Chapter 258
Yuan Huo glared over angrily, his sky fire was broken by someone, which made him very upset.

The beautiful waiter in front also raised her head, seeing Chu Tian save her, her pretty face was a kind of gratitude.

Chutian looked directly at the past, looked at the man in front of him without giving in, and said in a cold tone, "I have taken over the entire hotel. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can complain to me, and I, Chutian, will take over."

Yuan Huo clenched his fists, with a furious expression on his face: "What are you, you dare to talk to me like this, well, if you want to die in her place, I will fulfill you!"

Yuan Huo Na was so crazy, he glared at him with a violent face, and lifted his foot.

The moment they stomped their feet, the entire hotel lobby was filled with strong winds.

Seeing the strong wind blowing from the foot of the man in front of her, Zhang Xuelian's expression turned ugly, and she yelled out in surprise.

"This is indeed the aura of the late stage of Golden Core, Young Master Chu, be careful, his strength has indeed reached the late stage of Golden Core, and his Golden Core is almost broken!"

Zhang Xuelian's words made Yuan Huo Na feel arrogant and proud, he laughed maniacally, his face was bright, and he laughed directly.

"That's right, the golden core of this way has long been consummated, and now the only thing left to do is to break the body, and then the Nascent Soul can enter the body. At that time, the heaven and the earth will still be at ease in this way."

Hearing this, Chu Tian frowned, feeling really ridiculous: "You seem to have made a mistake about one thing. You said that the world can make you feel at ease. That's okay, but you can talk about the sky."

"In the sky, you are like an ant, you will die if you are stepped on."

Yuan Huo: "..."

What qualifications does this kid have, dare to say that about him.

He actually said he was an ant.

"If you dare to say that this Dao is an ant, this Dao will let you experience it. The Dao Heart of this Dao is formed into the Dafa of Heart Pill."

"The Heart Pill of the Dao is invincible and invincible!"

With one mouthful, Yuan Huo Dudu took out the Dao Xin Dan.

This heart heart pill is where his whole body of Taoism lies.

Xin Dan generates fire, this is the real fire from the heart!
This sky fire is comparable to fairy fire!
Burning everything in the world, even a cultivator with a golden core cultivation base can be swallowed by him in an instant.

He wanted to directly refine the kid in front of him.

"Look at the heart core of this way, heart fire, I will swallow you kid with heart fire!"


The fire exploded in an instant, and the fire that broke out from the Xindan rushed towards Chutian like a fire dragon.

Standing on the same spot, Chu Tian really didn't move when he saw the heart fire, but his eyes locked on the heart of the other party.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his whole body moved. At that moment, without even thinking about it, he rushed towards the fiery dragon.

"Tao Fa Xin Dan, I want to see what it is, even this little sky fire can stop me!"

As soon as Chu Tian raised his hand, Xuanyuan's Taoism came out and the spell was knotted.

He didn't need 5 spells, but only one wind spell, and he could break through the fire dragon, and the flames couldn't touch his body at all.

They were all one centimeter away, and were directly blocked by Chutian's fairy wind.

Chu Tian's speed was as fast as an arrow, breaking through the heart fire.

When he arrived in front of Yuan Huo's Xindan, he directly raised his hand and squeezed the opponent's Xindan in his hand.

The fire in his heart was extinguished instantly, Yuan Huo trembled all over, and he vomited blood wildly, stepped back a few steps, watching Chu Tian get his heart pill.

His complexion changed drastically, and he yelled out in shock; "You, you don't want to take my heart pill, you bastard, give me back my heart pill."

Yuan Huo bared his teeth and claws, with a crazy face, and rushed forward.

It's a pity that when Chu Tian lightly raised his hand, a gust of wind just made him unable to move.

"Tianfeng locks the body, give it to me!"


Yuan Huo stood on the spot, unable to move a moment, feeling the stiffness of his whole body, which made his heart tremble, and looked at Chu Tian in front of him in astonishment.

Opening his mouth wide, the whole person was completely frozen, really motionless.

He could only watch Chutian play with his heart pill and feel the aura in it.

It's so thin, this heart pill is really rubbish, it's not as good as a little orb from the fairy world.

"It's rubbish, it's worthless, forget it, I don't want it!"

Chu Tian shook his head, and when he raised his hand, he crushed it instantly.

Like glass, the heart core shattered in an instant.

Yuan Huo spurted out a mouthful of blood again.

His heart core was destroyed, and his cultivation was greatly reduced. He would never be able to enter the Nascent Soul in his entire life, and half of his cultivation was destroyed.

Yuan Huo's heart was shocked, he never thought that Chu Tian in front of him would destroy his heart so easily.

This is like crushing a small glass ball. How terrifying is this kid?
As soon as Chu Tian raised his head, he could see the shocked face of the other party. His face was ugly, and his face was almost pale.

It really made Chutian couldn't help laughing and said, "Sorry, I crushed your thing by accident. You don't want me to return it to you, do you?"

Yuan Huo vomited blood angrily.

This guy is too hateful, so fucking hateful!

And accidentally crushed his heart!

His heart core, without the strength above him, can't be crushed at all.

Chu Tian's expression seemed to be doing something unimportant.

I don't understand, in the eyes of the other party, he is nothing.

Yuan Huo Du's forehead was covered with cold sweat, he didn't dare to compete anymore, if he continued, he would die here.

The whole body trembled, and they all backed away, gritted their teeth, gave Chu Tian a deep look, turned around, and walked away as soon as they said it.

"let's go."

His face was ugly, and he was helped away by the two followers behind him.

Seeing the other party go away, Chu Tian smiled, but he didn't chase after him.

It's just that Zhang Xuelian behind her saw Yuan Huo Yuan go.

Zhang Xuelian's complexion changed, she couldn't help but walked forward, and said with a serious face, "Young Master Chu, you couldn't let him go just now, didn't you hear that he is the one the Xia family hired this time?"

"Oh, really?"

Chu Tian seemed to have just woken up now, and looked over with a smile on his face.

It only made Zhang Xuelian think of something, but she had a weird expression.

It wasn't long before Yuan Huo left.

Chu Tian hadn't appreciated the luxury of this six-star hotel yet.

Outside the hotel, there are all Hua family members who came to him.

From the looks of it, the members of the Hua family are all ready, and now they have already made an appointment with the members of the Xia family, and agreed on a place to compete.

The Patriarch of the Hua Family, Hua Hong, stepped forward and stood in front of Chu Tian, ​​saying humbly, "Young Master Chu, we have already selected the location for the competition, and we will send you there now."


As soon as Chu Tian lifted his foot, he followed the Hua family out of the hotel, got into the Hua family's car, and headed to the location of the competition.

Zhang Xuelian also followed closely behind, looking at the Hua family with nervous expressions.

Now, she really doesn't understand if she should tell the previous things.

Obviously, the head of the Hua family in front of him is very worried about this competition.

"Young Master Chu, we have already investigated this time. The original family member the Xia family found was named Yuan Huo. This person had reached the late stage of Jindan ten years ago. I am afraid that his cultivation base is already close to that of Yuan Huo. Infant realm, I heard that one who can become a Nascent Soul is an extraordinary person, but an Earth Immortal."

"Young Master Chu, you must be careful, this person is definitely not simple!"

Zhang Honghao reminded Chu Tian with a serious face full of worry and concern.

Chu Tian nodded and said nothing.

Zhang Xuelian at the side had very strange eyes.

She really hesitated.

What does this mean, or not?

(End of this chapter)

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