Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 227 The auction is over

Chapter 227 The auction is over
Chu Tian had a big smile on his face, but he didn't notice the unhappiness in his eyes.

Whether others are happy or not is none of his business.

As long as he's happy, he's happy
After selling a lot of things, Chutian is really happy now, the 2000 billion Huaxia coins have now been transferred to his account.

He plans to invest another 1000 billion in the Qing family, and the remaining 1000 billion will be his deposit.

He is now a billionaire.

Let alone a hundred billionaire, even if it is a trillion, Chutian can afford to be the richest man in China.

A surge of pride rose in his heart, which only made Chu Tian feel full of pride.

The successful holding of the auction brought him a lot of benefits. When the auction ended, many families came forward and wanted to make friends with him.

I have no interest in paying attention to these small mortal families.

Chu Tian always handed it over to Zhang's family, without even thinking about it, he left with Qing Xiaoyu and Liu Xinxin, which really disappointed many members of the aristocratic family.

The members of the Zhang family stood in front of a group of people with serious faces, and they all spoke directly to the people in front of them, "Young Master Chu won't meet anyone, you should give up on this."

"If you have anything to do, just ask our Zhang family. Our Zhang family is Chu Shao's loyal supporter."

As soon as the Zhang family opened their mouths, many people were stunned with hatred on their faces.

I really don't understand why such a powerful person would want such a small family to follow him.

"I want to see Young Master Chu. Our Xuan family has a big business to discuss with Young Master Chu."

"I am willing to fully support Young Master Chu. Our family is willing to work hard for Young Master Chu."

Many people called out directly, the voice was loud, and the words that they spoke made everyone in the Zhang family smile.

That is a kind of pride, because of the pride of knowing Chutian.

Apart from their Zhang family, who else can approach Young Master Chu.

Their Zhang family must take advantage of this opportunity.


As soon as the auction is over.

Chu Tian was paired with the two girls, chatting alone in the room, today's auction was aroused by the curiosity of the two girls.

Each item was worth more than [-] billion, which was a shocking thing for Qing Xiaoyu.

"Young Master Chu, why do you have so many good things in your hand, each item can sell for tens of billions, how much does Young Master Chu have?"

Not to mention Qing Xiaoyu, Liu Xinxin also looked over curiously.

Chu Tian laughed, and said with a bright smile on his face, "I have a lot of things in my hand, so you can rest assured that I can support the two of you, and the affairs of the Qing family will also be taken care of by me."

"Qing Xiaoyu, as long as you take care of the company well, you don't have to worry about money at all."

Hearing Chutian's words, the corners of Qing Xiaoyu's mouth turned up and she smiled.

Nodding his head, he agreed with a hum.

To Chutian, that is full of confidence.

Chu Tian chatted with the two girls for a while, but there was a knock on the door of the room,

It only made Chu Tian frowned, all of them looked unhappy.

He has ordered others not to disturb him.

Chu Tian who raised his head was very upset and said, "Who, come in?"

Walking into the room, it was obvious that they were all members of the Zou family. The Zou family lowered their heads with a flattering smile on their face.

"Young Master Chu, our Zou family actually wants to buy some fairy treasures from Young Master Chu. Of course, the price is easy to negotiate, as long as Young Master Chu is willing to sell it to us."

After finishing speaking, he looked over anxiously, really afraid that Chutian would not agree.

Chu Tian glanced over lightly. After all, the Zou family has helped him with many things, and it would be fine to give him a little favor.

Of course, the benefit of this is only that the things he doesn't need in his hands can be handed over to the man in front of him.

Without even thinking about it, Chutian nodded: "Yes."

As soon as the words were spoken, the Zou family's face was overjoyed and happy; "Thank you, Young Master Chu, thank you Young Master Chu."

"Don't thank me in a hurry. It's not cheap for your Zou family to take my things, and I don't need money at all now. I don't need your Zou family's money."

Chu Tian's words only made the face of the man in front of him change, and his face became ugly, it really changed his face.

With a forced smile, he asked, "Chu, what does Young Master Chu need?"

"Let's think about it, I want your Zou family's family status, for example, enshrine me in your Zou family, let me become the elder of your Zou family, and your Zou family will listen to anything I say."

As soon as he said this, Zou Wen in front of him was really shocked, with a strange expression on his face, he gritted his teeth and couldn't say a word.

Chu Tian didn't want to wait for the other party's time at all. He waved his hand and said, "It's up to you to agree or not. If you don't agree, forget it. I don't have time to chat with you."

"Young Master Chu, if, if you are willing to give it to our Zou family every year, no, two fairy fruits or fairy objects, our Zou family can agree with you."

As soon as Zou Wen raised his head, he looked at him with a serious expression. The words in his mouth made Chu Tian curl his lips and really laughed.

"it is good."

Buying two pieces of fairy fruit and buying the future of an aristocratic family is not worthwhile for other people.

For Chutian, it was very cost-effective.

What a bargain!
Whoever wants him to get those fairy fruits and fairy things can really get them in his hand with just a casual raise of his hand.

There are two fairy fruits a year, he can just pick two at random.

It doesn't need him to think about it at all.

Chu Tian agreed with a nod, and Zou Wen immediately breathed a sigh of relief, his face was full of joy and brilliance, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Seeing the other party's satisfied smile, Chu Tian sighed, this mortal family is really so foolish.

Just take two pieces of fairy fruit and make them so happy.

No wonder, apart from Chutian, there are so many people from mortal families.

But he stopped at the Golden Core realm and couldn't move forward.

I have never seen a real fairy thing, and there are quite a few.

This is not to blame for their short-sightedness, what Chutian possesses is beyond their imagination.

Seeing that the Zou family agreed, Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the two small fairy fruits, and handed them to Zou Wen who was in front of him.

Zou Wen, who got the fairy fruit, smiled brightly, lowered his head, and left the room.

After the Zou family left, Chu Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to continue talking about some personal matters with the two women.

Unexpectedly, there was another knock on the door, which made Chu Tian very impatient; "What's the matter?"

This time, it was Zhang Xuelian's voice that came over; "Chu, Young Master Chu, I'm sorry, actually, there is actually one thing that I have to tell you, it's urgent."

Zhang Xuelian's voice trembled a little, and she could tell that she must be looking for him urgently.

Without even thinking about it, Chu Tian opened the door of the room and saw Zhang Xuelian's ugly face at a glance.

Raising her head and staring at Chu Tian in front of her, Zhang Xuelian bit her lips and said, "There is a situation in a family, and I, our Zhang family don't know how to deal with it, so I'm here to disturb you, Young Master Chu."

(End of this chapter)

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