Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 850 Do You Need a Stove

Chapter 850 Do You Need a Stove
Lin Yi was reprimanded by God, but he suddenly regained his energy. He looked around in disbelief, and said, "You said that this place is made of a Holy Spirit Treasure, are you talking nonsense? How did the Holy Spirit Treasure become like this? "

Tian Punishment snorted angrily, and said, "What's so strange? Something like the Holy Spirit Treasure has already captured the creation of heaven and earth, and it already contains the power of law, which can evolve space. However, what you see now This Holy Spirit Treasure is somewhat damaged, so the power of the law in it has almost been lost. Even so, it is enough to keep the creatures in this space alive. Your current position is the spirit accumulation point of this Holy Spirit Treasure , which is the power core of Holy Spirit Treasure, you can feel the rich aura here, it is really normal."

The explanation of Heaven's Punishment is very detailed, but Lin Yi still doesn't know much about it. The terms used by Heaven's Punishment are really unfamiliar to Lin Yi.

Tian Punishment sighed, and said helplessly: "Well, telling you these words is indeed a bit overestimating your IQ. Well, in order to prove what I said is correct, you can try to refine this space. A dilapidated Holy Spirit Treasure like this must have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and the imprint of the original owner on it may have already weakened or even disappeared. You can take advantage of this festival to refine this Holy Spirit Treasure and become its new owner. How? Like? Are you very excited?"

Lin Yi became even more confused when he heard the words, and said, "Refining? How to refine? I have never played this kind of game before. Do I need a stove?"

Tian Punishment almost vomited blood!But he can also figure it out, Lin Yi is a practitioner who has become a monk halfway through. Based on his previous experience in martial arts, he really does not know this kind of skills that only practitioners in the past knew.

He sighed and said, "Okay, then I'll talk to you about it. Lingbao, of course, also includes Holy Spirit Treasure, which are generally divided into two types, owned and unowned. Unowned Lingbao can be adopted The method of recognizing the master by dripping blood is much simpler, and there is almost no difficulty. The master is different. You must use the power of the soul to melt it and erase the mark of the original master on it, so that it can become yours. Things. Although this space is damaged, the mark on it may still be there, so you have to find a way to refine it."

"So that's the case, I thought I would use some kind of blacksmith's stove to make it! Then I'll start now!" Lin Yi's interest was also aroused. A piece of Holy Spirit Treasure was enough to make his heart move, especially it could melt The holy spirit treasure for living space, this is a rare kind.

Heaven's Punishment quickly told Lin Yi the refining method, and Lin Yi listened very carefully before starting preparations for refining.

The most critical position of this Holy Spirit Treasure is the spirit accumulation point under him. As long as he injects the power of his soul into this spirit accumulation point, he can find the imprint left by the former owner of the Holy Spirit Treasure.As long as the mark is erased, this Holy Spirit Treasure is in his pocket, and it will be very convenient to carry in the future.

Soon, he injected the power of the soul into the Yunling point. As soon as the power of the soul was injected, he was shocked.

His soul power seemed to fall into a vast ocean, it was an ocean of aura!

Lin Yi couldn't believe that there was so much spiritual energy hidden in this space. If these spiritual energy could nourish this space, it would be enough to increase the concentration of spiritual energy in this space by more than ten times!
Lin Yi was quite puzzled, why were these auras bound in this place?Did someone do it on purpose?

These auras are very gentle, and the infusion of Lin Yi's soul power did not cause them to attack, which made Tian Punishment a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the refinement process of the Lord's Spirit Treasure, especially the Holy Spirit Treasure, is much more difficult than that of the Spirit Treasure, and there is no reason to even resist.

Lin Yi had sharp eyes, and soon found something special in this vast ocean. There seemed to be a high platform there, and there was something vaguely on the high platform.

He quickly came to the high platform and took a closer look, only to find that the high platform seemed to be an altar, and there was nothing on the altar, only a worn-out parchment, lying quietly on a stone table.

Lin Yi didn't think too much, and immediately flew to the altar.Anyway, this is just a ray of soul power, and he can afford to lose it.

At this time, the voice of Heaven's Punishment suddenly sounded in Lin Yi's mind: "It's strange, it doesn't make sense to be like this. Since it is arranged like this, the spirit of the Holy Spirit Treasure itself should still be there. Why didn't you see it?"

"The weapon spirit of the Holy Spirit Treasure itself? Does this Holy Spirit Treasure still have a weapon spirit?" Lin Yi was puzzled again. If there is a weapon spirit, why hasn't he seen it so many times since he came here?
"There must be a weapon spirit. Refining spirit treasures will produce weapon spirits, not to mention Holy Spirit Treasure. Moreover, there is also a sea of ​​spiritual energy here. This spiritual energy is enough to allow weapon spirits to survive even if the Holy Spirit Treasure is damaged. However, now The situation is very strange, if the artifact spirit exists, it should be nearby!" Tian Punishment said very puzzled, Lin Yi was even more confused, what kind of thing is this Holy Spirit Treasure?

He approached the stone table step by step, and finally stopped in front of the stone table, reaching out to grab the roll of parchment.

Nothing happened, no mechanism was touched, Lin Yi grabbed the parchment in his hand.

With the sheepskin scroll in his hand, Lin Yi suddenly felt like he was in control of everything. A strong power of law was contained in the sheepskin scroll. Lin Yi absolutely believed that it was definitely the power of Dacheng's law.

He grasped one end of the sheepskin scroll and slowly pulled it away. At this moment, the majestic power of law in the sheepskin scroll immediately erupted, knocking Lin Yi back several steps.

At this time, a soft sigh sounded in Lin Yi's ears, and a golden light shot out from the sheepskin scroll, and the golden light quickly condensed into a white-bearded old man in a white Taoist robe.

The white-robed old man was a little short and fat, his small eyes were slightly squinted, giving him a naive look.Lin Yi couldn't help being surprised by the aura emanating from his body, it was an ethereal feeling.Lin Yi is absolutely sure that this old man's strength is not simple.

The old man in white robe observed Lin Yi very carefully, his eyes were like a scanner, scanning everywhere on Lin Yi.Lin Yi felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him like this. He is not a beautiful woman with no clothes on. Does he need to stare at him like this?

He frowned, feeling more and more unhappy, and finally couldn't help cursing: "What the hell are you looking at, old man? Who are you, you? Don't you know that staring at someone like this is still a man?" , is it very impolite behavior? If you look at it again, I will get angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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