Chapter 610
Xue Lan raised her hand generously, and really held Chu Tian's hand tightly.

The affectionate gaze just looked over like this.

It really made Chu Tian see a little sincerity in the other party's eyes.

But this is interesting. This blood race is probably the first time to seduce others.

But the other woman on the side was different.

The blood-red face was unhappy, but he didn't want to let go of such a good prey.

Relying on the aura of the other party, as well as the whole body, passed it on, giving her a very shocking breath.

It was all to make her very clear that the blood of the guy in front of her must be very valuable.

After getting the other party's blood, her true ancestor will definitely praise her.

Give her more benefits, a higher status!
The corners of the mouth floated up, Xue Hong thought of all this, and looked over with a smile on his face.

A smile flashed by, and soon they all looked at Chu Tian with a charming face, and they really raised their hands and touched Chu Tian's chest.

"Brother Huaxia, his skills are very good. I promise to make you linger, and you will be more satisfied than this woman."

With a playful face, those words are very direct.

The words in his mouth were really a little bewitching.

It all made the face of the blood blue on the side change, and it was completely unexpected that this woman was so bold.

Xue Lan, who had a displeased face, also said directly; "Compared to a woman like you, this little brother still likes the type of sister, hmph."

"Haha, ridiculous, I think you don't have the capital to compare with me, do you?"

The blood red of raising his head is all about raising his chest, that movement.

It's very attractive.

This made Xue Lan's face very unhappy, and he clenched his fists, looking like he was about to explode.

Seeing the two girls get angry directly.

They all started to fight tit for tat, and if this continued, it would be an endless quarrel.

Chu Tian let out a dry cough, and couldn't help but speak directly; "I want to ask, is there any other capable people here?"

As soon as the words came out, the two were stunned.

He looked over with a complicated face.

His face really changed.

"I don't know what you mean?"

Chu Tian smiled, seeing the changes in the faces of the two women in front of him, he also curled his lips into a smile, and said with a smile, "The two sisters are not from the blood clan, I really want to know, but there are powerful adults here in your blood clan? "

There was a calm smile on his face, and a calm expression on his face.

It really made the faces of the two women change.

It never occurred to Chu Tian to see through their identities from the very beginning.

The faces of the two women changed erratically, and they looked at each other in an indescribably strange way.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, he said with a faint smile, "Don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you yet, and you are not worth it."

"You are just small blood clans being used to help absorb human blood and offer sacrifices to some people, and you are just other people's subordinates!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the two changed again.

Taking a deep breath, at this moment, the two of them looked over seriously.

Watching Chutian.

Still with a changing face, he said, "You, who are you?"

The blood red face is the ugliest.

He also asked directly, and looked at Chu Tian with a vigilant expression.

Chu Tian's face was calm, he just looked at the blood red in front of him calmly, smiled and said, "I'm just from China, and I'm very interested in the true ancestor of your blood race."

"I really want to meet the strongest True Ancestors in your blood clan!"

Chu Tian didn't hide what he said.

The blood red in front of him curled his lips, and the corners of his mouth floated up, and the woman in front of him also laughed outright.

"You want to see our True Ancestor, is it up to you?"

Under the sneer, with a really contemptuous face, those eyes looked over.

Looking at Chu Tian, ​​he said without thinking, "You want to see our True Ancestor, it's impossible, I tell you, no matter who you are, you came here to die."

His blood-red face changed, and in an instant, his eyes flashed red.

All of a sudden, he bared his fangs and looked at Chu Tian, ​​clearly not wanting to use gentle methods.

I want to do it directly.

"and many more!"

Chu Tian didn't do anything yet, but Xue Lan at the side saw Xue Hong's movements.

Then he stood up directly, and really stopped him.

He looked over with a strange expression on his face.

And the actions of stopping her all made Xuehong's face unhappy; "What are you, don't forget, whose territory is here, and I am the manager here."

"What qualifications do you have to stop me?"

When she curled her lips, her face was even colder, and there was a little ice in her eyes.

He stared at him with a displeased face, very displeased with Xuelan in front of him, wanting to stop her movements.

She will never let go of this prey.

Xue Lan glanced at Chu Tian in a very complicated way, raised her head, and said to Xue Hong in front of her, "He is the person I found and the first person I chose, so I want to ask you to keep him Give me."

As soon as the words came out, Xue Hong was taken aback, and looked over with a strange expression on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"I will use my method to impress him!"

Xue Lan looked serious, and when he finished speaking, he looked at Chu Tian in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, I really couldn't help but said, "You don't even think about it, to get the first embrace of our blood clan, I believe that with your qualifications, you will definitely become the new true ancestor of our blood clan."

He looked over seriously.

The words in his mouth, not to mention Chu Tian, ​​and his face changed as well as the blood red.

Fortunately, he looked over with a look of astonishment.

"You, what did you say?"

The blood-red face changed drastically, and he clenched his fists and looked over, with a look of dissatisfaction; "You said, let him become our blood race, and he can still become a new true ancestor. It's ridiculous. Let me tell you, this is absolutely possible."

Xuelan didn't hear it.

Looking at Chu Tian seriously, he continued, "I am under the Fourth True Ancestor's subordinates. Our Fourth True Ancestor lacks some subordinates."

"Especially qualified and powerful subordinates, the Fourth True Ancestor will not treat you badly. If you can accept the First Embrace of the Fourth True Ancestor, you can get everything you want."

With a serious face, he said every word in his mouth.

He really came to persuade Chu Tian to accept the first embrace and become a member of the blood clan.

This made Chu Tian feel funny.

The woman in front of the lodger had a very serious expression, it was absolutely not meant to be a joke.

It really made him grateful.

Especially the fourth true ancestor mentioned by the other party is the first supporter of the other party.

The corner of Chu Tian's mouth was raised, and he became a little interested.

She really pretended to be puzzled and looked over; "If I want everything I want, what's the benefit of becoming your blood family?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the blood blue floating on the corner of his mouth was full of complacency.

"The most obvious benefit we can get is that we can live forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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