Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 204 The Provocation of Marshal Canopy

Chapter 204 The Provocation of Marshal Canopy

The sky is full of gods and generals, and the two gods are immortal emperors.

This made Marshal Canopy a little stressed, clenched his fists, his face changed unsteadily, looking at a guy in front of him, he had an ugly face.

In just a short moment, this kid is full of scenery.

Thinking that he, Marshal of the Canopy, had practiced for tens of thousands of years before he got the seventh-rank priesthood of this canopy.

He was not convinced by the canopy, and he was not convinced at all by the kid in front of him.

What ability does this kid have, dare to be above him!
Marshal Canopy, who was holding the nine-tooth nail rake tightly, glared at Chutian, gritted his teeth, and raised his hand, pointing at Chutian and saying, "Boy, you have a high-level priesthood. It's really cool to play prestige here. I thought you were Grandpa Pig and I was afraid of you."

"If you want to be capable, let these people not make any moves. I will accompany you, Grandpa Pig, and I will fight alone. How about comparing yourself!"

When Marshal Tianpeng opened his mouth, Chu Tian curled his lips with a calm face; "Why should I fight with you?"

Marshal Tianpeng laughed wildly, loudly, with a kind of sarcasm.

"As a first-rank priest, you are still afraid of my seventh-rank canopy. If you say it, you won't be laughed at. If you can beat my canopy, I will obey your orders in the future. If you make me kneel, I will never stand!"

Marshal Canopy, who waved his hand, was so imposing, he looked over coldly, with a sneer on his face.

Chu Tian frowned, and when he heard this, his face really pulled.

Seeing the change in his face, Taibai Jinxing couldn't help persuading him; "Emperor Zhentian, although this canopy is only a seventh-rank canopy, but he has unique skills, and his senior brother is also a generation of demon saints."

"Especially the nine-toothed rake artifact in his hand, which even the Immortal Emperor is afraid of. Why should Emperor Zhentian not mess with him? Just leave this matter to a few gods!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head and looked over, he looked at Taibai Jinxing in front of him and said, "Are you telling me to step back and let me still curse at him?"

Taibai Jinxing smiled wryly, and said helplessly, "This canopy has been so arrogant since he got the priesthood again. Please don't have the same knowledge as him. With the godship and immortal position of the emperor, there is no need to have the same knowledge as him."

Even so.

But others came to his door and challenged him.

How could Chu Tian not be angry? The Canopy Marshal dared to smash his signboard.

He Chutian is not a mortal in the world now, he is already in the heaven, and he is a first-rank priest.

He, Chutian, was really afraid of anyone.

His face turned cold, and Chu Tian stepped forward: "Okay, I'll fight with you!"

As soon as the words came out, not to mention Taibai Jinxing, the Tota Heavenly King not far away had a look of astonishment.

Even when the Dragon King of He Tian looked at him that day with an ugly face, the two high-ranking immortals couldn't help persuading him.

"Suppressing Angel, you'd better not act recklessly. Give us the canopy, and we can drive him away. You don't need to take action at all."

"That's right, Xianyou is a friend of my Nine Heavens Divine Dragon Clan, and our Nine Heavens Divine Dragon Clan will take care of this matter."

Facing the two people's good words of persuasion, Chu Tian just shook his head slightly, looked straight at the past, his face was proud, with a cold face, and said in a cold voice; Of course I have to fulfill my duties, am I afraid of a small canopy?"

"I want to tell Heavenly Court that I, Chutian, are worthy of the position of this rank of priesthood, and also worthy of the title of Heaven Suppressing Emperor. I am the new generation of Suppressing Heaven God Envoy!"

Chu Tian uttered a loud voice, which was full of courage.

It's really shocking.

Originally, some people thought that Chu Tian just spent a lot of fairy coins to buy this grade of priesthood, and he was just a super rich local tyrant in the fairy world.

But now, they realize that Chu Tian is not only rich, but also has an arrogance, a very confident arrogance.

This made Tota Heavenly King and Tianhe Tianlong King stop talking, wanting to see how powerful the priest in front of them, Xinzhentian Great Emperor, is.

This canopy marshal is not easy to mess with, although he is only the early stage of the immortal emperor, but he is the peak of the early stage of the immortal emperor.

They are even more powerful than those Celestial Immortals.

The nine-toothed rake in his hand was an artifact that even the two of them feared a lot.

With all his cultivation, Chu Tian has definitely not reached the level of the Immortal Monarch, so he really dares to challenge the Immortal Emperor?
Dare to face the canopy marshal holding the artifact?
Seeing Chutian's determined face, Taibai Jinxing gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and said with a serious face; "My lord, I know I can't persuade you, I don't want to see you face the canopy marshal alone, this canopy marshal originally It’s up to our Heavenly Court to take care of it.”

"However, since my lord wants to make a move, the old man will also hand over the last item of this priesthood to you, my lord."

Hearing Taibai Jinxing's words, it seemed that there was something to give him, which made Chu Tian curious.


Taibaixing looked over with a serious face and said: "The priesthood is recognized by the heavens, and it is also recognized by the heavens at the beginning of the priesthood. The first-grade priesthood is a blessing from the heavens. Now the shrine is entrusted to the lord, and the lord is the god of the sky. The master of the house!"

"Shenfu grants the soul, and please accept this immortal soul of the heaven-suppressing priesthood!"

As soon as they finished speaking, they all raised their hands, and a burst of immortal power in their hands was poured directly into the Heaven-Suppressing Divine Mansion in front of them.

The shrine shook, as if the entire shrine was alive.

Yipin Town Tianshen Mansion, which was built for the first generation of emperors who surpassed the Immortal Saint, he used the immortal soul to build the entire Shenfu, so that the Shenfu could obtain the immortal soul.

It is also the incarnation of the gods and the town of immortals.

If you get the position of Zhentian, you can get the immortal soul of Shenfu, which is the immortal soul of the first Emperor Zhentian.

This is also the last transfer of priesthood. Now Taibai Jinxing has handed over the last immortal soul to Chu Tian.

From now on, Chutian is the real master of the Shenfu.

Swish swish!
In an instant, within the Shenfu, the immortal soul directly penetrated into Chu Tian's body with a terrifying aura.

The immortal energy in Chutian's body swelled up, which really made him want to raise his head and roar.

There are too many fairy souls in this shrine.

This fairy soul completely entered his body, which made his cultivation base continue to climb.

Finally, from the middle stage of pulse condensing to the late stage of pulse condensing, one step forward is the early stage of golden core.

It's a pity that at the most critical point, it stopped.

To condense the golden elixir, one must let Chu Tian practice himself. This fairy soul can only strengthen his soul, perfect his physical body, and permanently improve his innate aptitude.

Beyond the immortal soul of the immortal saint, this improved aptitude is not a little bit.

Now Chutian's aptitude is rare in the heavens, and he is the true pride of heaven.

And this fairy soul completely penetrated into his body, which only made Chu Tian feel confident in his heart.

It was as if everything in the world was in the palm of his hand. This feeling was amazing.

This fairy soul is really very suitable to enter his soul and continue to grow his soul.

This Heaven-Suppressing priest really left a good thing behind.

(End of this chapter)

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