Chapter 249
As soon as Emperor Xuanfeng raised his hand, his face was even more disdainful, and a gust of heavenly wind hit Chutian directly.

He was about to smash Chu Tian to the ground and humiliate him in front of the Zhang family.

Unexpectedly, the wind rushed to Chu Tian's side that day, but Chu Tian waved his hand and flew away directly.

This made Emperor Xuanfeng startled, and everyone in the Xuan family was shocked.

This was the Immortal Emperor's early attack, and this kid could bounce him away with just a wave of his hand.

How is this possible, this kid is not a Daoist?
Emperor Xuanfeng's face was ugly.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, he sneered with his mouth curled up, and looked directly at the past with a look of contempt: "You are the Immortal Emperor of the Xuan Family, that's all, just relying on you, how can you understand what I learned about Xuanyuan?" Taoism."

"There is also Xuanhuang Tiandao, I am a fellow practitioner of the dual Taoism, are you sure you can beat me?"

Emperor Xuanfeng looked angry and looked at the guy in front of him. He really didn't expect that Chutian would know the Xuanyuan Taoism, which only Taoist saints can do.

The Xuan family spent countless sums of money trying to obtain Xuanyuan Taoism, but unfortunately they were all unsuccessful.

But was comprehended by the kid in front of him.

Emperor Xuanfeng immediately became furious.

"I understand that you are the one who killed our Xuan family, and all of this is yours. I, Emperor Xuanfeng, will never bypass you."

The Immortal Emperor who roared furiously made this space full of strong winds.

Even the Xuan family, feeling the anger of Emperor Xuanfeng, had an ugly expression on their faces, and hurriedly backed away, not daring to approach.

Emperor Xuanfeng became furious, as long as he killed Chu Tian, ​​the Xuan family could secure the position of the number one immortal family in the Eastern Heaven Realm.

As soon as he raised his hand, a strong wind rose up, directly forcing Chutian in front of him.

"What about Taoist Xuanyuan Taoism? You don't major in the Dao of Heaven, just because you still want to master Xuanyuan Taoism. Ignorance is ridiculous. I will kill you like an ant."

"Look at my way of heaven, the wind blows ten thousand bones, and slaughters immortals and Buddhas!"

Every move was blown directly towards Chu Tian by the wind of ten thousand winds.

He wanted to blow Chutian into a mummy.

The strength of this immortal emperor is extremely violent, and this ten thousand winds cannot be resisted by ordinary immortals.

The entire ground was blown up, and the entire Daosheng Hall was shaken.

The Immortal Emperor's furious attack made the two brothers and sisters of the Zhang family even more desperate.

Even if Dao Zun is reborn, it may be difficult to defend against this blow.

Feeling the strength of the other party's Taoism, Chu Tian also felt a sense of arrogance in his heart. He obtained two strands of Taoism, and also obtained a Dao body that was about to achieve great success.

He didn't think that he was much worse than the Immortal Emperor in front of him.

Under the shadow of the Taoist body, Chu Tian didn't even want to use the invitation card, and directly relied on his own dual Taoism to resist the past.

"Xuanyuan Taoism, magic spells, Tianfeng against Tianfeng!"

"Xuanhuang Tiandao, the spell breaks the emperor, water, fire and thunder, return to one method, break!"

With a casual lift, the terrifying Xuanyuan Taoism really took an instant, preventing the Heavenly Daofeng of Emperor Xuanfeng in front of him from getting close.

Xuanhuang Tiandao, not to mention, this spell surpasses Xuanyuan Dao's method. In an instant, the three methods are unified, and they will directly break through Tianfeng in an instant.

There was a loud sound, and as soon as the wind broke, Emperor Xuanfeng spat out a mouthful of blood.

His body swayed, he took a few steps back, and was injured by Chutian's Shuang Dao method, which made his face ugly and embarrassing.

He didn't expect that he majored in Heaven and Taoism, but he couldn't compare to the kid in front of him.

