Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 267 The Big Man in the Dragon Palace

Chapter 267 The Big Man in the Dragon Palace
These people, with dragon horns on their heads, are clearly a group of dragon sons and dragon daughters.

He looked over proudly.

Looking at the little dragon girl Aoya in front of her, her gaze is so aggressive that it makes the little dragon girl tremble.

Xiao Longnv's original arrogance disappeared in an instant.

With fear on his face, he couldn't help but to hide behind Chu Tian.

This made Chu Tian feel funny.

This little dragon girl is really good at bullying.

After the little dragon girl hid, these dragon sons and dragon girls noticed Chutian, and they glanced over, but they didn't see Chutian's appearance of a fairy.

These dragon sons and dragon girls looked contemptuous.

"When did our Dragon Palace actually invite a whole world of mortals over?"

"That's right, I think this must be a mortal invited by the Ao clan. It's really embarrassing for our Dragon King clan."

"I think our Zhenhai Dragon King is also a fifth-rank priesthood. Not to mention, let the immortals fawn on him. At least, this kind of Dragon Palace banquet can also invite big shots. I didn't expect that there would be none."

"The Ao clan is doomed, it's better to hand over the position of Zhenhai Dragon King to our Gao clan."

"Our Qian clan is no worse than your Gao clan. The position of Zhenhai Dragon King must be ours."

The faces of the dragon sons and daughters pulled, they were all tit for tat, and they were going to make a noise because of the position of the Dragon King of Zhenhai.

Watch these dragon sons and daughters arguing for the position of the Dragon King of Zhenhai.

Ao Ya was also dissatisfied, she couldn't help raising her head from behind Chutian, and shouted directly: "You want my father's position, don't even think about it, my father has invited a big man from the heaven this time, and said Come out and scare you to death."

Hearing Ao Ya's words, many dragon sons and dragon girls looked over.

That curled his lips, and didn't put Ao Ya's words in his ears at all.

"Scared us to death, hahaha, I really want to know what powerful people your father can invite."

"As far as your father's trash Dragon King, I don't think he can even invite a seventh-rank heavenly priesthood like the canopy."

Longzi and Longnv laughed out loud, worried about Aoya's words.

Little Lolita blushed angrily, raised her little hand, pointed at the people in front of her, and yelled out, "You guys, listen to me, my father, this time I invited you for a first-rank priesthood. A first-rank high-ranking official in the Heavenly Court."

As soon as these words came out, Longzi and Longnv froze.

In less than a moment, there was even more bursts of laughter.

"A first-rank official can also come here, hahaha, it's ridiculous, Ao Ya, you are such a fool, a first-rank priest, how could you come to the deep sea like ours."

"That's right, when others wave their hands, there are millions of heavenly soldiers and tens of thousands of generals. Others are in high positions, how could they come to Broken Dragon Palace like ours."

"What a joke, your father is bragging to the heavens. In my opinion, it's not a first-rank priesthood, but a tenth-rank little general!"

Long Zi and Long Nu couldn't stop laughing, but they wouldn't believe that the Dragon King of Zhenhai could invite a first-rank priesthood in the Heavenly Court.

The status of this priesthood is noble.

How could they invite them over!
The Dragon King clan of the Dragon Palace has been in decline for tens of thousands of years.

In the past few years, even a seventh-rank canopy has not been able to invite them to the Dragon Palace.

Not to mention, it is simply impossible for someone with a first-rank priesthood to come to the Dragon Palace.

Longzi and Longnv sneered endlessly, worried about Ao Ya's words.

This made Ao Ya's face full of anger, she gritted her silver teeth, her pretty face was angry, and she wanted to say something.

A voice came from ahead.

Hearing this voice, Aoya's face changed, she was hiding behind Chutian again, and she dared not come out.

And let Chutian resist her small body.

I don't want to be seen by a dragon king not far away.

Aoye's expression was not good. When he learned that his youngest dragon girl, the five dragon girl, actually ran out, he was furious and asked people to look for them, but unfortunately they haven't been found yet.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Longnv was lost.

This made Aoye's face extremely ugly.

The sons and daughters of the Ao clan all had strange expressions.

"Father, this little dragon girl has always been disobedient. If I ask you to tell me, if I find her this time, I will put her in confinement for decades."

"That's right, Ao Ya is not worthy of being a dragon girl at all. This little girl is too ignorant. What if she messes around and angers the adult we called for?"

Aoye also thought of this.

It doesn't matter if Ao Ya makes trouble, if an adult is angered, all the leaders of their Ao clan will have to move.

Ao Ye hastily led people to search outside the Dragon Palace.

Just outside the Dragon Palace, with a glance, I saw a person.

Chutian had already arrived at the Dragon Palace, which made Aoye tremble all over, and he was completely stunned.

However, the dragon son and dragon girl who followed Ao Ye found Ao Ya who was behind Chu Tian, ​​his expression changed, and he called out directly.

"Father, Aoya is indeed here. Aoya, come out quickly. Father is already angry. You still dare to hide. You know how much trouble you have caused."

"That's right, come here quickly. Fortunately, you didn't offend the big shot your father was looking for, otherwise, you would be the one to watch."

Long Zi Long Nu's complexion changed, and she stepped forward, about to pull Ao Ya who was behind Chu Tian over.

It's a pity that before they approached, Ao Ye made a loud noise, which only made the faces of the dragon sons and daughters of the Ao clan change.

"You idiots, what are you doing, dare to contradict your lord, quickly kneel down to your lord, and beg your lord to spare your life."

Ao Ye blushed, his face was ugly, and he glared angrily.

Only let those dragon sons and dragon girls change, these four dragon sons and dragon girls all have complicated faces.

"Father, you, what are you talking about?"

"Yes, father, you, who are you talking about?"

Apart from Ao Ya, there is only one ordinary mortal here.

The dazed look of Long Zi and Long Nu made Aoye tremble all over, especially when he saw Chu Tian curling his lips, he sneered a little.

His legs were weak, this majestic Sea Dragon King didn't even think about it.

Facing Chutian, they knelt down directly.

Putting his hands on the ground, he made a big salute to Chu Tian: "Xiaolong is terrified, let my children disturb the adults, Xiaolong deserves to die, please punish Xiaolong only, don't blame my children."

"Xiaolong, I am willing to be punished alone!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the four dragon sons and daughters changed drastically, and they looked up at the front.

Many dragon sons and dragon girls all paid attention to it.

Ordinary people in the world of Chutian will be worshiped by the Dragon King of Zhenhai?
Impossible, this is not a mortal in front of me at all, but a high-ranking official in the majestic heaven, Lord God-Suppressing God!

Ao Ya also had a long mouth, and when she looked at Chu Tian, ​​the change in her pretty face was the most obvious.

He called out directly: "You, you are the big man in the heaven, you, you are invited by my father, a first-rank official!"

The sons and daughters of the Ao clan knelt on the ground one by one.

There was panic on his face.

"Suppressing the gods to make adults atone for their sins."

"We, we don't intend to offend your lord, we are all young girls who are ignorant, don't blame our father!"

(End of this chapter)

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