Chapter 885
Lin Yi's smile was indifferent. He had seen too many battles like this, so there was really nothing to worry about.

When he asked about the sea, he faced countless beasts in the soul refinement realm, but why not kill them one by one?What's more, he just felt that the recovery of internal qi was slow, and so many supplements rushed over, of course he had to take them unceremoniously.

"Boy Yi, don't be so brave, you... Huh? Strange, where is this? Why does it look so familiar?" Hua Tianwen glanced around suspiciously, looking very puzzled, he couldn't figure it out at all, he Where did he run to?

"You idiot, don't you even remember this place? More than 20 years ago, Qin Xu from the Shushan Sword Sect invited us to the Shushan Sword Sect to treat the son of the old Wang next door..."

"Oh, this is that small world! If you don't tell me, I'll even forget about it." Yin Jiuyou interrupted Sun Moyan, with a look of sudden realization, but his face quickly showed a hint of confusion, and said: " Strange, since this is the small world where the Shushan Sword Sect is located, why can we be sent here directly? I don’t feel like I’ve been teleported!”

Hua Tianwen frowned slightly, thought about it carefully, and suddenly clapped his hands, saying: "I understand! This small world should be a spiritual treasure, which was refined by that kid Lin Yi and brought with him, so he can be very casual. They took us into it. The luck of this little guy is really not simple, compared with him, we are simply weaker."

"Does it need to be said? That kid is an evildoer. Which evildoer have you seen is normal? We'd better just wait here obediently. It's not our turn to worry about other things." Yin Jiuyou smiled strangely. A few times, sit down cross-legged, close your eyes and meditate.

After seeing off the three old men, Lin Yi was finally able to fight freely.

Su Zong was startled by Lin Yi's hand, and seeing the smile on Lin Yi's face, his fighting spirit plummeted.He can feel that Lin Yi is very confident to solve them, this is absolute!
Stories about Lin Yi's deeds appeared in his mind one by one, and his psychological defense was disintegrating inch by inch, so much so that he didn't dare to be the first to act with so many "advantages" against one.

Lin Yi looked at him with a smile, and said lightly: "Su Zong, what's going on with you? I'm waiting for you to make a move, don't tell me, you don't even have the guts to do it, it will make me very disappointed. "

Su Zong's heart skipped a beat, and the fox's nose was dripping with sweat.He has now entered the strongest state, coupled with the use of the Nine-Tailed Fox Secret Technique, his strength has been raised from the early stage of the God Refining Realm to the late stage of the God Refining Realm.

He couldn't figure it out, even so, when facing Lin Yi, he still felt a little bit of fear.

The three of Hua Tianwen and the others could feel Lin Yi's weakness, but why couldn't he feel it.He couldn't figure out what kind of support Lin Yi had to be so arrogant and look down on him so much!
"Impossible! I won't be afraid of you! I'm going to kill you! As long as I devour you, I can reach a higher level. At that time, who else in this world can stop me!" Su Zong shouted in his heart, He stared at Lin Yi viciously, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Suddenly, he roared loudly and shouted at those monsters: "For the sake of the monster clan, let me kill you!"


Those monsters seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and their aura erupted one by one. In an instant, thousands of beasts galloped, and the entire Kunming City trembled, as if an earthquake of magnitude four or five had occurred.

Lin Yi looked at the galloping monsters with pity on his face, sighed softly, and said, "They are treated as cannon fodder, but they still run so happily, what a bunch of ignorant guys."

As soon as the words fell, he flew up, and the evil knife emitted a bright light in his hand. Where the light passed, the monster's body was cut in two, and then the body shriveled, turning into streams of light, and merged into the evil knife.

Those streams of light are all the tyrannical vitality of monsters. Under the power of Devouring Heaven, those vitality are not wasted at all, and are completely absorbed.

Under the transformation of Xie Dao, these majestic vitality became a gentle "tonic", replenishing the loss of Lin Yi's body.

As for the inner alchemy, Lin Yi took advantage of the opportunity to collect it. With these inner alchemy, you can refine the Hunyuan pill. Since it is delivered to your door, don't take it for nothing.

Su Zong watched in shock as monsters and beasts disappeared from his sight, leaving nothing behind.But Lin Yi's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and his aura is getting stronger and stronger, which is completely different from what he imagined!

"Impossible! What's going on here? Could it be that he has been hiding his strength?" Su Zong muttered to himself. Suddenly, he exclaimed, his eyes widened, and said: "It's not right, his knife is devouring Vitality! Has the evil knife become so terrifying?"

These monsters have the power to change form, and naturally they also have the IQ of humans.

In fact, let alone human beings, any species will feel trembling after seeing so many of their compatriots slaughtered.

Soon, the offensive of those monsters became loose, almost all the monsters were retreating, and no one dared to move forward easily.

Lin Yi's body was shrouded in a strong evil spirit. He was originally weak, but now he has recovered to seven or eighty-eight.

He looked extremely indifferent, looked at those monsters lightly, and said: "Why, you also know to be afraid? When you attacked those unarmed ordinary people, why didn't you feel their fear? You are all damned! "

When Lin Yi said this, Su Zong was about to retreat, how could this fight continue?Hitting again is a dead end!

However, as soon as his body moved, Lin Yi flew up and slashed at his head with a knife.

"The most damnable is you! Want to run away? Don't dream!" Lin Yi shouted, and the evil knife turned into the Xingtian axe, which increased its combat power by several layers. Just the evil spirit is enough to scare the urinating presence Many monsters.

Su Zong didn't even have the courage to connect, so he tried his best to dodge. He could feel that if he was hit by that knife, he would lose half his life if he didn't die!
The whole city of Kunming started to commotion. After sensing Lin Yi's breath, countless monsters quickly fled in all directions, trying to rush out of the city.

However, what made them completely desperate was that they bumped into the transparent barrier one by one, and flames ignited on their bodies, and they were burned screaming.There were a few weak ones whose bodies were directly burned to ashes, and when the wind blew, everything was gone.

A large number of monks flew from all directions, aggressively, four huge pillars were raised in all directions of Kundu City, and various complicated runes were engraved on those pillars, and three people sat cross-legged on each pillar. It was those four pillars that would The entire city of Kunming is locked down.

The four-pillar flaming sun formation is one of the most powerful trapping formations among Lin Yi's [-] great formations. It is used by twelve monks in the late stage of soul refining, which is enough to trap anyone below the late stage of refining the gods. These monsters have become turtles in an urn. , slaughter at will!

(End of this chapter)

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