Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 654 Rebuilding the Sky Prison

Chapter 654 Rebuilding the Sky Prison
The heavens broke the ancient true heaven.

Having seized this ancient way of heaven, this way of heaven was born for the sake of heaven.

It is closely related to the sky, but in the end, the sky still did not die because of the way of heaven.

Only now did Chutian understand that when the heavens were in full bloom, they were already infinitely close to the ancient ancestors.

The sky was originally the strength of the ancient holy emperor.

With the way of heaven, I want to reach the ancient holy ancestor.

Unfortunately, he still failed in the end.

In the process of crossing the calamity of the ancient saint emperor and wanting to become the ancient saint ancestor, it was a direct failure.

Let him directly shatter his mind and soul, and turn him into ashes.

The remnant soul left behind was also the last remnant soul, and originally wanted to be resurrected.

But I didn't expect that it would be destroyed because of Chu Tian, ​​the new emperor.

He was also taken away by Chu Tian from his ancient way of heaven.

This brought Chu Tian back to his senses, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he smiled directly, "Heaven, I will help you perfect your ancient way of heaven."

"What you can't do, I can do. Even if my current strength is only the ancient immortal saint, it won't take long for me to surpass the holy emperor. I want to become the ancient holy ancestor!"

Chu Tian looked confident.

The sky cannot perfect his way of heaven, because of the reason of the ancient way of heaven, it turned into ashes.

But he is different. Whatever he says, he must go beyond the sky, the way of his ancient ancestor.

It must be done.

For himself, Chutian is full of confidence.

But at this moment, the current Chutian has won the ancient heaven, and his aura is really stronger than the sky.

None of the ten felons dared to resist, they knelt on the ground, trembling all over.

They couldn't do anything, looking at Chutian already made them feel scared.

Can only kneel down and wait for death.

There was only the Goddess General, with an excited face, watching Chu Tian's powerful aura, as the Emperor of Heaven.

Chutian's aura is enough to shake the entire heaven.

"My lord, the lord of the sky is indeed comparable to the sky, the lord of the sky is No. 1 in the heaven!"

"I am willing to follow Lord Heavenly Emperor forever, and help Lord Heavenly Emperor take good care of the prison!"

Chu Tian couldn't stop smiling, and just glanced over with such a bright smile.

His eyes fell on the ten felons, and his brows frowned.

With just a flick of a finger, the ten heavy burdens were directly turned into ashes.

"Heavenly Dao reincarnation, destroy it for me!"

Boom boom boom!
The explosions were so loud that none of the ten felons could react.

That was directly reduced to ashes by Chutian's ancient heaven.

It also made the goddess general see it in his eyes, and his face was astonished, so shocked.

I dare not doubt that Chu Tian is no match for that Cang Tian.

This is the ability that the Emperor of Heaven should have!
Chu Tian didn't want to stay longer to solve the ten felons.

There is one more thing to do, looking up at the goddess in front of him, the official said, "Now call someone over and arrest everyone else."

"I will rebuild the sky prison, bring people, and go back with me!"

The goddess general nodded and said without thinking, "It's my lord!"


All the felons in the prison were caught.

Under the leadership of the goddess general, he also returned to the ruins of the prison with Chu Tian.

Many people were waiting here and noticed Chu Tian's return.

All the prisoners who escaped were also captured.

Everyone looked excited and looked over with joy.

Very excited to welcome the return of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor is brave!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven!"

After seeing some people looking at him adoringly, Chu Tian nodded very calmly.

I can feel a wave of faith passing through.

His reputation as a Heavenly Emperor has become even more resounding and powerful in the entire heavenly realm.

Chu Tian, ​​who didn't talk nonsense, looked at the group of people in front of him, and still planned to finish his system tasks quickly.

"The sky prison was broken. This time, it was also my negligence. I plan to rebuild the sky prison."

"The sky prison is rebuilt, and this thing can't happen again. I hope you can help me take care of the sky prison!"

A group of people straightened their faces and looked at Chu Tian with surprise.

He agreed with a nod.

I am also very confused about how Chutian plans to build the sky prison.

Even the Goddess General looked over curiously, and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Lord Heavenly Emperor, I don't know, how do you plan to rebuild the sky prison?"

"Master Heavenly Emperor, do you want me to help?"

Chu Tian shook his head, looked ahead calmly, and said calmly, "I have already controlled the ancient heavenly way of the sky. If the sky can build a ten-story prison, of course I can too."

"And I want to be stronger than him, I want to build an eighteen-story sky prison, and I want to surpass the sky!"

That's right, with the help of the ancient way of heaven, the sky dared to spy on the strength of the ancient ancestor.

But in the end he still failed.

If he can't surpass the sky, he can't get the strength of the ancient ancestor!
Thinking of all this, Chu Tian looked at the open space in front of him and took a deep breath.

With the movement of the immortal energy all over his body, the ancient way of heaven also broke through directly from his body.

"Take the sky as the way, I use the sky as a prison, the first floor of the sky prison!"

"The dungeon, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and the earth of the five elements!"

There was a loud noise in front of it, and the ground really trembled, shaking directly.

Accompanied by the ground, a prison of the earth was also directly established.

It really made everyone's faces change, so they looked astonished.


Feeling Chutian's movements, his face was also shocked, and many people were shocked by Chutian's skill.

Chutian didn't stop, the first layer of sky prison stopped, and started to build the second layer.

That day, he stood up constantly.

It is also layer by layer straight into the sky above the white clouds.

The sky prison is also magnificent and huge.

After reaching the tenth floor, Chu Tian looked even more serious.

Fortunately, with a serious face, the momentum of his whole body rose. At this moment, Chu Tian's momentum made many generals tremble.

This is not over yet, Chu Tian raised his hand, took out a few ancient celestial pills, and ate the ancient celestial pills.

Chutian's divine power is even more inexhaustible.

Raising his head, biting his teeth, with a serious face, he raised his hand and said directly: "I am guided by the sky!"

"The 11th floor of the sky prison, the rainbow prison, the rainbow prison, the rainbow domain, give me knots!"

The voice is loud, it is good to call out.

Let the sky ahead tremble.

In an instant, it all turned into a colorful color.

Above that upper floor, the sky was really bright.

It is very amazing, it has become another field.

An enchantment!
The appearance of this enchantment made everyone even more surprised.

Chutian's strength is comparable to that of Cangtian.

The [-]-storey sky prison must be more powerful than the [-]-story sky prison in the sky.

Stronger and stronger!
In an instant, the sky prison went straight to the seventeenth floor.

No.18, the sky prison, is also the most important, the top sky prison, Chutian must use all his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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