Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 656 Snow God Store Activities

Chapter 656 Snow God Store Activities
Soon, Chu Tian accompanied him.

It also reached the destination this time.

Within the Snow God Chamber of Commerce on Wind Street!
Someone has been waiting here for a long time, but this time it is not Xue Manqing, but another person.

Seeing Chutian approaching, the corners of his mouth rose, and he came forward to greet him respectfully.

"Master Chu, Missy asked me to wait here. We have prepared everything your Lord wants."

"I don't know how your preparations are going, my lord?"

Looking at it, I didn't expect Xue Manqing not to come.

They all sent another person to collect the remaining god stones.

This made Chu Tian very puzzled, and looked over curiously, his expression fluctuating.

Hao looked strange; "Xue Manqing asked you to come here, where are her people?"

"Our young lady has other things to do."

After saying this sentence, it was obvious that the face of the man in front of him changed several times.

It's really a strange face, a face that keeps changing.

The look in his eyes, the expression on his face, all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Chutian asked directly with some doubts on his face, "Could it be that your eldest miss doesn't like me, or that I'm not worthy of your eldest miss to come and greet you in person?"

He put on a very angry expression and looked over.

The face of the man in front changed.

After the face changed drastically, they all hurriedly said to Chu Tian: "No, not my lord."

"Miss, Miss actually encountered a major issue in our Snow God Shop, and had to solve it, it's not because Miss didn't want to come here."

A sigh, under that sigh.

The change in his face also made Chu Tian very curious.

I really want to know what Xue Manqing did.

Looking at the man in front of him, he said, "What's the big deal?"

Looking at Chu Tian in front of him, the man hesitated for a moment before saying, "Xueshen Store, a three-type store association."

"Wind Street Chamber of Commerce is one of them, and there are other chambers of commerce. This time, there is an important matter to discuss. The manager of the Shop Chamber of Commerce, who also represents our Snow God Shop, must be elected!"

Hearing this sentence, Chu Tian was very curious.

"Oh, so what?"

"So, our young lady is now accompanying the manager of our chamber of commerce, who is also the young lady's father, to participate in this big event."

Chu Tian really had a little interest in the general manager of Xueshen Shop.

Looking at the man in front of him, he asked directly; "I don't know, can outsiders participate in your store activities?"

Hearing Chu Tian's words, the man in front of him froze for a moment, his face changed continuously, and he nodded.

He opened the mouth and said, "Yes, yes, but this point must be special in our shop. Only the most important guests are eligible to participate."

In this way, he is really not qualified to participate in the general activities of such a big shop.

After all, his current financial resources have not been favored by the entire Snow God Store.

Xueshen shop knows many great gods and big demons.

The financial resources of these people are much stronger than that of Chu Tian alone.

This made Chu Tian very unconvinced.

He didn't say that he was inferior in strength, but now he has a super Shenhao system.

How can it be possible that the financial resources are not as good as these people!

No matter what, he had to let some people know that he was the real hero.

Chu Tian, ​​whose eyes lit up, looked at the person in front of him, and said directly, "I want to contact your eldest lady."

Hearing Chutian's words, the shopkeepers in front of him were really stunned.

Looking over with a strange expression, she couldn't help but said, "My lord, as I said just now, our eldest lady is carrying out a very important event, but we can't come here."

As soon as Chu Tian curled his lips, he just looked over with a smile on his face.

With a smile on his face, he said with a bright smile; "If this is the case, pass it on to her for me. I have an order worth millions and I need her to take it over. If she can't take it over, I'll go find another store !"

As soon as the words came out, the face of the man in front changed.

Looking over with a look of astonishment, the expression on his face changed continuously.

It's really a very complicated one.

Looking over with a very strange expression; "My lord, are you serious?"

"I don't need to lie to you. Pass this sentence on for me and ask her if she is interested in taking over."

The men who looked over gritted their teeth and nodded.

"I see."

He knew that this was indeed against the rules, but this order of millions of divine stones was too important.


Even among so many distinguished customers in the entire Xueshen shop, very few would make such a big order.

If this list is lost, at that time, I don't know how the eldest lady will blame him.

Anyway, even if it is against the rules.

He must also contact the eldest lady.

Want to understand this.

His face was straightened, so he looked serious and serious.

Without even thinking about it, it's just that direct voice transmission thousands of miles away.

Pass on Chutian's words to the eldest lady.

The eldest lady Xue Manqing was also shocked when she learned that Chutian had a big order worth millions.

He didn't say anything, but asked Chu Tian to be quickly brought to her side.


In less than a while, Chutian was received respectfully by the people in front of him.

Walking forward like this, I really looked over with a smile on my face.

Smiling, he said to Chu Tian, ​​"Master Chu, our young lady wants to talk to you in person."

"Oh, didn't you say that your eldest lady is not here?"

He looked over with curious and puzzled eyes.

The words in his mouth and the expression on his face made the man in front of him nod his head.

He said again; "That's right, the eldest lady is not here, but I can take you to the place where our chamber of commerce is active."

Hearing this sentence, Chu Tian smiled brightly.

What a brilliant smile.

Under the leadership of the people in front, and together with Feng Luxuan, they headed to the location where several major chambers of commerce of the Snow God were held this time.

This time, the general manager of Xueshen Store will be chosen.

This position is very important, representing unlimited rights and status.

It is a large amount of money to use the right.

The three major merchant associations all want to get this place.

This event is also very crucial.

Flying away from Fengjie together.

With Chutian's speed, it's really not too far to reach the thousands of miles of event venue.

It's less than 5 minute.

Arrived at this place very quickly, and saw a very lively situation.

Together with Feng Luxuan, she also frowned, looking ahead, her expression fluctuating.

"My lord, here are several ancient saint emperors with peak strength!"

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian was taken aback.

Turning his head, he looked puzzled.

I don't understand the peak strength of this ancient holy emperor, what kind of strength is it?

(End of this chapter)

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