Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 261 One More Match

Chapter 261 Another Match
As soon as Chu Tian spoke, people looked astonished.

It never occurred to Chu Tian that he would dare to provoke the entire Yuan family directly.

Hearing Chutian's words, Yuan Huo's expression changed. He raised his head and looked over excitedly. His expression was very moved, and he looked at Chutian.

They all clenched their fists and trembled a little; "What if you lose?"

Chu Tian waved his hand: "The Hua family and I are at your disposal."

"it is good!"

Yuan Huo's eyes flickered, and he immediately agreed.

How could he disagree with such a condition.

He wants to take revenge on the guy in front of him, and let this kid know that their family is not vegetarian.

This kid dared to insult their Yuan family like this, and their Yuan family couldn't let this kid go.

Yuan Huo's face was covered with ice, at this moment, he stood up straight away, his eyes swept away, and fell on Xia Gan who was not far away, his face was cold.

Raising his hand, he said to Xia Gan: "Your Xia family heard it too, this time, their Hua family will win, but our Yuan family will not let it go like this, our Yuan family plans to compete with this kid again, Your Xia family took out half of the property."

"Our original family, we guarantee that we will win!"

Xia Gan's eyes were moved, he was happy when he heard this, and he agreed without thinking.

"I will go back and report to the Patriarch of the Xia family."

The faces of the Hua family were all ugly, although they won hundreds of billions of assets from the Xia family.

Unexpectedly, Chu Tian actually wanted to have a big game, and directly set a bet with the Yuan family. This was planning to fight against the entire thousand-year-old family of the other party alone.

This made the Hua family all face depressed.

For a moment, I didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

When Chutian came back, Hua Hong's expression changed several times. When he got in front of Chutian, he couldn't help saying, "Chu, Young Master Chu, we, do we really want to bet with the Xia family?"

He looked over anxiously.

Chu Tian sighed a little, seeing that the Xia family was so fearless, the Hua family was really scared to death.

Getting a small profit is enough.

He doesn't want this kind of parent to follow.

Chu Tian's face turned pale, and he said in a deep voice, "This matter has already been settled, and your Hua family can't go back on their word, or do you say that you don't believe me?"

Feeling Chu Tian's sight, the Hua family was shocked, and no one dared to say anything.

Now that the Hua family has this kind of limelight, it is all given by Chu Tian.

Without Chutian, they would have been finished this time.

"Young Master Chu is right. If we continue to be afraid, when will the Hua family be able to turn around."

"Their Xia family doesn't take over the Yuan family, which is a thousand-year-old family, to help. Now that we have Young Master Chu, do we really have to continue to be afraid of them?"

"If we back down this time, our Hua family will be the same as before. If we want to gamble, we will have a big game, which will shake the Xia family."

Some members of the Hua family regained their momentum.

After understanding what Chu Tian wanted to do, their faces were full of fighting spirit.

Only Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction, looked at the people in front of him and said, "You guys understand very well, okay, I don't mind staying with you for a few more days, I will stay here and help you solve the Xia family's affairs, but, I I don't want you to be unable to do anything."

"People who follow me, I don't need trash!"

The voice was so loud that it only made the face of the Hua family straighten, and they all agreed.

This made Chu Tian nod his head in satisfaction.

When she heard Chu Tian's words, Zhang Xuelian's eyes lit up, and she leaned forward with a smile on her face, and said sweetly, "Young Master Chu, you really don't want to go back, you just live here."

"Aren't you going to talk to Qing Xiaoyu and the others?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Tian said directly, "I'll call them later and tell them."

"Okay, hit now, hit right away, hee hee, Young Master Chu, I will accompany you, and I promise not to let any other woman get close to you."

Chu Tian: "..."

Hearing Zhang Xuelian's words, Chu Tian really gave a strange look.

What is this chick trying to do?

It was agreed to help the Hua family and suppress the Xia family.

Chu Tian didn't plan to go back, but planned to stay here and wait for the Yuan family to contact the master so that they could fight again.

And the gambling game is half of the Xia family's property.

Winning is enough to shake the foundation of the entire Xia family.

As for what the Xia family thought, Chu Tian didn't care at all.

Now, he got into the luxury car of the Hua family, and when he returned to the hotel, he directly opened the high-level treasure map he obtained earlier.

"Get the advanced treasure map quest, get the treasure digging location, ask the host to go to the following location to dig."

This time the treasure is not too far away, it's just around here.

Chu Tian didn't have to fly over to find the treasure by himself, he just raised his hand and told the driver, "I won't go back to the hotel, take me to a place before we talk."

The driver was stunned, and when he heard Chu Tian's words, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately responded.

They all took Chutian to the location where the treasure was.

The location of the treasure this time is in the downtown area of ​​this bustling city.

For this rich city, the downtown area here is full of people.

There are also a lot of shops.

The level of excitement, let Zhang Xuelian come down early, she is happy.

"Young Master Chu, do you want to take me shopping, Young Master Chu is so kind."

Zhang Xuelian seemed a little happy, but Chu Tian didn't say anything, anyway, he could stroll here while looking for treasures.

The two got out of the car. The driver originally wanted to follow, but Chu Tian stretched out his hand to stop them.

She didn't need to be accompanied by anyone, but only went to this busy street with Zhang Xuelian.

The location of the treasure is not far away, as long as you walk to the end of this street, you can reach it.

Chu Tian strolled in it, looking very relaxed and leisurely.

Looking at Zhang Xuelian walking around in front of her, she suddenly felt that this young lady's personality was also very cheerful.

"Young Master Chu, there are cotton candy for sale here, do you want it?"

Zhang Xuelian greeted her with a happy face, making Chu Tian not even want to approach her.

Zhang Xuelian, who was holding a cotton candy, looked over and planned to let the two of them eat one.

This made Chu Tian look at it strangely, but Zhang Xuelian looked calm; "Young Master Chu, this marshmallow is very sweet, don't you want to eat it?"

After finishing speaking, he raised a finger and held a bit of marshmallow to Chu Tian's mouth.

Chutian could only open his mouth and bit Zhang Xuelian's tender fingers and cotton candy in his mouth.

I have to admit, this is very sweet.

Zhang Xuelian was all smiles, that sex was no different from a little girl.

"Hee hee, Young Master Chu, it's the first time I've been alone with you like this. I'm very happy and excited now. I really want to go on like this forever."

Zhang Xuelian smiled sincerely.

This made Chu Tian startled, looking at the girl's smile in front of him, he was a little dazed.

Just when Zhang Xuelian wanted to continue to say something, a voice came from not far away.

The person who came noticed Zhang Xuelian early on, her eyes sparkled, and she approached her coquettishly.

"Beauty, do you mind, Master Ben will take you here for a stroll, haha, there is nothing that Master Ben doesn't know about here, only Young Master Ben can be your male companion for a beauty like you."

(End of this chapter)

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