Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 224 The Unbelievable Family

Chapter 224 The Unbelievable Family
A celestial treasure is already very hard to find, and it is difficult for a thousand-year-old family to get one.

But the guy in front of him actually said that he had several fairy treasures for sale.

He even held such an auction, and he didn't believe that Chutian would take out that valuable fairy treasure and put it up for auction.

It's definitely impersonating something else.

They will not be fooled if they do their homework.

The Gan family is also one of the top 10 thousand-year-old families in China. Their Gan family has seen many treasures from the fairy family, and they can definitely tell the authenticity of the things that the kid in front of them put out at a glance.

Staring at Chutian, Ganben raised his hand and said without thinking, "Where is the fairy treasure you want to sell, just take it out if you have the ability, and open my eyes for Ganben, I want to see, what you are selling is not real."

The movement of his hands clearly wanted Chutian to hand over the things to him directly.

How could Chutian give that, who is the guy in front of him?

Feeling a little uncomfortable, Chu Tian looked at the person in front of him with a cold face, and said without thinking: "What qualifications do you have, to see the treasure in my hand, and I will give it to you if you say it, what a joke."

Gan Ben's face pulled, and his face became even more ugly; "I see that you are a liar at all. You deliberately used ordinary treasures to pretend to be immortal treasures. Okay, if you don't give them, I will definitely expose you later. Everybody knows."

"You just want to deceive our thousand-year-old family, and your consequences will be dire!"

Defrauding the thousand-year-old family will definitely make the thousand-year-old family directly angry.

At that time, it is impossible for this kid not to die!

The corner of Ganben's mouth kept sneering, and his eyes showed disbelief that Chutian had a large number of immortal treasures for sale.

The distrust in those eyes made Chu Tian ignore it. Why should he care about such a villain? He came here to sell things.

That's it!

Chu Tian raised his foot and walked directly to the backstage of the auction, intending to hand over all the items for this auction to the auctioneer.

There are still some things to explain, so that he has no time to chat with other people.

Watching Chu Tian walk into the backstage of the auction, many people's expressions changed.

Don't say that the Zhang family's face is complicated.

The Zou family also looked solemn.

This auction is very important to both families.

I don't want to make a mistake.

There was only a gloomy glint in Qianben's eyes, watching Chutian walk into the backstage of the auction, and it was obvious that he was taking things out for this auction.

It also made him couldn't help turning his head, and said humanely to the two families; "Don't blame me for not explaining in advance, our family is here this time, just to expose this scam. If you dare to take a few things casually, you dare Pretending to be a fairy."

"Our cadres will never let you go!"

As soon as he raised his hand, Gan Ben's voice was loud, he snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

This made the Zhang family frowned and looked unhappy.

The Zou family, on the other hand, was a bit worried. After watching Chu Tian for a while, they came out, their expressions fluctuating.

Meeting Chutian, Zou Wen forced a smile and couldn't help but said, "Chu, Young Master Chu, can you tell me what exactly you plan to sell?"

Chu Tian glanced over with a calm expression, "You don't believe me?"

"No, I didn't mean that. I just wanted to see how powerful Master Chu's immortal treasures are. Up to now, we have no information at all."

With a wry smile on his face, Zou Wen looked over eagerly.

Chu Tian raised his eyebrows and didn't want to talk nonsense; "If you don't believe me, you can quit now and clear the relationship. Otherwise, when the time comes, you will say that I have harmed your family."

Zou Wen's complexion changed, he hesitated for a few seconds, and forced a smile and said, "I, we don't dare, since Young Master Chu has said so, we are willing to trust Young Master Chu, and our Zou family absolutely dare not doubt Young Master Chu. "

Zou Wen had a fawning expression on his face, which in the eyes of the Zhang family was like a kind of cold snort.

They really look down on the people of the Zou family.

Even Zhang Xuelian couldn't help it, she raised her head, and said in a kind of arrogance; "You Zou's family is really slow in doing things, and you don't believe what Young Master Chu said. Less this side."

"You Zou family don't want to play, you can just quit!"

Zhang Xuelian waved her hand and spoke so loudly that Zou Wen couldn't even say a word.

How to put it this way, this auction is of great importance to the future of the Zou family.

He dare not quit!

Chu Tian returned to the outside of the villa. This time the auction will be held outside the villa.

Someone has already prepared the place.

There are all kinds of delicacies here, and you can taste the delicacies while conducting this auction.

And Qing Xiaoyu and Liu Xinxin had already arrived here, found a good place, and when they saw Chu Tian approaching, they immediately raised their hands to say hello.

"Chutian, we are here."

Seeing the two women, Chu Tian smiled slightly and approached directly.

Noticing the group of people behind Chutian, Qing Xiaoyu was really puzzled, and asked directly, "Young Master Chu, are you ready for this auction?"

"Of course."

Chu Tian nodded confidently, and Qing Xiaoyu asked with a curious expression, "Young Master Chu, what have you prepared?"

"You'll know right away."

Chu Tian didn't want to say it in advance. If it was said in advance, it would be meaningless.

These things cost him a little effort, and it's not too bad to take them out. They will definitely make these thousand-year-old families in the mortal world care about them.

He raised his head and looked ahead.

Right now, the auction has officially started, and everyone has already arrived.

The host of the auction, surrounded by several beauties who welcomed guests, quickly arrived in the middle of the lawn.

As soon as he raised his hand, he attracted the attention of the four people; "Welcome everyone to participate, this time the two great families jointly held the Fairy Treasure Auction, our northern and southern generations, the reputation of the Zhang family is also very resounding."

"Not to mention, everyone is well aware of the reputation of the Zou family. The two great families joined hands to create this auction. I feel very honored to be the host of the first Xianbao auction."

The host was also recruited by the Zou family, and he knew the millennium family very well.

As soon as he spoke, many aristocratic families shot their eyes.

Among them, there was even a person with a cold look in his eyes, looking over with a icy face.

While staring closely at the auctioneer at the front desk, he glanced at Chu Tian and really curled his lips.

He couldn't believe it at all, what kind of fairy treasure this kid could come up with for auction.

The auctioneer in front of him finished speaking in one gulp. At this moment, Ganben couldn't bear it for a long time. When he raised his hand, the voice yelled loudly.

"Before this auction has started, I, as the representative of the Gan family, have something to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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