Chapter 235
Chutian's Immortal Soul of Shenfu flew up into the sky in an instant.

The momentum of this grade of priesthood only shocked everyone.

At such a young age, this kid is actually a first-rank priest in heaven.

It was just horrific, terrific.

What is the status of the first-rank priesthood? It is comparable to their Daoxiu Immortal Emperor, the Taishang Laojun.

I'm afraid that even the Taishang Laojun will be respectful when he sees the people in front of him.

How could they not be shocked.

People with this level of priesthood can't afford 3000 million, how is it possible?

In an instant, the entire venue was boiling.

"I, I am willing to sell you 3 Yangxin Pills."

"I have one too, and I want to sell it to you."

"I have twenty Yangxin Pills in my hand, and I will sell them all to you, as long as you give me 3000 million!"

A voice was loud, someone did have a lot of Yangxin Pills in stock.

Although this thing is rare, it is also supplied by Taoist saints every year. Of course, some people have stored some.

With this 3 million yuan, are they afraid that they won't be able to buy more Yangxin Pills?
Immediately there was an immortal who raised his hand and sold twenty Yangxin Pills to Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was not polite, he paid the money with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand.

After getting 3 Yangxin Pills, Chu Tian did it very boldly, buying 20 Yangxin Pills for [-] million.

It's just unbelievable.

Xuan Ming who was not far away was stunned.

Zhang Ren also raised his head and stared at Chu Tian with a shocked expression. His expression changed unsteadily as he watched Chu Tian take the Yangxin Pill.

What is the origin of this man?
It's actually a first-rank priesthood!
As soon as Chu Tian approached, without even thinking about it, he threw all the Yangxin Pills over.

Zhang Ren stretched out his hand to take it, his face was shocked, looking at the Yangxin Pill in his hand, his heart was deeply moved.

Unexpectedly, he didn't come down to the present. As the successor of Dao Zun, he was looked down upon by others, and there are still people helping him.

Zhang Ren burst into tears.

"Thank you, thank you!"

"Just remember what you said."

Chu Tian raised his hand and said calmly.

Zhang Ren squeezed the Yangxin Pill, nodded seriously, with a serious expression on his face.

He will definitely not forget the kindness this time, no matter what Chutian asks him to do, he is willing to do it.

When Xuan Ming saw that Chu Tian actually spent 3 million yuan to buy Yangxin Pills and gave them to Zhang Ren, he was totally slapping him in the face.

They, the Xuan family, don't want to see the successor of this Daoist revive.

Clenching his fists, Xuanming stared at Chutian with an ugly face, and said coldly, "You want to take care of our Eastern Heaven Realm's affairs, don't you also want to intervene in this battle of Daoist Venerables? You, an outsider, actually want to Intervene."

"You offended our Xuan family, our Xuan family will make you look good!"

Chu Tian is not afraid of threats from others at all. Hearing this, he pursed his lips and said in a deep voice: "Idiot, you dare to threaten me. It's a joke. Your Xuan family is a fart. I will appreciate the position of Dao Zun. It's ridiculous." !"

With a cold snort, Chu Tian looked down upon him.

This made Xuan Ming almost die of anger.

This guy is so nasty!

If it wasn't for the uncomfortable location, he really wanted to attack the kid in front of him.

How should I put it, the conference held by Dao Sheng is about to begin.

These outsiders, Taoist saints do not allow a little thing before the start of the conference.

Clenching his fists, Xuan Ming only looked at Chu Tian with cold eyes.

His Xuan family would not forget about it.


Zhang Ren took a heart-nourishing pill, and his complexion improved a lot.

Dao Sheng's elixir is indeed extremely powerful.

This elixir of the Yellow Emperor's inner alchemy has excellent medicinal effects, and can heal his damaged injuries in an instant.

One a day, with only 5 Yangxin pills, he can regain his strength, which made his face full of excitement.

Facing Chutian, he had a grateful expression on his face: "Thank you, thank you, Lord Yipin."

Chu Tian nodded, his eyes fell on the auction ahead, he still had something to buy.

But he was not in the mood to care about this newly recruited subordinate. .

Noticing Chutian, Zhang Ren's face in front of him was also fluctuating, and he couldn't help but ask, "My lord, do you have anything else you need?"

How to put it, Chutian took out 3000 million in one breath, which is definitely not an ordinary rich person.

He believed that the person in front of him must have come to buy something when he came to this auction, and this item must not be simple.

For a split second, Zhang Ren thought of one item: "My lord, do you already know that Mr. Dao Sheng has put an item that surpasses the heavens in this auction."

"Oh, you know?"

Chu Tian looked over curiously.

Zhang Ren nodded, and said with a serious face: "I heard that this thing has something to do with Dao Xin, adults don't know, it's not clear, it's the Dao Xin planting method of our Taoist cultivation."

"Taoist planting method?"

"Yes, we are different from cultivating Buddhas and demons. We cultivate the mind, especially the mind of the Tao. This is what we major in."

Zhang Ren explained to Chu Tian with a serious face; "To cultivate the Dao Heart, it is very simple to make the Dao Heart small, but to make the Dao Heart great, to have the Dao Heart planting method, to transform the real body, and to condense the Dao Body. Great talent, hard to cultivate."

From the looks of it, this Taoist cultivation also has a lot of strengths.

It is similar to the Buddha's practice of Dharma.

Daoist cultivators also have a Dao body, which can only be obtained when the Dao heart cultivates the Dharma to great success.

The Tao body is perfect, this is the real Taoist immortal.

Only with the strength of the immortal monarch can one obtain the Dao Body!

"I heard that this time, Lord Dao Sheng got something about strengthening the Dao body, which can allow ordinary immortals to plant dharma directly from the Dao heart without learning the Dao method, and get the Dao body, and even more so to get the Dao body." people, go to the next level."

Chu Tian's eyes lit up. Hearing this thing, it was so powerful, and the corners of his mouth could not stop smiling, his face brightened.

This thing was prepared just for him.

"However, my lord, I think the Xuan family also came here for this heart-planting method. They prepared a lot of immortal coins just to compete for this treasure."

Chu Tian swept his eyes and looked not far away.

The confident Xuan family.

The Xuan family is rich?

Does Chutian have no money?

No one can match his wealth, no one can match him.

He absolutely wants to buy this heart seeding item!

Right now, the auction has started again, and this time the auctioneers are all looking around before taking out an item.

I couldn't help but said; "Next, I have a very important item that I want to show everyone."

"Today, many people from outside the Eastern Heaven Realm came here. I think you all know that our Dao Sage seized the Dao of Heaven. After spending a hundred years, we came back and got a lot of treasures from the Dao of Heaven!"

There was a lot of discussion around.

The whole crowd is a kind of boiling.

The faces of the Xuan family were the most excited. The Xuan family came to Xuan Ming's side and said directly: "Master, it seems that the things we want to buy are finally about to appear."

"Haha, this time our Xuan family has collected 5 million immortal coins, who dares to snatch it from our Xuan family, this thing, our Xuan family will definitely get it!"

(End of this chapter)

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