Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 202 Jade Emperor Moved

Chapter 202 Jade Emperor Moved

After finishing speaking, the Jade Emperor still had a hesitation on his face.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he said with a wry smile: "However, this level of priesthood cannot be given indiscriminately. That's fine, for the sake of the Tathagata Buddha, I can give Xiaoxian a third-rank priesthood."

"In charge of the millions of heavenly soldiers in the fairy world!"

In charge of the priesthood of millions of heavenly soldiers in the fairy world!
This is indeed terrifying and amazing, and it is still a third-rank, what a status this third-rank priesthood is.

Marshal Canopy knew very well that this was not within the heavens, so he could just walk sideways.

How can this kid, He De, be able to get such a good priesthood.

Marshal Tianpeng looked unwilling.

But what can he do if he is not reconciled, this matter is not something he can decide in the first place.

This was a matter of discussion between Chutian and the Jade Emperor.

With Cangtian's priesthood exchange token in hand, Chutian must have the strength to bargain with the Jade Emperor.

He really didn't believe that he wouldn't be able to get a first-rank priesthood.

Looking at the Jade Emperor in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips and raised his hand, saying without even thinking about it: "Heavenly Immortal World Priesthood, rank 1 priesthood, I offer 30 billion immortal coins every year, if you don't agree, I'd rather have the seven High-grade priesthood, but I won’t give cents of immortal coins, I will also take my salary.”

The Jade Emperor was taken aback, he had never seen such a bargain.

His eyes fell on Taibai Jinxing at the side, all because he wanted Taibai Jinxing to pay attention.

Taibai Jinxing also had a wry smile on his face, his priesthood was only a second-rank priesthood, and he didn't have the ability to set this rank at all.

He has no right to be the master.

But most importantly, Chutian's price is indeed too high.

30 billion fairy coins, so many fairy coins, can support a lot of expenses for the entire heaven.

But for this first-rank priesthood, the guy in front of him said that he only wanted the first-rank priesthood, and if he didn't want it, he would rather only have the seventh-rank one.

Heavenly Court will not benefit at all.

This matter made it very difficult for Taibai Jinxing to make a decision, and now it is even more unclear whether Chutian can take out 30 billion cents for a year.

This number is too huge, and it is not something that ordinary immortals can handle.

Seeing a bit of hesitation in the other party's eyes, Chu Tian didn't hesitate anymore, and raised his hand and said, "I can take out 10 billion cents coins and hand them over to you, so that you can know that 30 billion cents coins are easy for me .”

When the Jade Emperor raised his head, his eyes flickered and looked over.

Chutian didn't talk nonsense, he just sold the one billion immortal coins in the system directly.

"All billions of immortal coins are here, you are Taibaijinxing, come and check."

A lot of fairy coins and fairy stones were poured directly, which made Taibai Jinxing startled, and his expression changed immediately.

As soon as he raised his hand, he used the Qiankun bag to put away all Chutian's immortal coins.

The amount of these fairy coins is so large that it makes people look astonished.

It took about ten minutes to install it before it was all installed.

Taibai Jinxing took a deep breath and counted, his face trembling a little; "But, it is one billion cents."

Raising his head, his eyes fell on the Jade Emperor in front of him, all asking the Jade Emperor a little bit.

The Jade Emperor's expression changed, with a kind of hesitation.

Chu Tian didn't want to wait any longer, he was willing to take a gamble, betting that the Jade Emperor of the Heaven Realm was also short of immortal coins and stocks in the Heaven Court, so he wasn't a little nervous?
Chu Tian smiled and said directly; "One billion immortal coins can be taken away now, as long as you give me a first-rank priesthood, if you still don't plan to give it to me."

"Then return one billion fairy coins, I want a seventh-rank priesthood and that's enough!"

What a tone.

This guy dared to bargain with the Jade Emperor.

This bastard thought he was great because he was rich!

I really thought that the Jade Emperor could take a fancy to his money!
Marshal Tianpeng sneered, his face was cold, and under the sneer of curled lips, he didn't want to say, "You brave little fairy, dare to bribe the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor has immeasurable merits, how could you?" Buy it."

"Haha, let me tell you, the Heavenly Court of Heaven is not short of these 30 billion cents!"

Marshal Canopy, who was laughing wildly, laughed loudly and had a bright face.

The face of the Jade Emperor in front of him changed, and he looked at Marshal Tianpeng with an ugly expression.

Gritting his teeth, he let out a dry cough, and said to Taibaijinxing, "Taibaijinxing, how much is our heavenly income this year?"

Taibai Jinxing was stunned, seeing something unusual on the solemn face of the Jade Emperor, hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "This time, the Sifang Immortal World has not given us many offerings."

"The Southern Heaven Realm paid 8 million cents coins this year, of which 3 million cents coins are debts from last year."

"10 billion cents in the West Heaven Realm!"

"One billion cents in the East Heaven Realm!"

"13 billion cents in the Northern Heaven Realm!"

After finishing speaking, Na raised his head and looked respectfully at the Jade Emperor: "Together it is 42 billion immortal coins."

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on a person.

Marshal Canopy shivered all over and lowered his head. He almost forgot one thing.

30 billion immortal coins, comparable to a year's offerings in the immortal world.

Jade Emperor really can't be tempted?

So what if you have a first-rank priesthood, you are still under the Jade Emperor!
The Jade Emperor also wanted to take care of the Heavenly Court, but the Heavenly Court's expenses were too high, and even one year's offerings could not resist the expense.

Someone is willing to send 30 billion immortal coins, how could this make the Jade Emperor not excited.

But I didn't expect that someone would destroy it.

The Jade Emperor's face was icy, which made Marshal Tianpeng tremble all over. Now he really dare not meet the Jade Emperor's eyes.

People around are afraid to vent their anger.

I could only hear the Jade Emperor say: "In our Heavenly Court, we need people with immeasurable merit, a first-rank priesthood, and even a high-level immortal with perfect merit, and this little immortal, although he has no perfect merit."

"But he has the Buddha seat of the Tathagata Buddha, and he has obtained three Buddha seats. Everyone said, can't his merit be considered complete?"

Everyone's expressions changed, and they immediately lowered their heads when they heard the Jade Emperor's words.

Some people are directly in line.

"The Jade Emperor is right!"

The Jade Emperor nodded in satisfaction, and continued; "The first-rank priesthood is for those who are capable. His ability is recognized by the Tathagata. The emperor has nothing to say, and he can give out 30 billion cents for a year."

"This is rare in the fairy world, so the emperor is willing to give him a chance. If he can collect 30 billion fairy coins as soon as possible, the emperor will keep his priesthood, otherwise, he will be driven out of the heaven!"

As soon as the words came out, many people were shocked.

The Jade Emperor's words were clearly agreed to.

Give it to Chutian first-rank priesthood.

What a noble conferment this is, which many immortals in the fairy world cannot have.

Both Taishang Laojun and Tota Heavenly King looked deeply at Chutian, with a strange expression on their faces.

All I could hear was Taibai Jinxing in front of me, a loud voice came.


"First-rank priesthood, heaven-suppressing priesthood, god-given first-rank, seal the Zhentianshen title, and get the Zhentianshen mansion. The heavens are above, and the enlightenment is obtained. The power of the heavenly court shakes the heavens!"

For a moment, all the immortals in the whole room froze, facing Chu Tian.

Their faces changed, and in the end, they saluted with both hands.

"Participate in the history of the town gods!"

(End of this chapter)

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