How could he bear it, he must not bear it!
Emperor Xuanfeng's face was extremely ugly, and he was very angry, planning to fight Chutian desperately.

Chu Tian was also thinking about a question, whether to use the invitation card.

If it was in the past, he would have directly asked the immortal card to sell, and with the help of the immortal emperor, he could quickly end the battle.

But now, he doesn't intend to do that.

He practiced Buddhism and Taoism, and he has already obtained many opportunities.

Now the battle with the demon sage is imminent, and at that time, it is not possible to defeat the great demon sage with the invitation card.

He doesn't think that his strength is no better than the Immortal Emperor,

He even killed Xianjun.

Are you really not afraid of this Immortal Emperor?

Clenching his fists tightly, Chu Tian took a deep breath, and looked at Immortal Emperor Xuanfeng indifferently in front of him.

The ghost comes out of the body and returns to the body!
The Dharma is revealed, and the Heavenly Buddha is coming to the world!

The Immortal Soul of the Divine Mansion, Suppress the Heavens!
The double cultivating method can be taken out in an instant.

The aura of Chu Tian's whole body swelled even more, even if he had not reached the level of immortality, he directly stepped over ordinary immortals.

This moment, even if it is only a few minutes.

Even if Chutian's body can't bear so many supernatural blessings.

But he still turned into an emperor with a mortal body, turning into an immortal emperor.

As soon as the Immortal Emperor's aura came out, it was obvious that the Great Emperor Xuanfeng in front of him was stunned. He never thought that Chu Tian could turn into an emperor in place.

Relying on the incarnation of the ground, he directly reached the level of the immortal emperor.

In the Three Realms, is there such a perverted guy?

Chu Tian made a move in an instant.


As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, it was indeed extremely terrifying. With the palm of the Heavenly Buddha, the double Heavenly Dao Dao Dharma spell directly hit him.

Emperor Xuanfeng looked astonished, and realized that he used his Heavenly Wind Taoism to resist.

Unfortunately, facing Chutian's terrifying strength, he is no match.

Even if Dao Zun is in front of Chu Tian, ​​it's nothing more than that!
This explosion and Chu Tian's blow directly sent Emperor Xuanfeng flying.

Immortal emperors of this generation were all very aggrieved. Before he could show his full strength, he was knocked into the air by someone.

Chutian didn't give him a second chance to show it at all.

As soon as he raised his hand, the countless spells fell directly on his body.

What's more, the entire Dao body of Emperor Xuanfeng exploded in an instant, and the Dao body was shattered, unable to resist.

Boom boom boom!
Faced with Chu Tian's madness, the faces of the Xuan family were all chilly and timid.

Emperor Xuanfeng is also a senior figure of the Xuan family, but now he is abused into this appearance.

This kid is too perverted!
Under Xuanyuan Taoism and Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao, Immortal Emperor Xuanfeng was already on the verge of death.

Chu Tian curled his lips and smiled coldly, Tian Buddha moved and grabbed him into Tian Buddha's hands again.

Make Emperor Xuanfeng unable to resist.

Seeing all this, the Xuan family's expression changed greatly, and they all wanted to come forward.

But when Chu Tian raised his hand, a soul stone appeared in his hand and flew into the sky.

He has never used the Nine Nether Soul Stones to absorb immortals.

Now is the time to experiment.

"Returning the soul, absorbing all immortals!"


Together with the strong wind, the souls of these immortals were directly sucked into the soul stones.

There is no one left in the Xuan family, that is turned into mummified corpses.

Chu Tian took back the soul stone and noticed that the soul stone was completely full, so he put it back with satisfaction.

His eyes fell on the Great Emperor Xuanfeng, his mission was on this Immortal Emperor, of course he would not show mercy.

"So what about the fairy family, you want to be the number one fairy family, with me, I won't let you succeed, die!"

"You, poof!"

Under the spit of blood, Emperor Xuanfeng couldn't break free, he was pinched to death by Chu Tianfo in his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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