Stolen incense evil doctor

Chapter 893 Killing and Redemption

Chapter 893 Killing and Redemption
Lin Yi's opening remarks instantly detonated the audience, what does this mean?Is Lin Yi going to kill them?Could it be that what he said before was just deception, even if he surrendered, he would be killed?

Some monsters who were already ready to move immediately entered the fighting state. Their strength is not too weak, and each of them is not lower than the middle stage of Soul Refining Realm. With this level of cultivation, once they transform into beasts, their strength may take a leap. At the peak of the Soul Refining Realm or even the early stage of the God Refining Realm, in that case, the situation will not be optimistic.

Lin Yi looked at the monster that was about to go mad very calmly, with an extremely calm expression, as if he had expected it.

Everyone was sweating in their hearts. What did Lin Yi say, it would cause a riot in the entire monster population!If that's the case, with their current strength, can they stop these monsters?

"Why, do you still feel wronged? Do you think I'm wrong?" Lin Yi's body slowly fell from the air, and finally landed on the ground, just in the circle surrounded by monsters.

This action of his really frightened Solanum nigrum, Lin Yi is too risky, he has faced hundreds of thousands of monsters!
However, Lin Yi had already told her before to ask her to retreat a little farther away, together with those monks, to retreat outside the four-pillar flame formation. Of course, she would not disobey Lin Yi's order.

Lin Yi glanced around, his expression extremely indifferent, nearly one-third of the monsters were ready to fight, intending to fight Lin Yi to the death.

"You are very angry because I backtracked, right? I'm sorry, I never said I would let all of you monsters go. Back then, I rescued you from the Demon Suppressing Tower and gave you freedom. I thought you would be honest Live on the ground and don't endanger the common people. Unexpectedly, my one mistake would cause such consequences. I want to ask you, when you massacred the people in Kundu City, did you show mercy? When you were raging in China, did you No regrets? When you colluded with the Poison God Sect and intended to destroy China, did you feel any guilt? No, right? The hearts of many monsters among you have completely fallen into the bloodthirsty swamp, and the only thing waiting for you is destruction "Although Lin Yi's voice was not loud, it rang in the ears of every monster.

Those monsters who killed the most and had the strongest cultivation immediately turned into beasts, and then rushed towards Lin Yi frantically.

"If you want to kill us, I'll shoot you to death!" A huge gorilla monster flew up, raised its giant palm, and slapped Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's expression was indifferent, he took a step, and stepped on the shoulder of the orangutan, only heard a groan, and all the bones of the orangutan were smashed into pieces, like a puddle of mud.

Even though it was only in the early stages of the God Realm, it was shocking enough to trample to death a monster in the God Realm.

Lin Yi's next actions were very rough, and all the monsters who resisted were "purified" one by one.

This is blood feud!
When Lin Yi was killing these monsters, what echoed in his ears was the neighing of the souls of the city, it was a kind of unwilling grief and indignation!

This kind of grief and anger made Lin Yi's massacre even more severe. Under the protection of the demon armor, he completely ignored the attacks of those monsters.

This is the real horror!Both monsters and monks were shocked by Lin Yi's killing methods.

This is the demeanor of killing a god, slaughtering hundreds of beasts with one knife, the blood rains all over the sky, and the blood of those beasts gathers into a river, flowing on the street.

Those monsters in the refining realm seemed to be crazy, and under the stimulation of blood, their attacks became more and more crazy.

Lin Yi knew that this was the power of the Asura clan, and these monsters had clearly become the pioneers of the Poison God Sect, and became a tool for killing head after head.

Solanum nigrum looked at Lin Yi very nervously, she was very worried, afraid that Lin Yi would become a killing spree, which was not what she wanted to see.

"Mrs. Leader, don't worry. Mr. Leader is not possessed by demons. He is really saving these monsters." An eminent monk from Fanyin Temple said with a smile, interrupting Solanum nigrum's thoughts.

Solanum nigrum looked at the eminent monk suspiciously, and asked, "Master, what do you mean by that? My husband is killing. Does killing also conform to your Buddhist way of salvation?"

"Amitabha, what the leader is killing now is the evil in the world. These monsters are not bad in nature, but their hearts have been polluted by evil, so that they become bloodthirsty and violent. Although the leader killed them, their But the soul became pure at that moment. Moreover, the leader killed only the most evil monsters among them, and the leader did not kill any of the lesser evil monsters, and the benevolence in the leader's heart has not changed at all." The eminent monk looked at Lin Yi's eyes were full of reverence, if Lin Yi heard what he said, he would definitely be irritated.

It's not that he doesn't want to kill those monsters, but because there are too many monsters, he doesn't want to cause all the monsters to riot.

Lin Yi will not let go of any of those sinful monsters. This is not only an explanation to the people in the city, but also an explanation to himself.

India, in the hall of the Poison God Sect.

Asura was looking at the huge crystal ball in the hall with a look of enjoyment. In the crystal ball, a red air mass was growing, and there was a strong bloody aura in the air mass.

There were still four people sitting in the hall, and the faces of those four people were very ugly, staring at Asura.

"It's wonderful! Lin Yi is really worthy of being my good son-in-law. He spared no effort to help me. Although he destroyed a mountain, I can earn a lot of money with interest in exchange for these things, hahaha ..." Asura laughed wildly, feeling very happy.

He turned his head, glanced at the four of them, and said: "The four of you have come to my Poison God Sect from thousands of miles away. After entering, you have been silent. If you have anything to say, just say it directly. You don't need to be so polite with me."

"Hmph! The younger generation of the Asura clan, none of the things you promised before have been fulfilled. Do you really think that you can become king and hegemony just because of your Poison God Sect? It's so ridiculous!" It was Wood with an angry face. He managed to escape from the Cathode Land to the big world and was seriously injured.

He thought that Asura would help him, but he didn't expect that guy to pretend he didn't see him, and he didn't take him seriously at all. Of course, he couldn't bear it because he was always proud.

Besides him, the other three are Zhou Yan, Yin Batian, the leader of the Huaxia Evil Alliance, and Sato Ichiro, the leader of the Japanese Ninja Sect. They came to the Poison God Sect together, obviously to attack Asura.

As soon as Mumu finished speaking, Sato Ichiro slapped the wooden table angrily, got up and scolded: "Asura, I have been hurt so badly by you, you let us launch an attack on the Eastern Front, you are basically using our great Japanese soldiers as cannon fodder, we Wa country has suffered such a big loss this time, what do you think should be done!"

"Mr. Sato is right. Our Evil Alliance has always been cannon fodder, and your Poison God Sect's losses are minimal. If this continues, I think our Evil Alliance will soon be destroyed. At this time, I would like to see, your poisonous sect How long can the Divine Cult last!" Yin Batian is the weakest here, with a stern look on his face.

Zhou Yan is a wooden person, he has nothing to say, the meaning of wood is what he means.

Asura listened to their words quietly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: "Just such a trivial matter? I thought there was something important, it's really boring!"

(End of this chapter)

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