Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 265 I Will Control Life and Death

Chapter 265 I Will Control Life and Death

Look at these mortals ahead.

Chu Tian became a little angry, and his eyes swept over the Hua family who had been knocked down on the ground.

I couldn't help but shook my head, and sighed, "Your Hua family really disappointed me. I didn't expect that I helped you get the territory, but you couldn't stabilize it. Your Hua family is really too weak."

Hua Biao lowered his head, not daring to say anything.

Every one of the Hua family has a dull face.

Xia Cai laughed straight away, amused by Chu Tian's words; "What the hell are you talking about? You say that the Hua family is weak, but what about you? How dare you compare with our Xia family? "

"That's right, Young Master Cai, this kid is a fool. There are so many of us here, we're still afraid that he's alone."

"I think he's really out of his mind. Young Master Cai, stop talking nonsense with him. I'll go over and ask him to kneel down and call him Grandpa."

The eyes of several people were fierce, and they glanced at Chu Tian.

He just wanted to step forward and teach Chu Tian a lesson.

Chu Tian's eyes were fixed, and at this moment, the momentum of his whole body was revealed.

This momentum seems to make this beach a hurricane.

The entire sea surface is beginning to be rough!
"Kneel, you want me to kneel, hahaha."

"Who am I, Chutian, kneel before? I don't kneel to the sky, I don't kneel to the ground. The immortal arts I cultivate are even stronger than saints. They don't kneel to anyone, and they don't submit to anyone. I, Chutian, are no worse than them!",

A surge of energy surged up in Chu Tian's heart, his whole body shook, and the momentary aura rushed towards him like a Mount Tai.

Let's just talk about the Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao he comprehended.

As a descendant of Emperor Xuanyuan, Xuanhuang always wanted to surpass their ancestors. He left a day of Taoism in order to let people inherit his clothes.

Let his Taoism have a chance to be above Xuanyuan Taoism.

Having obtained the Xuanhuang Heavenly Dao, Chutian must of course fulfill his wish.

Moreover, he didn't think that he was much worse than Xuan Huang.

Emperor Xuan wants to surpass his ancestors!

Chutian even wants to surpass these heavenly ways!
"You mortals, you actually let me kneel. With a wave of my hand, I can make mountains and rivers flat, and I can fill up the deep sea. In this world, who can stop me!"

There was a loud sound, Chutian's voice was very crisp.

As soon as those words were spoken, the Xia family in front could only feel the ground shaking.

This is actually shaking the earth.

Even Zhang Xuelian could feel that the whole sea was constantly rolling, and huge waves were coming.

It was all because of Chutian's words, and because of Chutian's aura, there was a change.

It is doubtful that Chutian has such strength.

The Xia family, feeling Chutian's pressure, the closest distance, their legs trembled, couldn't help it, they all wanted to kneel down to Chutian directly.

This is the awe of the strong, but also the fear of the heaven and the way beyond the three realms.

Chutian's aura, how could they mere mortals be able to resist.

Chu Tianguan was able to make these people in front of him die by just relying on his aura.

Xia Cai's face was also more than ugly, he opened his mouth and found that he was actually terrified and couldn't say a word.

Chu Tian felt the fear of the Xia family in front of him.

With a curl of lips and a movement of one hand, the voice was loud; "If you want to die, I will fulfill you, I will destroy your living soul, and I will make you never enter reincarnation."

"The way of heaven moves for me. I walk against the sky. Taoism protects my way to immortality. I want your souls to be broken. Life and death do not depend on the sky. I will control life and death!"

This is the pinnacle of the Dao of Heaven and Dao, and it also comes against the sky, the true Dao of Heaven.

Life and death are not in control!
It can also make him change the cycle of life and death.

Chu Tian was so angry that he didn't want to keep it for a long time. He had only one idea about the Xia family in front of him.


Teng Teng Teng!
At this moment, hundreds of Xia family members in front of Chutian, suddenly burst into flames.

The burning flames from under their feet devoured them instantly.

The Xia family screamed one by one, with their heads in their hands, their faces full of pain, and their voices were chilling.

Xia Cai was the only one who didn't light a fire under his feet.

However, looking at the scene in front of them, seeing the members of their Xia family being directly engulfed by flames.

He was completely unfazed.

Puff puff!
In less than a minute, hundreds of members of the Xia family were reduced to ashes, and there really wasn't a single bit of ashes left.

Blown past by the wind, these Xia family members seemed to disappear out of thin air.

People looked at this scene with astonishment and shock on their faces.

Hundreds of Baixia's family members just spontaneously combusted to death.

Only Zhang Xuelian could understand that the Baixia family did not even leave a lonely soul behind, they were completely reduced to ashes.

This was Chu Tian's angry blow.

It is really the strength to go against the sky!
The Hua family all looked at Chu Tian in awe, and now they understood.

Why does the Hua family value Chutian so much?

Such a terrifying person, the Hua family, doesn't want to be an enemy.

Fortunately, it is the Xia family who are against Chutian now, not their Hua family.

Xia Cai sat down on the ground in shock, looking at the scene in front of her, she was almost terrified.

Opening his mouth like an idiot, he pointed at Chu Tian with an ugly face: "You, what did you do, you, what did you do?"

Chu Tian walked over with indifferent eyes, his face was cold, and when he opened his mouth, he only uttered one sentence; "How do you want to die?"

Xia Cai was like an ant, he could choose, but in any way, he died in Chutian's hands.

The indifference in Chutian's eyes made him terrified to death, and there was a foul smell in his crotch.

The young master was so frightened that he pissed his pants.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the Hua family were full of sarcasm.

Hua Biao also jumped up in an instant, and shouted at Xia Cai; "Xia Cai, you didn't expect that your Xia family would have today. Your Xia family has been here for so many years. Now that the feng shui has changed, God will I will no longer protect your Xia family."

"Your Xia family is finished!"

Xia Cai's face was pale, and his face was ashen.

There is only deep despair in his eyes. The Hua family has such a powerful helper, what else can their Xia family have to fight against?

Seeing the dead silence on the other party's face, Chu Tian curled his lips, and every movement of that hand was a burst of heavenly fire, directly burning it to ashes.


The flames rose in an instant, all in a short instant, before Xia Cai screamed, and directly swallowed it completely.

Chu Tian, ​​who didn't take a look, turned his head, and his eyes fell on the Hua family.

The Hua family looked respectful.

They all couldn't help kneeling down, expressing their sincerity and awe to Chu Tian.

"Thank you, Young Master Chu, for taking the shot. If it wasn't for Young Master Chu's shot, we might all be here today."

"Our Hua family will definitely follow Chu Tian and will not disappoint Young Master Chu. We will use our time to make Young Master Chu look at us with admiration."

The Hua family looked serious and finished speaking loudly one by one.

This made Chu Tian nodded in satisfaction, looked at the crowd with a calm expression, and said, "I don't want you to disappoint me too much."

"Yes, Young Master Chu!"

(End of this chapter)

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