Chapter 888

Tian Punishment rarely expresses his grievances to Lin Yi so directly. Lin Yi couldn't help but smile when he heard his words, looked at the turtle, and said, "Well, I don't have to kill you, but you have to Answer a few questions for me."

"Okay, alright, sir, you can ask, but you can tell me everything!" The tortoise was indeed frightened enough, especially the death breath coming from the evil knife, which made him tremble like chaff.He who was sprawling all over was quite indecent, Lin Yi couldn't bear to look at him, so he kicked him over.

"Let me ask you, what's your name? You should have killed a lot of people if your cultivation has reached the late stage of Soul Refining Realm?" Lin Yi looked at him coldly, his eyes were full of lethality.

The tortoise lay down on the ground, and quickly replied: "In terms of adults, the small ones are called turtle eggs, and they have never eaten humans."

"Nonsense! You have never eaten humans. How can you be stronger than other monsters? When you monsters came out of the Demon Suppressing Tower, you didn't have much spiritual energy. Look at it now, the lowest is the transformation You have the nerve to argue with Lao Tzu when you are in Tibet? Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you right away?” Lin Yi said viciously, with a vicious look on his face.

Turtle Dan was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he immediately burst into tears.

"My lord, I'm really not talking nonsense! In fact, I didn't come out of the Demon Town Tower. I haven't known that fox demon emperor for half a month, and I really don't know him very well. It was he who promised me that he would give me every day. I will give you delicious food. I like to eat fish, but I don't like to eat people, and I have never eaten people, sir, you can learn from me!" Turtle Dan cried, looking very aggrieved, although he was mixed with crying The voice was not clear, but Lin Yi basically understood what he meant.

"It turns out that you have been living in the human world all this time, and you were not locked in the Demon Suppressing Tower. No, your strength is not weak. Since you didn't eat people, you must have used some evil means, so you should die!" Lin Yi He raised his hand, pretending to kill the turtle egg.

Guidan's face changed drastically, and he quickly shouted: "Master Mingjian! I cultivated at this level ten years ago, and I didn't use any evil methods! It's just that I prefer to sleep, so I haven't walked around in the human world. Besides, I It looks like, if I go out, I will be caught by others as a monster! Apart from being stronger and stronger in defense, I actually have no other abilities. I can't beat those insidious and cunning humans, right? They are resourceful humans!"

Turtle Dan quickly changed his words, showing a flattering smile on his face, which was really not easy for him who is simple and honest.

Lin Yi finally confirmed Chisongzi's guess. This guy's blood is really not simple, and if he cultivated it, it would definitely be a good help.

Thinking of this, the murderous aura on his body immediately faded a lot, looked at the turtle egg with a smile, and said: "Since you have not done anything evil, then of course I will not do anything to you? Let me ask you, are you willing to follow me? I I won’t force you, it’s your choice.”

Hearing what Lin Yi said, Guidan's expression immediately became much more serious, as if he was really thinking carefully.

Lin Yi was really worried. He had dealt with this guy badly just now. If he didn't want to, wouldn't there be a good player missing?
After thinking about it for a while, the turtle egg suddenly looked at Lin Yi seriously, and said, "My lord, with you, can I eat fish to my full?"

Lin Yi was almost spitting blood from the stimulation. He thought this guy would hate him, but he didn't expect this guy to think about this problem now.This guy is really a foodie.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, adjusted his fucking mood, and said with a smile: "You can eat as much as you want, and I don't limit this."

Lin Yi didn't know how much pain his promise would bring him in the future. It was absolutely terrifying for this foodie to eat.

Therefore, Su Zong arranged him to guard the cell mainly to make him consume less, so that he would not be hungry easily and would not eat so much.

Turtle Dan's face showed ecstasy, and he said happily: "Great! Your lord, you really are a truly generous person! You don't know, that fox demon emperor is very unkind, and he only gives me half a meal each time. I'm full, sometimes I'm not even half full. If he didn't let me do too heavy work, I would have broken up with him long ago! My lord, you don't know, I have always been very unhappy with that fox demon emperor, He has done too many bad things, and he really wants me to join him! Do you think I am like that? I feel disgusted by the smell of those evil spirits, but he still wants me to absorb them. I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about them Fire! And..."

Turtle Dan looked very angry, and then chattered endlessly, Lin Yi suddenly realized that he still knew too little about this turtle, this guy is just a chatterbox!

"Stop, stop, tortoise, we'll talk about these things later, I'm here this time to save people..."

"Save people? My lord, you are wrong to say that. All the monsters are imprisoned here, no one..."

"Then can I come to rescue the beasts? Do you know how many monsters are locked here? Why are they locked here?" Lin Yizhen was defeated by this guy and asked very weakly.

Turtle Egg snorted, and then said brightly: "My lord, you are asking the right person. Ever since I was dispatched to this place, I have been chatting with the monsters inside. Otherwise, I would not sleep It's so boring. I counted it, and there are a total of 560 monsters imprisoned here. Almost the entire mountain has been hollowed out to make a prison. They usually fight against the fox demon emperor before they are arrested. They were arrested for self-reflection. Some monsters are really weak, and they probably feel disgusted by that kind of evil like me, so they refused to absorb it and were sent in."

"Oh? In that case, why weren't you sent in?" Lin Yi asked curiously.

"Me? I'm different from them. Even if I don't absorb those evil spirits, I can become very powerful. In addition, there is a man in a black robe who said that I have the blood of Xuanwu, and I repel evil spirits, and he also said to keep it. I am very useful, so I was sent to watch the door. Sigh, this is the first time I heard that the doorkeeper is also very useful, it’s really fucked!" Guidan sighed and chatted with Lin Yi. It's getting more and more fun.

Lin Yi couldn't help sighing, he really couldn't look at the surface when looking at the turtle, the "temperament" of this turtle was hidden so deeply that he didn't notice it at all before.

Lin Yi took a long breath, looked at the entrance of the cave, and said very tiredly: "Finding four of them out of more than 3000 monsters, it's tiring to think about it, alas..."

"My lord, do you want to find someone? That's easy! If I'm here, there's no one you can't find! Whom do you want to find? I'll tell you their exact location right now, and I'm sure you can't miss any of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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