Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 872 Don't be too greedy

Chapter 872 Don't be too greedy

Lin Yi savored the meaning of Chisongzi's words, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Senior Chisongzi, I understand what you mean, when a person is strong enough, let alone reshape a human body, it is considered as creating a human being out of thin air. There's nothing wrong with that. You're still going to find me a target, but it's a pretty good one."

"Hahaha, I am relieved that Master Lin Yi thinks so. The purpose of life for monks like us is to become stronger. Why become stronger? Isn't it to protect what we cherish? The road to cultivation is endless. The end, even if you become a god through cultivation, you are still a long way from that step! So, I may just draw a cake for you now, whether you can do it or not depends on you." Chi Songzi said He doesn't hide anything, just speaks out.

Lin Yi was also very indifferent. It is better to have hope than to have no hope. If it is not possible, he can only wrong Yin Zheng. If he can leave his remnant soul and stay with A Ling forever, Yin Zheng must be very satisfied.

With a thought in his mind, the Killing God Tree slowly floated out from above his head, and then landed on the ground in front of him.The Tree of Killing God quickly took root, and its roots penetrated into the ground.

Yin Zheng's remnant soul slowly merged into the Tree of Killing God, and under the gentle power of killing God, it quickly increased in strength and gradually turned into a human form.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi's heart finally relaxed a lot. He could feel that Yin Zheng's soul was constantly strengthening, and it shouldn't be long before it ended.

However, in this case, Lin Yi's recovery can only be stopped, which makes him look very weak, and Weiwei and Qingqing feel distressed watching them.

Soon, Lin Yi felt that the power of the Killing God Tree began to shrink, and then, Yin Zheng's soul slowly floated out of it, and the Killing God Tree also slowly returned to Lin Yi's body, replenishing Lin Yi's strength again.

After treatment, Yin Zheng's soul body looks like a living person. However, Lin Yi clearly felt that Yin Zheng's mood swings are very unstable now, giving people a very restless feeling.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, rushed towards Lin Yi like crazy, grabbed Lin Yi's shoulders, and shouted: "If you want to kill me, kill me, A Ling, run quickly, I will block them!"

Lin Yi's complexion suddenly changed, his heart sank, and he secretly said that it was not good.

Could it be that A Ling had already died in the hands of the enemy?If so, how can Yin Zheng survive?
He quickly pointed Yin Zheng's eyebrows, and shouted: "Brother Yin, wake up, look who I am, I'm Lin Yi! Have you even forgotten me?"

Yin Zheng's expression gradually calmed down, and his originally slack eyes gradually became concentrated. He looked at Lin Yi intently, and muttered to himself: "Brother Lin? Am I really dreaming? I remember, you hacked Lin Yi with a knife. Kill me, let me be free, how could..."

"Great, brother Yin, it seems that you haven't lost much of your body consciousness, and you can still remember what happened. That's right, you were turned into a puppet by Asura just now. I have no choice but to fight you. It can crush your physical body. Then, this senior Heaven's Punishment collected your remnant soul, and I used the tree of killing gods to restore your soul power... It's so strange, why am I telling you it's so complicated? What I want to say is that you can survive in this form for the time being, and when my strength reaches a sufficient level, I will find a way to restore your physical body and let you start a new life." Lin Yi looked swearing, Yin Zheng was a little dazed, and his eyes were a little blurred.

"Where is A Ling? Where is she? Is she not with you?" Yin Zheng suddenly asked in panic, Lin Yi's smile suddenly faded, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Brother Yin, can you tell me what happened first? I want to know what happened during my absence!" Lin Yi's tone was very serious. Frustrated for a while, he hugged his head. At this moment, Yin Zheng began to feel intense pain again.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and said almost in a word: "It's them, the damn Japanese, those beasts attacked us! We were in Pinghu at that time, and we were planning to live peacefully. Thinking about it, those guys would not let us go, and even wanted to attack A Ling!"

When Yin Zheng said this, his head ached, but he gritted his teeth and continued: "At that time, I asked A Ling to leave the tunnel, and I went to hold them back. Unexpectedly, I was caught by those damn Japanese The dog was defeated and was arrested by the Poison God Sect. I can't remember what happened next, Brother Lin, I beg you, you must find A Ling, she must be fine!"

Lin Yi quickly supported Yin Zheng's arm, and injected a soul force into his body, stabilizing his emotions.

Lin Yi looked at Yin Zheng very seriously, and said, "Brother Yin, don't worry, even if I try my best, I will find my sister-in-law! You can rest here well, don't be impatient, everything is up to me!"

"Thank you, brother, big brother, I am a useless person, I can't even protect my own wife, it's a shame that I'm alive! Don't worry, I will listen to you, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" Yin Zheng's tone was very resolute, Lin Yi was slightly relieved, it was great that Yin Zheng could calm down.

"Brother Yin, I will return to Pinghu soon to look for the whereabouts of my sister-in-law. As for the Japanese kingdom and the Poison God Sect, I will not let go of any of them. It is time for that animal kingdom to disappear from this world!" Lin Yi's face Showing a trace of ruthlessness, the iron hooves of the Japanese country once ravaged China, and in this era, they even took advantage of the fire to loot, what the hell is looking for annihilation!

Yin Zheng nodded, and said: "I know where A Ling may be hiding. If she is alive, she will definitely hide in those places. I also want to find a way to become stronger. Brother Lin, I know, you have a way to help me .”

"Alas, you little guy and Lin Yi really have similar personalities, they are both so belligerent. It's a pity that Lin Yi really can't help you, so you just give up your heart and maintain the state of remnant soul first. "Heavenly Punishment sighed softly, it's better to leave it to him to do this kind of beating.

Lin Yi was about to say something about Heaven's Punishment, Chi Songzi also sighed, and said, "Heaven's Punishment old ghost is right, it's better to be practical, don't think about these meaningless things. This kid can leave a soul behind." Soul, it is already very rare, one should not be too greedy, you should understand this truth."

Since Chisongzi said so, Lin Yi could only sigh. Although Yin Zheng was a little unwilling, he quickly calmed down and said with a smile: "The two seniors are right. I am very lucky to have a remnant soul. , How can you be so greedy? Brother Lin, I leave everything to you... I feel so tired, I'm going to rest, call me again when I meet Pinghu!"

(End of this chapter)

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