Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 834 Want to be a dick knife?

Chapter 834 Want to be a dick knife?

The demonic blood poison on those bloodthirsty people was significantly less than the poison that Lin Yi had received before. Help refine the antidote pill.

The effect of the detoxification pill made Lin Yi quite happy. Under the action of the pill, the traces of demonization on the bloodthirsty people began to disappear quickly. This effect really shocked the bloodthirsty people.

The characteristics of cows, rocs, and tigers on those people began to disappear, and their strength did not weaken much. Such an effect really made them extremely happy.

Only then did they feel Lin Yi's good intentions, and they surrendered to Lin Yi from the bottom of their hearts. Lin Yi was secretly happy, and Mu Ze must be very happy seeing this scene.

With the help of Niu Tongtian and the others, Lin Yi quickly found several teleportation arrays located in the Cathode Land.Fortunately, these teleportation arrays are only one-way teleportation, and every time they run, they need to pay a lot of money.That's why the Heavenly Demon Clan didn't attack this place in a big way.

However, if they are given enough time, they will definitely have a way to improve the ability of the teleportation array and send a large number of monsters over. At that time, Lin Yi will have a headache to death.

Yin and Yang finally completely merged into one, and the area was much larger than before. Through the tree of the world, Lin Yi was surprised to feel that this space is constantly expanding, as if it will grow up.

Lin Yi was going to ask about Heaven's Punishment, but when he thought that he would definitely be ridiculed, he calmed down and thought about it carefully, and he knew the reason.

Heaven's Punishment said that the World Tree can be used as the foundation of a small world, thus creating a new small world.In this case, the reason for the evolution of this space is naturally obvious, it is evolving into a world!
"I heard that if you reach the Saint Transformation Realm, you can create your own small world, but you can only create one. Now I have the World Tree, and as long as I want, I can make it grow countless seeds. With these seeds, I Wouldn't it be possible to create countless small worlds?" Thinking of this, Lin Yi's eyes were shining, and he suddenly felt that he was developing in a very great direction, that is, to become a figure like the God of Creation!
"Damn! Who told you to let your wild thoughts affect my sleep? You want to create countless small worlds. Do you think that the creation of small worlds is like a sow giving birth to piglets? How many do you want? The reason why a strong person in the Holy Land can only create one Small world, not because they can't create a second one, but because they don't dare to create more, do you understand?" The voice of God's Punishment sounded in Lin Yi's mind, Lin Yi couldn't help but smiled wryly, he was still being ridiculed by that guy up.

He originally wanted to quarrel with that guy, but he couldn't restrain his curiosity. He chuckled and asked, "Then, Senior Heaven's Punishment, why is that?"

"Well, very good, I like juniors like you who are humbly asking for advice. Since you sincerely ask this senior in a low voice, then this senior will tell you with compassion and kindness." Tian Punishment heard Lin Yi's address , I immediately became proud, and my tail seemed to be raised.

Lin Yi suppressed his anger, still smiling all over his face, his heart was extremely calm, and he didn't let that guy read any of his thoughts.

"The creation of the small world is a space that monks condense their own cultivation base and spirit, plus various laws, that can be suitable for the existence of living beings. This kind of space is closely connected with monks, almost equal to the existence of monk clones. Do you think that a person's How many parts can the soul be divided into? To create a small world by a strong person in the Holy Transformation Realm, it will consume half of his soul power, how many do you think a person's soul can support this kind of creation?" Tian Punishment laughed and said, such a Said, Lin Yi finally fully realized.

"Strange, according to what you said, creating a small world is very harmful to the body, so why do those who are strong in the holy realm still create it?" Lin Yi asked puzzled.

"Good question, this senior also knows that you, a junior, would ask such idiotic questions." Heaven's Punishment added several accents, and Lin Yi had to sigh, this guy looked like he was looking for a fight!
However, in order to get an answer from this guy, there was no shortage of smiles on his face.

"Then please ask the senior to clear up the confusion for the junior!"

"No problem. As a senior, it is also necessary to teach the juniors. Let me tell you about the benefits of the small world! First of all, the small world is created in a large area of ​​turbulent space, and the innate power contained in the turbulent space Qi will perfectly integrate with the small world, and give back to the creator himself. In this way, the person who created the small world will be nourished by the innate qi, and the speed of cultivation will be much faster; secondly, the small world will become a very good escape Once you encounter danger, you can enter it and avoid danger. However, there is another most important reason, and that is because of the monk's own loneliness."

"Lonely? What does this mean?" Lin Yi asked puzzled.

"You can't figure this out? You are too stupid! When monks reach a certain level, their lifespan will increase accordingly. When their lifespan becomes very long, what awaits them is loneliness The relatives around me are dying one by one, and the woman I love is withering day by day. Think about it, isn’t such a life even fun? Therefore, in order to relieve these loneliness and loneliness, some monks will think of creating small This is the way of the world. Back then, Mu Ze and Zhang Bairen, after reaching the peak of the Saint Transformation Realm, found that no matter how difficult it is to improve in this life, and felt lonely in their hearts, they created small worlds, and even created their own ethnic groups. Alas, Telling you this, you may not be able to understand. Everyone says that it is good to be a god, but who knows, gods are also a group of hard-working people, and they have lost too many things in order to reach that step!" Tian Punishment said here, He let out a long sigh, looking helpless.

From his tone, Lin Yi could clearly hear some special meaning. This Heaven's Punishment definitely has his story, and it is absolutely impossible for him to be as simple as a Lingbao.

"Okay, these are what you want to know. I know you are very upset with me, but you have to remember to ask if you don't understand, and be humble when you ask. This is polite! Although I am just a It is a Lingbao, but I have lived much longer than you. After living alone for a long time, there is still some effect. You, go and realize it yourself! I won’t tell you, your tonics are coming to eat you Now, I’d better avoid it with that stupid knife. Silly knife, don’t pretend to be dead, hurry up, you want to see that kind of thing, you want to be a dick knife!” Tian Punishment said angrily, He took the initiative to disengage from Lin Yi, and then "pulled" the evil knife and disappeared together.

Before Xie Dao could speak, he was dragged away by Heaven's Punishment. Lin Yizheng was a little confused, so suddenly there was a knock in the room, and Lin Yi knew that tonight would be a sleepless night!

(End of this chapter)

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