Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 826 I won't admit defeat!

Chapter 826 I won't admit defeat!

Lin Yi seemed like a wolf into a flock of sheep, and started to kill with frightening rage. The strong men of the three major races were killed all of a sudden.

What a terrifying strength this is!As soon as he made a move, it was like cutting wheat. Only the fighters of the three major races fell down one by one, but Lin Yi seemed to be fine. Up to now, he has not suffered any injuries.

If this continues, it won't take long for him to kill all those people.With the support of the Tree of Killing God, Lin Yi didn't have to worry about running out of strength, coupled with the powerful defense of the demon armor, those bloodthirsty people with low strength could not hurt him at all.

While continuing to tame the fire dragon, Mu Mu said to himself: "Maybe I have to stop it, if this continues, my people will be killed by that guy..."

However, he changed his mind and said: "Let's wait for a while, when he completely becomes a murderer, and I occupy his body, that is the best choice. Alas, that kid is really stubborn, even It hasn't been fully magical yet."

Lin Yi is indeed resisting, but his resistance has become weaker and weaker. The bloodthirsty power is too strong, so strong that he cannot be shaken at all.

He seems to be locked in a small room, and his body and mind have been controlled by a crazy force, which is constantly eroding his soul, intending to completely assimilate him.

Heaven's Punishment exploded with a very domineering force. He blocked that erosive force from Lin Yi's soul, and prevented that force from contaminating Lin Yi's soul.

"Boy Lin Yi, my strength is also limited. If this continues, I will not be able to suppress the blood poison! Your body is now completely controlled by the blood poison. The more you kill, the stronger the blood poison will be. The more I resist, the more my strength will be weakened. One will ebb and flow, and the speed of the blood poison will be eroded faster and faster. At that time, you may have to abandon this physical body!" Heavenly Punishment said very excitedly , obviously, he really tried his best!

"Abandon the body? How can this be done? If I do this, not only will my soul be destroyed, but my body will also be taken away by that guy. What is the difference between death and death?" Lin Yi said in a deep voice, with a very stern look on his face.

Tian Punishment smiled wryly, and said: "It's this time, I really can't think of any other way except this. In fact, as long as you give up your body and escape your soul into my body, I can take you out of this world together. Find a safe place to recover slowly. After hundreds of thousands of years, your strength has recovered, and it will not be too late to come back to find the place! In fact, the reason why you and that guy are so far apart is mainly because of the years of cultivation .You are too young to experience too much!"

"Staying alive? Surviving humiliation? Could it be that I have to endure for thousands of years, and when we come out, our relatives and friends have all been killed, so what's the point of avenging me? I have already lost once, and I don't want to lose to him The second time! What's more, if I really lose like this, I actually lost to myself, and I can't even control my own heart. What qualifications do I have to aspire to the peerless powerhouse! What qualifications do I have to stand tall in the world Between? I won’t admit defeat! Absolutely not!” Lin Yi roared, his expression suddenly became crazy, he glanced at the blood poison swimming around, and those blood poison were madly attacking the defensive shield set by the punishment of heaven , intending to invade it and completely demonize Lin Yi.

There was a trace of determination on Lin Yi's face, and he said coldly: "God's punishment, remove the defense, I figured it out, I want to use my own power to defeat the blood poison, since the blood poison wants to eat me, why can't I eat it?" ? Not only do I want to save myself, I also want to save my brother!"

When Lin Yi said this, Tian Punishment suddenly stopped talking. After a long time, he laughed out loud and said, "Whatever, if you really choose to endure humiliation, then maybe you are not the Lin Yi I know. Give it a go. Well, if you succeed, I will truly surrender to you and become your strength with all my heart; if you fail..."

"Then please kill me, don't leave troubles to this world!" Lin Yi's tone was resolute, and the response from Heaven's Punishment was also very simple - "Okay!"

The rain cover disappeared in response, and endless blood poison invaded Lin Yi's soul body. At this moment, Lin Yi's soul body suddenly burst into three golden lights, blocking the blood poison for a moment.

In the Cathode Land, Weiwei, who was taking the Mixed Yuan Pill to improve her own strength, suddenly opened her eyes wide, and shouted in disbelief: "How is it possible? All my sacred guardians have been activated, could it be, could it be... Lin Yi now has Life is in danger!"

Weiwei's voice woke up all the girls who were cultivating. In an instant, everyone's eyes were on her, and their expressions changed a lot.

"What's going on? What do you feel? What happened?" Solanum nigrum asked very nervously. In fact, she had always felt a little uneasy, and this feeling reached its peak at that moment just now.

And at this moment, Weiwei suddenly yelled this sentence, how could it not make her nervous?

"The sacred protection I once gave to Brother Xiao Yi has been activated, that is to say, Brother Xiao Yi is now encountering extremely dangerous things, even endangering his life! What should we do? We have to save him quickly, otherwise It's too late!" Weiwei was already crying, and she knew very well what it meant for the Holy Guardian to be activated.

The divine guardian had been activated once before, that was when Lin Yi used the law of life and death in the fairy world. At that moment, she really felt that Lin Yi was dead.

However, she was relieved when a life connection came later.

This time was completely different, she not only felt that Lin Yi was in danger, but also had a strong sense of crisis, that feeling made her hair stand on end!
"Don't get excited, you said the same thing last time. It didn't prove later, was it just a false alarm? Calm down first, otherwise you'll just mess yourself up." He Yueshu, who has always been relatively low-key, said, you know, last time When this happened, she almost went crazy.

"It's different this time, I feel, I feel..."

"Okay, it's useless to be excited, we can't help him, and we can't help him. All we can do is trust him, trust him completely! He is our man, the strongest man in the world , I believe in him, he will not die!" Solanum nigrum's tone was very sure, but such a few simple words still couldn't calm down the mood of the girls.

Meiji smiled and said: "Sister Solanum Kui is right, that guy is a man like a god, how could he die so easily? If you don't even believe in your own man, then what right do you have to say you love him?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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