Chapter 273
Tens of thousands of spirits boiled immediately. In the past, the deep sea dragons, apart from asking them, when did they give them something.

Now Chutian directly took out good things to recruit, which made thousands of ghosts, without even thinking about it, all go to Chutian's side directly.

Seeing all this, several dragon kings were dumbfounded.

These aquarium spirits are much more eager for elixir and fairy fruit than they are.

Not to mention these aquarium spirits, many dragon sons and dragon daughters secretly swallowed their saliva when they saw the fairy things Chu Tian took out.

This is simply too extravagant, too proud!

There is no such thing as using such a good thing to recruit talents.

Ao Ya was also about to drool, but she felt aggrieved; "Big brother doesn't understand, how can these trash aquariums benefit from these fairy things, they should all be given to us Yaya."

After finishing speaking, he really nodded seriously.

Dragon son and daughter of the Ao family: "..."

Thousands of elixir and thousands of fairy fruits were distributed.

Some aquarium spirits who were too slow to snatch them didn't get it, so they looked up disappointed and looked up at Chutian.

How could Chutian fail to see the desire in these guys' eyes.

Unexpectedly, these rubbish elixir and fruit could make these aquarium spirits go crazy.

Chu Tian smiled.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Chu Tian said directly, "Don't worry, what I said will not be forgotten. Next time, I will give each of you one."

The aqua spirit cheered for a moment.

The sound was so loud that it shook the entire Dragon Palace.

"Long live my lord, long live my lord!"

"My lord is the master of the deep sea clan. Our thousand-year-old dragon clan can keep the Ao clan prosperous!"

"My hundred-year-old Turtle Clan, I want to keep the Ao Clan prosperous!"

"I am a ten-thousand-year-old clam, and I am willing to light the first Dragon Palace hall for your lord!"

Tens of thousands of aquatic spirits clamored and surrendered in front of Chu Tian.

Now, no matter what the Dragon King clan said, it was impossible to win over these aquatic spirits.

More than a dozen dragon kings had ugly expressions on their faces. They never expected that this is the number one Dragon Palace.

The master of the deep-sea aquarium changed hands so easily.

Even if they are not convinced, the facts in front of them are beyond their ability to change.

As soon as Chu Tian raised his head and looked over, he really curled his lips and stared at the dragon kings in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Who else is unconvinced among you? Now that all the water tribes support me, you dragon kings dare to go against all the water tribes?"

For a moment, a murderous look flashed in Chutian's eyes, the killing intent in those eyes.

Just let the dragon king be cold all over, no doubt, if they dare to resist, the first-rank priest in front of them will directly cut off their dragon heads.

The Dragon King's face was ugly.

Both Bo Shi and Gao Shi trembled all over, and they didn't dare to resist at all.

"I, I admit defeat."

"My lord, my lord is very powerful. I, I also surrender. I am willing to regard my lord as the master of the first dragon palace."

Bo Shi and Gao Shi both conceded defeat, and the other Dragon Kings didn't dare to do a fart.

He took the initiative to transform into a human body, bowed his head respectfully, and lowered the dragon head towards Chu Tian.

"We are willing to regard you as the Lord of the Dragon Palace!"

The voice was loud, and it was very pleasant to Chutian's ears.

As soon as he raised his hand, he directly took back the immortal soul of the Shenfu in front of him, and also took back the four spells one by one.

Put down hundreds of dragon sons and daughters.

The Dragon King is convinced, these dragon sons and dragon girls dare not say anything.

This made Chu Tian feel relieved.

A voice sounded next to his ear, making the corners of his mouth rise, and he smiled even more.

"Complete the mission, get it, super treasure chest reward!"

"Obtained, super treasure map reward!"

"Acquired, an advanced treasure hunting opportunity!"

Two super rewards, one advanced treasure hunt opportunity.

This is really cool!

The reward for this mission is too awesome!
Chu Tian wanted to laugh out loud.

Just as he was about to laugh, he didn't know that a little loli really kicked him when she stepped forward.

"Brother idiot, give all the treasures of the fairy world to these garbage aquariums. Yaya hates you to death, and Yaya is angry."

Arms crossed her chest, this little dragon girl really has a temper.

It's all about making Chu Tian smile. If he's in a good mood, he doesn't plan to have the same knowledge as this little dragon girl.

As soon as he raised his hand, a first-class fairy fruit appeared in his hand.

Put it directly in front of Aoya; "Oh, so you don't want this thing of mine anymore, if you don't want it, then I'll leave it to others."

This first-class fairy fruit is produced by Tianhe, and it is the Wannian Tianhe fruit in the Tianhe River.

Chu Tian only had a hundred of them, and Xiao Longnu had a predestined relationship with him, so he took them out.

Don't even think about it.

Seeing the bright color in Chutian's hand, it was a fairy fruit with a strong sense of immortality.

Ao Ya changed her face very quickly, her saliva was about to flow out, and she hugged Chu Tian's thigh with a pitiful look on her face.

"Yaya is wrong. Big brother is a good person. Yaya wants big brother to be my husband. Yaya will marry big brother in the future. Can this fairy fruit be our engagement gift?"

Chu Tian: "..."

This little dragon girl is really a big kid.

Chu Tian shook his head, still didn't talk nonsense, and threw the fairy fruit to Ao Ya, who took it with both hands.

Then he picked up the fairy fruit and gnawed it directly, feeling very happy to eat it.

In the eyes of other dragon sons and dragon girls, their eyes are full of envy.

Looking at Chutian, they were even more admiring, and their eyes were changing. Now their views on Chutian have changed again.

It is not a bad thing for this outsider to be the Lord of the First Dragon Palace.

At the very least, Chu Tian is so generous in his actions, and he has a lot of fairy things in his hand, which is something that all the dragons need.

Several dragon kings were also the first to wake up.

With a smile on his face, he leaned in front of Chu Tian, ​​licked his face and said, "My lord, Xiaolong also has a daughter, the three dragon girls of this dragon, who are delicate and charming, and have the body of a jade dragon, so I'm sure you will like it. Why don't you, my lord, be my son-in-law of the Xuan clan."

"My lord, my number one dragon girl has not yet been married. My number one dragon girl has amazing talent, and she has long been proud of the dragon. She is more suitable for my lord."

Some dragon kings really wanted to win over Chu Tian to be the dragon's son-in-law.

This made Chu Tian feel ashamed.

When these dragon kings saw good things, they even lost their fucking dignity.

The promised dragon girl will not marry outside?

What about disrupting the dragon bloodline?

These dragon kings are really powerful!
Master Ao saw that someone was trying to snatch his son-in-law away from him, and he immediately turned into a dragon body, and roared loudly.

"You don't want to take away the son-in-law of my Ao clan. My Aoya is not much worse than your dragon daughter. Whoever dares to disturb the blood of our Ao clan will be swallowed by me. If you have the ability, you will be with me." Three hundred rounds of war!"

The Dragon King was speechless and fought alone, but there was no dragon who was the opponent of this Aoye.

Ao Ye's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the crowd, then turned his head and looked at Chu Tian with a respectful expression.

"My lord, get on the dragon chair, get the dragon ball, and wear the dragon crown!"

Ao Ye bent down, and when he spoke, Chu Tian was taken aback.

Suddenly, he realized that he seemed to be the master of the first dragon palace.

Not far ahead, the dragon chairs placed are all his.

There are also dragon balls hanging above, and a dragon king crown, all of these belong to him Chutian!
 It will be delivered at five o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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