Chapter 882
Lin Yi thought for a while, and came to a conclusion. Could it be that a tracker was installed on him, so that these three unscrupulous old men could find his whereabouts at any time?

Thinking of this, he immediately searched for it on his body. After searching for a long time, he even touched his underwear, but the result was... nothing!
"Hahaha, silly boy, what are you looking for! Could it be that us seniors, would use such a boring thing as a tracker on you? It's so ridiculous!" Sun Moyan laughed loudly, with an expression of looking at a fool .

Lin Yicai would not let it go, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and took out the one hundred and eight silver needles from his bosom.

To be precise, there are only one hundred and six of them, and two of them have already been used by him on Tian Kui and Hei Long.

As soon as the one hundred and six needles appeared, they immediately flashed with three colors of light, echoing the aura of Hua Tianwen and the other three.

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and said: "You pretend, keep pretending! What else do you have to say now! I knew that you had no good intentions when you passed on these silver needles to me, and it seems that it is indeed the case!"

Hua Tianwen stroked his beard, smiled and said: "Silly boy, we didn't tamper with the silver needles, it's just that you didn't refine them. It's strange, your cultivation base is stronger than ours, why don't you refine those needles?" What about the silver needles? Don't you know how powerful those silver needles are?"

When Hua Tianwen said this, Lin Yi snorted disdainfully, and said: "It's not because you are hiding it, or I would have known it long ago! I only recently realized that these silver needles are not simple, so..."

"Damn it, the number is wrong! Brat, why are I missing two magic pulse needles? You won't lose them, right! Disha 72 needles, missing one will be very troublesome!" Sun Moyan was very nervous Shouted, breathing a little short of breath.

Yin Jiuyou laughed strangely, and said, "Old Ghost Sun, when did you become stupid? Lin Yi, a kid, has always been eating people without spitting out his bones. He will do things that hurt him? Guess those two magic vein needles , was used by him to punish people."

"Hahaha, whoever knows me is old man Yin! Old man Sun, you are far behind old man Yin!" Lin Yi laughed loudly. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and stared at the three old men with wide eyes. , said: "Why are you talking about these useless things with you? You haven't told me why you are surrounded by this group of monsters? How did your cultivation improve?"

"Cough cough, boy Yi, before we talk about this, should we first solve the problem of monsters?" Hua Tianwen asked with a smile.

Lin Yi glanced at the monsters in the soul refining state, snorted coldly, waved his hand casually, and the power of the law of fire exploded, burning those monsters to ashes.

This move stunned Su Zong who was trapped in the realm of destruction. When he saw Lin Yi for the first time, he thought he was dazzled.

In his memory, Lin Yi's rubbish strength was no match for him with a single finger. How could it be Lin Yi that this awesome god-man in front of him?
However, after Lin Yi's identity was quickly confirmed, he froze.

What the hell is this?Why is Mao Linyi so strong?This fucker is simply awesome!

When he saw the realm that Lin Yi easily displayed, he had no idea of ​​running away. This is a realm. In his memory, only the most powerful monsters have a certain chance to escape. Realized that Lin Yi used it so easily, the impact was too great.

Lin Yi looked at Su Zong with a smile, seeing that Su Zong's chrysanthemum tightened, his legs kicked up, and he felt like he was about to urinate.

"Demon Emperor, right? What an awesome name! I'm already scared to pee by this name! I said, Demon Emperor, how can I see you so familiar? I remember I saw one in the back mountain of Shushan Three-tailed fox, he looks very similar to you. Could it be that that three-tailed fox is your brother?" Lin Yi said with a smile, silly?Everyone knows that he is playing Su Zong.

Although Su Zong's body was weak, he didn't dare to move. The power of the Law of Destruction was sticking to his skin. If he moved and touched the Law of Destruction, he would be really forced.

He looked at Lin Yi with a smile on his face, and said, "My lord, you really know how to joke. The younger one is the three-tailed fox Su Zong! You still remember the younger one, and the younger one is really honored. I don't know where you heard that How could it be possible for me, a little fox, to be the Demon Emperor? I am completely unqualified, don’t you think?”

Su Zong had a smile on his face, he looked like a good old man, he was observing Lin Yi's face, trying to see the change of Lin Yi's mood at this time.

But there was always a smile on Lin Yi's face, the smile hadn't changed since he asked him something, and it was because of this that he was even more afraid.

The most frightening tiger is the smiling tiger. Lin Yi perfectly demonstrated this truth, so Lin Yi's smile at this time can only make him feel scared, and he is getting more and more scared.

"I mistook the person, right?" Lin Yi said with a smile. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a wretched man from the air. Lin Yi could tell his identity at a glance, it turned out to be A chameleon demon.

This chameleon thought it was hiding its figure, so it could launch a sneak attack without anyone noticing.This naive idea really made Lin Yi feel funny!
Su Zong was about to go mad with anger, he was already in a state of desperation, and this guy actually jumped out to cause trouble for him.If that level of sneak attack is really possible, will he still be locked up in the realm?Su Zong didn't expect that the chameleon didn't even know this truth!
Lin Yi grabbed his throat with one hand, shook his hand at Su Zong, and said, "Su Zong, Su Zong, I really envy you. You have such loyal subordinates who risk their lives to save you. This kind of loyalty moved me to the point of crying. What should I do? How should I kill him? Should I turn him into ashes, or not even ashes remain, I’m up to you!”

Su Zong's scalp tingled for a while, and while he was thinking, Lin Yi said to the chameleon demon again: "Little lizard, do you really want to live? It's very simple, just tell me, whether Su Zong is your demon king or not!" Yes. I like honest people the most, those who lie, I will definitely see one kill one, catch two, kill one pair. Oh, yes, Su Zong, I will add one more, between you and this lizard , only one can live, who do you think is best to die?"

After what Lin Yi said, Su Zong's face changed drastically, this move was too ruthless, with so many circles, it was clear that he was going to die!If he said to let the lizard die, the lizard would definitely betray him immediately and reveal that he was the demon emperor.

If this sentence comes out of his mouth, then he has deceived Lin Yi, and if he deceives Lin Yi, he will die!

If he said that he chose to die by himself, it is estimated that Lin Yi would say "Since you are like this, I will reluctantly take your life", and then very reluctantly killed him.

Both front and rear are dead, both advance and retreat must die, Su Zong really cried now.

(End of this chapter)

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