Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 891 This girl is amazing

Chapter 891 This girl is amazing
Looking at the pitiful appearance of Guidan, Lin Yi felt a sense of relief.

What he wants is this kind of effect. If he wants Guidan to hang out with him wholeheartedly, he must let that guy see the benefits, but not let him get the benefits easily. This is the so-called way of manipulating people!

Only in this way, Guidan will work hard to make meritorious deeds, and be more diligent than anyone else.

Lin Yi ignored him, but continued to pour out three Hunyuan Pills from the jade bottle, and gave them to Jin Ling and the others.

Guidan stretched out his hands long, but he didn't even get a fart. He could only watch Jin Ling and his team improve rapidly.

All of a sudden, the sound of Gui Dan swallowing saliva was extremely clear, and his eyes were so wide that they almost flew out of their sockets, so greedy!So hungry!Even if he was asked to exchange tens of millions of tons of fish for that little pill, he would still be willing!
In the end, Jin Ling's cultivation was stable at the initial stage of Returning to the Void, while the poisonous toad and the ice silkworm, the two of them had the most obvious improvement, and they completed their transformation during the process of absorbing the elixir.

Du Toad turned into a boy of [-] or [-] years old, as for Ice Silkworm, it turned into a girl of [-] or [-] years old, neither of them had any clothes on, their white skin was like a newborn child.

Lin Yi hastily set up two isolation masks for the ice silkworm and the poisonous toad respectively, so as not to let them go, and then threw two sets of clothes in, which was very thoughtful.

He turned his head, looked at the tortoise who was still eager to look at him, and said with a smile: "Turtle tortoise, if I had known you a long time ago, I wouldn't have been so tired from fighting, and I just let you deal with Asura and the others. , there are too many sacrifices in the world. It’s a pity that you have been unable to shrink back and lived the carefree life you like. Now, you want to get benefits without paying anything. I want to ask you, do you think that your parents are the only ones in the world? , have to hurt you? What bullshit logic! If you want to get Hunyuan Pill, then you have to do something for me, it’s that simple! Get out of here! For a pill, I’m so spineless, I don’t have it Such a rubbish subordinate!"

Lin Yi scolded Guidan severely, and Guidan quickly got up from the ground, looking terrified.

Xiaobai stared at Lin Yi intently, that look made Lin Yi, who had a ferocious face, suddenly become a little unnatural.

He looked at Xiaobai with a guilty conscience, and said, "Well... Xiaobai, you don't have to look at me like that, even though I know I'm handsome, it's hard for you to look away, but you always look like this Looking at me, I would be very embarrassed! won't take a fancy to me, will you?"

Xiaobai's cheeks flushed immediately, then he rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "What are you talking about? I'm a snake, you're a human, and I'm not interested in you at all! I'm just surprised that you've become more I was much more mature before, allowing me to see the demeanor of an emperor."

"Oh? Emperor demeanor, I can't afford it. I'm different from that demon emperor. I don't want to be an emperor. What I want to do is to protect everyone I want to protect, and then fight for them. It's as simple as that " Lin Yi chuckled and spoke his heart out.

"Actually, they are almost the same, but the road you choose will be more difficult than the road of dominance..." Xiaobai sighed. After her cultivation base improved, she was a little more fairy than before, and a little less. It is also the benefit of monster purification.

Before Lin Yi could speak, a burst of cheers came from the isolation mask, the mask shattered, and the figures of poisonous toad and ice silkworm appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The poisonous toad's appearance is quite immature, which is just in line with his age.Seeing his handsome appearance, Lin Yi was a little worried, as soon as he went out, he would probably drive thousands of girls crazy.

The ice silkworm is obviously much bigger. Of course, this bigness is not only due to her age, but also her excellent figure.Her appearance is not worse than Xiaobai's at all, and she is a little more shy than Xiaobai. That feeling is very attractive.

Lin Yi was secretly glad that he was covered by the ice silkworm just now, otherwise, if he suddenly saw the figure of the ice silkworm, he would probably make a fool of himself.

When the two saw Lin Yi, they immediately ran happily. When Du Chan ran halfway, he suddenly stopped because he remembered the tragic situation of Jin Ling just now. Lin Yi didn't seem to like men hugging him.

No matter how many ice silkworms there were, they threw themselves directly into Lin Yi's arms, and the pair of soft objects on his chest squeezed against Lin Yi's body. Lin Yi raised both hands, but he didn't dare to put them behind her.

"Master, that's great! I've finally transformed! Master, you can come to me for anything you need in the future! No matter what you want me to do, I will do it!" Jin Ling and the others almost spit at Ice Silkworm's words. Blood, the meaning of these words is also obvious, this kind of lethality is really terrifying!
Fortunately, Lin Yi has always been a true gentleman, so this level of stimulation is nothing at all!
He operated the law of ice, concentrating between his legs, and as a result, his struggling brother finally calmed down.

Then, he smiled and said to Bingcan: "Silly girl, you are a human being now, you know, there is a difference between men and women, you can't throw yourself into the arms of other men in the future, unless you like that man..."

"That's right, master, I like you, so it's no problem for me to throw myself into your arms!" Bing Can take a look that should be taken for granted. Lin Yi sighed secretly when he heard the words. Trouble, he was very worried, whether such a refusal would break the heart of this innocent and beautiful girl.

He admitted that he was really bothering, but he really couldn't afford that kind of thought for the ice silkworm.

"Silly girl, like this word is not the kind you understand. You like me, that is a kind of pure dependence, because I used to be your master, do you understand? From today on, the two of us can meet as equals. You are my younger sister, and I am your older brother, understand?" Lin Yi said earnestly, recognizing a younger sister is also a restraint for himself, lest there will be any troubles in the future.

In fact, he can't be blamed, because he has a special physique and is very attractive to girls.Even if he does nothing, there are very few girls who are not attracted to him.If he did something and what the consequences would be, just look at his dozen or so wives.

Ice Silkworm nodded thoughtfully, let go of her arms, and pouted her mouth, as if she was not happy.

Xiaobai smiled lightly, looked at Lin Yi, and said, "What about me? Who am I to you?"

"Needless to say, you look older than me, of course you are my sister. If you want, you can also be my sister, and I don't mind." Lin Yi chuckled, looking cheap.

The disappointment in Xiaobai's eyes flashed, and then he said lightly: "Okay, then I will be your sister, and I don't want to be taken advantage of by you."

"Then what about me, what about me? What should I do?" Du Toad shouted very anxiously, he hasn't spoken yet!
"Hmph, you can just be a maid, it just so happens that Uncle Jinling likes your type, hehe, brother, am I right?" Bingcan said with a smile.

Lin Yi was obviously startled, and looked at the ice silkworm in disbelief, rotten and black-bellied, this girl is amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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