Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 516 The Holy Beast

Chapter 516 Ten Holy Beasts
How could it be possible for Chu Tian to surrender when he heard that the ten holy beasts were all ahead.

His eyes lit up, he curled his lips into a smile, and stepped forward without any hesitation.

"Ten holy beasts, I really want to meet them, and a treasure that can be valued by them all, this must be a top-grade fairy treasure, I will get it for whatever I say!"

Chu Tian loves fairy treasures the most. He has countless fairy coins, but some top-quality fairy treasures are really hard to buy.

This requires him to rely on his strength to get it.

It is very good to compete with the Jade Emperor and get this top-grade fairy treasure.

Make him smile and step forward.

It really was the first to enter the Tiantian Lake before the Jade Emperor.

The seven fairies looked surprised and stunned as soon as Chu Tian entered the Tianchi Lake.

They know the power of Tianchi best.

The sixth fairy stomped her feet, her face was pretty and pale; "Why is he acting so recklessly and barging in so directly, how could the ten holy beasts let him go."

"Is he trying to startle all the holy beasts in an instant!"

The sixth fairy looked worried and didn't say anything, because she was pure and kind in her heart, even if she saw Chutian provoking the Jade Emperor, she didn't want anything to happen to Chutian.

The first fairy frowned, and for a moment, she really showed a trace of worry.

It cannot be diverted from Chutian.

The seven fairies all understand the power of the Tianchi holy beasts, and one of them is not something that the seven fairies can fight against.

Not to mention, there are as many as ten of them in this Tianchi.

"It's not good, the tortoise saint has moved. The tortoise saint is a holy beast that hasn't moved for millions of years. Now it's all right, even the tortoise saint is alarmed."

"Whoever asked him to break in, he deserved it."

Appeared in front of Chu Tian.

It was a huge holy tortoise. When the holy tortoise raised its head, its body was extremely huge, and it got up with it.

It's really shaking.

For a moment, Immortal Mansion trembled, and Tianchi was shaken for a while.

The Holy Turtle's activities were all millions of years ago, when the other 9 holy beasts were all active.

It is impossible for the holy tortoise to move, but now, the holy tortoise really got up and faced the one who wanted to take the smallpox away.

Opening his mouth, the celestial water gushed out directly.

It also stood in front of Chu Tian.

Chu Tian had to retreat.

At the same time, he didn't forget that he clenched his fist, raised his fist, and broke the Holy Turtle's celestial water with one punch.

The celestial water splashed down, and the holy tortoise was furious, with a terrifying roar.

The other 9 holy beasts were also directly alarmed.

Tianchi is a piece of heaven and earth, nine holy beasts, each occupying a piece of land, saw someone wanting to seize the sky.

That's how it all came together.

The Holy Fish, the Holy Flood Dragon, the Holy Heavenly Worm, and so on, all have huge bodies that are as tall as the sky.

Just standing in front of Chu Tian.

Sure enough, they are ten huge monsters, with this size, in the mortal world, they are all the size of a small mountain.

How spectacular are ten sacred objects the size of a small mountain.

Together with the immortals and gods who were watching all this, they all looked astonished, their expressions fluctuated, and they all took a few steps back.

All the immortals and gods distanced themselves, not wanting to get involved.

When the ten holy beasts moved, the Immortal Mansion trembled.

Even the Jade Emperor frowned. He really didn't expect that the ten holy beasts would move together.

"This kid really wants to die. He really thinks he is the Holy Buddha of Xinxitian, and nothing can cure him."

"That's right, ten holy beasts, even if they are immortal saints, it is impossible for them to run away alive. This time, he wants to keep the immortal life."

"Thinking that he, a holy Buddha of the New West Heaven, is going to die here."

Some people sighed, they really didn't think Chu Tian could run away from the ten holy beasts in front of him.

Everyone thought that Chu Tian was dead.

Chutian was alone, raising his head, facing the ten holy beasts, with a calm expression on his face.

After glancing at the ten holy beasts, his eyes only fell on the holy tortoise.

He is very clear that here, the Holy Turtle is the leader, the most powerful overlord among them.

It was also because of this holy tortoise that the smallpox was not taken away.

Chu Tian smiled, and said to the Holy Turtle in front of him with a smile; "I understand, I'm afraid it's because of you alone, guarding the smallpox, so no one else dares to take the smallpox away."

"And you can drive other nine holy beasts, am I right?"

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and the ten holy beasts will definitely fight each other.

Among them, the holy tortoise is the strongest among them, suppressing other holy beasts.

Chu Tian knew very well that if he solved this holy tortoise, smallpox would be eliminated.

It made him want to try it.

It's just that the holy tortoise is such a troublesome existence. When the holy tortoise moved its feet after hearing Chutian's words, the water in the entire Tianchi Lake would be swept up to the sky.

A huge wave was formed and rushed towards Chu Tian.

Seeing all this, Chu Tian still looked calm, took a deep breath, and without thinking about it, he just took out the relic that Tathagata gave him.

"Tathagata, let me use your relic to make me a true Western Heaven Buddha, and show others whether I am qualified to become the new Western Heaven Holy Buddha!"

After finishing speaking, the relic shivered, and it emitted rays of light.

The light enveloped Chutian, and the relics were all fused with Chutian.

Chutian, who got the Tathagata relic, made great progress in Buddhist cultivation.

It is even more so that his Buddha Dharma appearance can be completed in an instant!
Chu Tian's whole body was surrounded by the golden light of Buddha Dharma, and now he is the new holy Buddha of Xitian!

It's not Tathagata, but it's as terrifying as Tathagata.

The Dharma appearance was revealed, and this huge and incomparably large Dharma appearance blocked the curly water of the Tianchi Lake, all of which were blocked by Chutian's Dharma appearance.

This made the holy tortoise extremely furious, and with one mouthful of roaring, the holy dragon and several holy beasts rushed over at the same time.

It is a direct siege to Chutian.

It also made Chutian sneer a little, and when he curled his lips, his originally solemn and solemn face revealed a terrifying aura.

"Little river demon, you dare to do evil in front of me. Don't forget, the way of Buddha cultivation is to save you monsters!"

"The Great Buddha Dharma of the Tathagata, the Dharma saves sentient beings!"

With a flash of light, Chutian's Buddha Dharma figure was lifted up casually, and grabbed the body of the holy beast that rushed over.

It was really grabbing a holy dragon, holding it in his hands, and pulling it with both hands for a split second.

Under Tathagata's supernatural powers and Dharma, this holy dragon was directly torn apart.

It turned into blood, dyeing the entire Tianchi red.

Let many holy beasts watch all this, and these holy beasts looked flustered.

Whoever wanted Chu Tian to tear up the holy beast with his own hands, the other holy beasts were so frightened that they turned their heads and ran away one after another.

This made Chu Tian curl his lips, feeling that he was not enjoying himself enough.

"I haven't used my strength yet, why are you running away, why don't you keep a few of them and make soup for me."

"You don't want to run!"

(End of this chapter)

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