Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 830 My nickname is not afraid of death

Chapter 830 My nickname is not afraid of death
So fast, so powerful!
This thought suddenly appeared in Lin Yi's mind. Fortunately, his reaction was quick, otherwise this knife would definitely hurt him.

An afterimage appeared where the wood was originally standing, and that afterimage disappeared quickly like a wisp of cooking smoke.

"How is it? I can still walk, right?" Mu Mu laughed strangely.

Lin Yi hummed, and said, "It's true that I can walk, much faster than a snail."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Yi's body suddenly disappeared, and Mu Mu's knife hit the empty space, splitting a crack in the ground, extending for dozens of miles.

Lin Yi's figure appeared behind him, swung the evil knife, and slashed fiercely at the top of his head.

At this time, Mu Mu's back wings suddenly folded together and turned into a shield, blocking Lin Yi's knife.

The powerful anti-shock force came from the wings, and Lin Yi suddenly felt his tiger's mouth tingle. The defense power of these wings is really terrible.

"The defense should be passable, right? Kid, can you break through it?" Wood's playful voice came leisurely, and the feathers on his wings suddenly stood up, and shot out steel needle-like iron feathers like it was raining. Shooting towards Lin Yi, the speed was so fast that even Lin Yi was caught off guard.

At this time, even if he used the law of space, it was too late. He could only increase the defensive power of the demon armor to the extreme, and the power of the ten attributes of the law exploded, blocking those iron feathers dangerously.

At this time, Mu Mu turned over and punched Lin Yi's breastplate. Lin Yi felt a tightness in his chest, and was sent flying by the wood. He spurted a mouthful of blood, hit the rock wall, and embedded in it.

Mu Mu maintained his punching posture, slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Yi provocatively, and said with a light smile, "How do you feel? Is this punch strong enough?"

Lin Yi walked out from the rock wall, touched his chest that was a bit dark, hehe smiled, and said: "It's very enjoyable, but it seems that it's not strong enough, can you... focus on it?"

Lin Yi suddenly accelerated and rushed straight towards the wood. He had a bloodthirsty and violent aura on his body. He had perfectly purified the power of the demon, so he made perfect use of the enhancement of various attributes in the power of the demon.

Therefore, even though he didn't show any signs of becoming a demon on the surface, his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, coupled with the increase given by the power of heaven's punishment, his body has finally reached its peak state.

Mu Mu licked his lips, bloodthirsty red light flashed in his eyes, he swung his huge fist to meet Lin Yi's punch.

With a bang, the fists of the two collided together. In an instant, with the collision point as the center, cracks were formed within a radius of a hundred miles. Forget about their current miserable state.

The bodies of the two of them didn't move, they just maintained the posture of fist bumping, one high and one low, one big and one small, standing there, as if they had become two sculptures.

The power of both of them is pouring into the fist continuously, and the two powers are colliding fiercely, for a while, they are evenly matched.

This is a pure collision of strength, without any fancy moves, and this kind of collision can make the two of them feel more excited. This is what Lin Yi called a joyful battle.

"Hehe, I would like to see how long you can last. Your own strength is not even in the Saint Transformation Realm, and now you barely have the strength in the Saint Transformation Realm by relying on external forces. You should know that the difference between truly possessing and barely possessing The difference between them, right?" Mu Mu sneered, continued to increase his power output, and then looked very proudly at Lin Yi's Heavenly Demon Armor, which was showing cracks.

The Heavenly Demon Battle Armor is just a spirit treasure for refining gods. In a battle at the level of the Holy Transformation, it is much more fragile. If it is not blessed by the power of ten kinds of laws, it may have already been shattered into powder.

Lin Yi looked indifferent, as if turning a blind eye to all this, still standing upright, head-to-head with the wood.

It's not that he doesn't know the gap between himself and Mu Mu, but a battle of this level is absolutely rare for him. He can feel that a new breakthrough is just around the corner!

He constantly changed the power of the law, and integrated various laws into his fist strength. In this way, all kinds of his laws were further tempered, and the effect was much better than his own slow comprehension.

The power of law can evolve the fastest only in battle. Lin Yi stepped on the ground, and the power of the law of the earth poured into his body continuously. Slowly evolve to Dacheng.

He also integrated the law of wind and the law of metal into his fist strength, so that his fist strength became even sharper and sharper.

The Law of Ice and the Law of Fire are used alternately, so that Mu Mu's fist is in a double world of ice and fire, sometimes scorching hot, and sometimes icy cold.

The law of wood and the law of life suppress the evil nature in the power of the wood demon, limiting his power.

The fusion of the law of killing and the law of destruction made Lin Yi's strength increase dramatically, and the power contained in his fist continued to increase, steadily keeping up with the rhythm of the wood.

All the laws are developing in the direction of great success. Although Lin Yi is under tremendous pressure, he is in a good mood. This is simply a good opportunity to improve his strength!

Only then did Mu Mu come to his senses, looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, and said, "Impossible, you are using my strength to hone the law, are you really desperate?"

"Don't die? Haha, my nickname is not to die!" Lin Yi laughed loudly, and the power of ten laws erupted at the same time, forcefully shaking the wood away.

Mu Mu looked at this scene in disbelief, he never expected that he would be defeated in this competition.

Lin Yi's power began to multiply, and it increased by ten or twenty times, and the power of ten laws began to merge. This was the first time Lin Yi used this trick, and it also meant heaven's punishment.

"That's it. Your current strength is indeed much weaker than him, but you have your support, which is the body of the ten absolutes. It is indeed very difficult to achieve the power of ten laws at the same time, but there is another The method can make your strength temporarily reach or even surpass the Saint Transformation Realm, that is the fusion of ten laws! The difficulty of law fusion is even greater than that of laws, but with me, this is much easier!" Heaven's Punishment If there is an entity, it is estimated that it has already looked up to the sky and laughed triumphantly.

Under the influence of the power of divine punishment, the power of Lin Yi's ten laws began to merge seamlessly. Lin Yi soon felt the power coming from his body that seemed to be exploding, which made his mood change immediately. Gotta get excited.

In this way, he could fight head-to-head with wood again. Thinking about this kind of thing made him extremely excited.

Seeing the fire in Lin Yi's eyes and feeling the terrible pressure on Lin Yi, Mu Mu immediately broke out in cold sweat, cursed secretly "crazy", then turned around and ran away, disappearing in the blink of an eye!
(End of this chapter)

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