Chapter 296
The words of Ksitigarbha King.

The entire Hades Palace was immediately boiling.

Many Hades had already looked angry.

Hearing what King Jing said, they all turned pale and stared at him with cold faces.

Clenching his fists, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Yes, as King Jing said, even if Ksitigarbha agrees, they will not agree. What kind of ability and qualifications does this kid have, and he dares to compete with them for this life and death book.

Why don't you hand over one of the ghost cities among the Eighteen Palaces to this guy.

The King of Hades in the Eighteenth Hall would not agree at all.

Those gazes were fixed on Chutian, and the faces of these Kings of Hades were icy cold. The gazes that stared at Chutian felt like a kind of coldness.

All Hades wanted to trouble Chutian first.

Chu Tian didn't know the meaning of these Yan Wang's eyes.

This Ksitigarbha King is good at acting, he directly said that he is not from the ghost world, and he just wanted the King of Hades in the Eighteenth Hall to prevent him from going alone.

I don't intend to let him win this life and death book.

But how could Chutian let the Ksitigarbha King fulfill his wish.

He wants to make a big commotion in this ghost world, and wants to cause earth-shaking changes in these ghost worlds.

This Ksitigarbha King actually dared to trick him.

I just don't know who cheated whom in the end.

Facing the eyes of King Hades of the eighteen halls around him, Chu Tian's expression didn't change at all.

As for Guihuajiao and Xiaodie, Panshan couldn't help but step forward and approached directly.

Standing beside Chutian is to help Chutian.

Behind Chu Tian, ​​there were only three people.

Behind the King of Hades in the eighteen halls are thousands of ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

These ghost soldiers and ghost generals gathered together to protect their own King of Hades. As the confidants of King of Hades, they were even more carefully selected.

It is for this battle of life and death.

The struggle for life and death is about to begin.

Lifting his feet and stepping forward, it was the Ksitigarbha King, who looked around and saw that the Eighteen Halls of Hades in front of him were all ready.

As soon as he raised his hand, the voice was loud, and a ghostly aura gathered in his hand, causing eighteen books, a brand new book of life and death, to appear in front of him.

"Life and death in the ghost world, determine the life and death of the three realms, record the real name in the life and death book, determine when the soul will return, life and death in the world, there is a thin decision!"

The loud words, the words just fell.

There was a sudden tremor in front of him.

The life and death book flew high into the sky in an instant, and the eighteen life and death books were indeed extremely powerful. They flew into the sky like arrows.

Swish swish!
Continuously shuttle out, the speed of life and death is so fast, it is obvious that it is like a shooting star.

Now is also entering the stage of snatching the life and death book.

You must snatch the life and death book in your hands, and recognize the master with a drop of blood, in order to get the approval of the life and death book.

There are a total of 18 books in the book of life and death, each of which is the appointment right of the king of Hades in a ghost town.

If you live and die poorly, you can get the position of King of Hades in the ghost city.

The eighteen Hades of Western Yunnan had been prepared long ago, and saw the eighteen books of life and death fly up into the sky in an instant, and hovered continuously in the sky.

That morning, a few ghost soldiers and ghost generals confidantes rushed forward.

To help Hades snatch this book of life and death.

At the same time, the people behind Chutian also moved in an instant, aiming at a life and death book, and were about to approach.

Unexpectedly, there was a loud sound ahead.

A King of Hades had locked onto Chutian's side long ago, and saw Chutian's people move.

A King of Hades immediately made a move.

"I just robbed the life and death book of our King of Hades, just relying on you, even if the King of Dizang agrees with you, I, King Guang, will not recognize you. Look at my King of Hades' soul-destroying palm!"

Raise one palm, and come with one palm.

The gloomy wind, like a gust of wind, rushed directly over.

In an instant, he bumped into Chutian in front of him.

Gui Huajiao and Xiao Die saw it, and the two women's face pulled, and they stepped forward, and they both directly shot to stop it.

The King Guang's face was gloomy and angry: "Stop me, King Guang, from dying. Where are the ghost soldiers and ghost generals in the 8th Ghost City? Come out to me."

A loud and direct call out.

Hundreds of these ghost soldiers and ghost generals jumped out suddenly, without even thinking about besieging them, they all helped King Guang.

I want to take down the two girls in front of me.

The faces of the two women changed, and they looked cautious, facing the siege of hundreds of ghost soldiers and ghost generals.

There is also a King of Hades in front of him, which put a lot of pressure on the two women.

Pan Shan saw it, his expression froze, and he wanted to step forward to help.

But before he could make a move, there was another King of Hades who yelled out, "Life and death in the ghost world are too thin to be handed over to outsiders. You outsiders, get out of the ghost world and give me a punch from King Luo!"

A King of Hades rushed forward, his face was black and red, he raised his hand, clenched his black fist, and punched him.

It is obvious that they are competing with Panshan for strength.

Pan Shan's face darkened, he gritted his teeth, raised his fist, and immediately fought with this King of Hades.

For a while, it was inseparable.

The Eighteen Kings of Hades all watched over Chu Tian.

I don't intend to let Chu Tian win the life and death prize.

And now, there are already ten books of life and death, which have been obtained by ten Hades.

Now only eight copies remain.

It is very difficult to win one of the eight books.

The Eighteenth Hall of Hades may hinder him, but this does not dispel Chu Tian's idea of ​​snatching life and death.

As soon as he lifted his foot, facing the ten Hades in front of him, he sank his face and stared at him.

When these kings of Hades saw him move, they all started to fight.

"In the ghost world, there is no need for a new King of Hades, boy, get out of the ghost world, and I, King Qin, can't tolerate you."

"I, King Xiao, can't tolerate you, boy, you are dead."

"Look at me slaying the king, I want you to be buried here."

The ten kings of Hades shot directly, the momentum was huge and the momentum was astonishing.

This terrifying momentum rushed over directly.

He bumped into Chu Tian.

The voice is loud and powerful.

Forced to go to Chutian, Chutian only frowned, watching the kings of Hades from the ten halls come, and many of these kings of Hades are early ghost emperors.

But his face still didn't move.

He has already got 50 ghost bones, and the ghost is perfect, and he wants to surpass the Ksitigarbha king.

How could it be possible that even a few kings of Hades couldn't settle.

"Mere King of Hades, no matter how many of you come here, what's the use of it? You alone want to stop me."

"The ghost comes out of the body, the ghost nourishes it, the ghost bone enters the soul, the ghost bone casts the ghost, the ghost body shakes the ghost world!"

Oh oh oh!
The dark wind continued, and at this moment, the ghost bone directly cast Chu Tian's ghost continuously.

The ghosts are supported by ghost bones, and they all change dramatically. They really look like a huge and terrifying evil ghost.

The evil spirits with one mouth all roared directly, roaring at the ten kings of hell in front of them.

As he opened his mouth, gusts of ghostly energy rushed over, knocking the ten kings of Hades to the ground.

Can't take a step closer.

All Hades' faces were ugly, their feet couldn't stand firm, they fell to the ground, and they almost couldn't get up.

Seeing the tragic state of Hades, Chu Tian only curled his lips and sneered.

With a movement of one hand, the ghostly body opened its mouth and bit the ten kings of Hades.

Yan Wang was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

This ghost body is too terrifying!
This is a ghost body made of fifty ghost bones, how can they resist it!
(End of this chapter)

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