Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 252 The Head of the Dragon King of Zhenhai

Chapter 252 The Head of the Dragon King of Zhenhai

He is really so handsome.


What these two generals said was not wrong.

This man is handsome, indeed wherever he goes, he is always so handsome.

Chu Tian smiled, waved his hand, and said in a brilliant way; "For the sake of flattering you, my lord will forgive you once, hurry up and report that my lord is back, open the door, and I will The adults still have things to deal with."

As soon as Chu Tian opened his mouth, the expressions of the two generals changed.

I wanted to say something, but I didn't know that there was a voice coming from the gate of the Shenfu.

The visitor came out directly, walking out of the shrine with a full of air, and at a glance, they all curled their lips and snorted coldly.

"Who dares to yell in front of this grade of divine palace, who is this guy, why don't you drive him away, which heavenly soldier is this, and ran to the wrong place?"

With a curl of his lips, the man in front of him had a sneer on his face.

As soon as they opened their mouths, the expressions of the two god generals changed. When they saw the person coming, they also lowered their heads: "Master He Ao Dragon King of Wupin Town, I am really sorry. This little heavenly soldier went to the wrong place. We will let him go now."

"Master Dragon King calm down, I will let him leave here quickly."

When the two generals raised their heads, they kept giving Chu Tian a bad look.

It's a pity that Chu Tian didn't move, his eyes fell on the fifth-rank priest Dragon King in front of him.

This Dragon King really has a pretty face. His face is as smooth as jade, and he is wearing a silk robe. His air is bigger than him.

After noticing his gaze, his face really pulled.

The Dragon Clan was originally proud.

Aoye ranks in the fifth rank, only under the Tianhe Dragon King clan, he dominates all over the world, and occupies a high position, who dares to look at him like that.

In front of him, only people were kneeling, no one dared to stand.

Within the Aquarium, he is the True Dragon Emperor!

"Little Heavenly Soldier, why don't you know what's good or bad? Hehe, you are a Heavenly Soldier who dares to make a fuss in this first-rank priesthood. Believe it or not, this Dragon King will swallow you in one gulp."

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian curled his lips and looked straight at him with a calm face; "I hear your tone is crazy, but this is the mansion of the first-rank god envoy, and you are just a fifth-rank little dragon king. What qualifications, crazy here?"

Ao Ye's face was pulled, and he was choked by Chu Tian's words: "You are a small soldier from the world, how dare you look down on me, so what about the gods who suppress the sky, I am also the Dragon King of Zhenhai, and there is only one word difference between me and him, I will tell you , Heaven-Suppressing Angel, see Ben Long."

"You also have to be respectful to Benlong, and speak nicely, how can someone like you understand that?"

Chu Tian's eyes turned cold, and he smiled coldly: "Oh, really?"

"You little Tianbing, and you know how powerful I am, the Dragon King of Zhenhai. Damn it, seeing that you don't know good and bad, let this Dragon King teach you a lesson."

In an instant, Aoye's jade-faced human face also began to change.

Directly transfiguring the dragon head, this dragon head is really terrifying, with a dragon mouth and dragon breath, it makes a fairy mist appear all around.

The horror of the dragon's head shocked the two generals.

He took a few steps back with an ugly face, and looked at Chu Tian in front of him with sympathy.

This is the mighty Dragon King of Zhenhai, the fifth-rank priesthood. When the Dragon King gets angry, none of their generals dare to provoke him. This little heavenly soldier is finished.

"This Dragon King tells you, even if this Dragon King swallows it in one gulp, no one dares to say anything. This Dragon King, I will let you understand now what will happen to you if you offend this Dragon King."

That mouth was facing Chu Tian, ​​and he was going to bite directly.

It's a pity that as soon as the mouth moved, it grew into a long mouth, and before it got close to Chutian, a scolding sound came directly.

Chu Tian, ​​who originally wanted to do something, also stood still, watching the two twin goddesses block in front of him.

"Stop me!"

"Aoye, you are crazy, you dare to attack our lord, you want our sisters to cut off your dragon head!"


The light flashed by, and the two swords crossed in an instant, directly blocking Chu Tian's face in an instant.

Directly force the Aoye leader in front of him back.

Ao Ye trembled all over, looking at the two women in front of him, they were clearly stunned.

Especially what the two girls said shocked Aoye and the two generals beside him.

The general's expression was ugly, and he stared at Chutian, his expression fluctuating: "The red envoy, the blue envoy, the general, who is this sir?"

"Are you all blind? This is Lord Yipin Tiantian Envoy. I told you not to step on auspicious clouds, and your aura is astonishing. You are comparable to an immortal emperor, and you are an invincible lord of the Three Realms!"

"You are really blind. Your lord is right in front of you, but you still can't recognize him. What qualifications do you have to be the gatekeepers?"

Hear the words of the two women.

The two goalkeepers trembled all over and immediately knelt down.

puff puff!
The two generals looked terrified: "We don't know anything, it's all because of our blindness, we didn't see the majesty of your lord, please forgive me, lord."

"My lord, we didn't do it on purpose. We didn't see the auspicious cloud of your lord before, thinking, thinking... I deserve to die, please forgive me!"

God will tremble, the change in his face.

Aoye in front of him was also shocked. He never expected that the one in front of him was a first-rank priest.

He actually wanted to swallow a tier-one priesthood in one gulp just now!
Aoye's dragon face turned blue, blue turned white, his face was ugly, his face turned pale, and he couldn't say a word.

"Sir, are you alright?"

Ru Rong and Ru Fang looked over with concern.

Chu Tian nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at the Dragon King in front of him, and said to the two women: "Didn't you just say that you want to chop off his dragon head, to be honest, the head of the Dragon King of Zhenhai might be very valuable , haha, I really want to collect it, this kind of treasure is rare."

When Ru Rong and Ru Fang heard Chu Tian's words, their expressions turned pale and they raised their swords.

They were all aimed at the dragon head of Aoye in front.

Ao Ye's face changed drastically, his whole body trembled, and he knelt down directly.

"My lord, please forgive me, my lord of the first-grade priesthood, my dragon head is not worth collecting at all, no, don't cut off my dragon head!"

Ao Ye almost cried, this is a dignified first-rank priesthood, his fifth-rank is nothing.

Even if Chutian chopped off his dragon head, who would dare to say anything.

He knew that the first-rank priesthood had a good relationship with their ancestors, the Nine Heavens Dragon Clan in the Heaven Realm.

Even if he died, he died for no reason.

Ao Ye was so frightened that he kowtowed to Chu Tian.

It's a pity, Chu Tian curled his lips, his eyes were indifferent; "You just said that you want to swallow me, so I'm a bully, I want your dragon head today, cut off his dragon head for me."

"No, not my lord, I, I am actually here to give you a gift, invite you to our Dragon Palace as a guest, you can't cut off my dragon's head, our Sea Dragon King clan wants to rely on you!"

(End of this chapter)

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