's eyes were wide open, staring at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said: "Impossible, is this possible! Isn't the World Tree extinct long ago? Could it be that the seed of the World Tree back then..."

When the lizard thought of this, his breath became much more crazy, and he shouted at Lin Yi: "Who the hell are you? Why did you get that seed? What's the relationship between Mu Ze and you?"

"Are you stupid? What's the point of asking such nonsense? What I hold in my hand is the Killing God Blade, and the exercises I use are all the skills of the Killing God clan, and what's more, the blood on my body is also the killing god's sword." The blood of a clan, you ask me now, who am I from Muze? Hehe, are you really out of your mind?" Lin Yi sneered, the branches and leaves of the Killing God Tree had begun to cover this area, killing the lizard as well. surrounded by it.

No matter how hard the lizard looked to calm down, it subconsciously took two steps back, only to find that some branches and leaves had been wrapped around his legs, and there was a tendency to spread towards him.

Lizard gritted his teeth, forcibly scattered the branches and leaves, and shouted at Lin Yi: "So what if you own the World Tree? This is my king's territory, and everything here is mine! Including this World Tree !"

The lizard suddenly opened its mouth and spat out, and shot out its long tongue like a sharp arrow, wrapping around the trunk of the God-killing tree very accurately, and pulling it hard, pulled up the tree of killing God.

Lin Yi jumped down from the top of the tree very calmly, and then just watched the lizard swallow the whole tree.

There was a hint of ecstasy on the lizard's face, and he laughed loudly: "See, this is the power of this king. Even if it is the tree of the world, this king can devour it! Hahaha..."

Looking at the lizard that was trembling with laughter, Lin Yi showed a pity expression on his face. He sighed softly and said, "Should I say you are pathetic, or should I say you are an idiot? If you don't swallow me Tree, maybe I really have a headache and I don’t know how to solve it for you. But you just swallowed it. Oh, you are so polite, I am really helpless!”

Lin Yi's words froze the lizard's smile. It clearly felt that a force in its body was expanding. The powerful internal defense it was proud of was useless in front of that force and was easily penetrated by it. .

"How is it possible? Even if it is the World Tree, it is impossible to penetrate my defense..." Lizard roared loudly. While speaking, he suddenly found that his body began to sprout, and then branches grew out of it.

Those branches were absorbing his power, and then growing crazily, the speed was much faster than after Jing Shou was recruited before.

This is also normal, Jing Shou is only buried with a seed, but what grows inside the lizard is the complete version of the Tree of Killing God, this can be regarded as Lin Yi's preferential treatment for him.

The lizard was struggling to resist, when suddenly a loud laugh came from inside him.

"What a wonderful power, it's enough for me to fully evolve into the Holy Spirit Treasure. The boss is really exhaustive, and it's so accurate!" Xie Dao's voice was extremely excited, and when the lizard devoured the tree of killing gods, Lin Yi had already The evil knife merged into the Tree of Killing God, and was swallowed by the lizard together.

If the Killing God Tree can't kill the lizard, then the evil knife is the last trump card.However, judging from the current situation, there should be no need for Xie Dao to do it.

"Bastard! Get out of me! This king is the strongest, no one can defeat this king, get out! Get out! Get out!" The lizard writhed frantically, trying to pull out the branches, and the branches did come out But at the same time, his internal organs and flesh were also pulled out, and the bursts of severe pain made his body writhe in excruciating pain.

"Forgive...forgive me, please, don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die—"

(End of this chapter)

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