Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 658 Customization of 1

Chapter 658 Customization of 100

100 million custom orders, even the ancient gods, or the ancient demons, can be wiped out.

The strength of Snow God Shop is still very good.

Chu Tian really suspected that in this entire ancient land of gods and demons, as long as he had money, there was nothing he couldn't do.

With a sigh on his face, he thought about the 100 million customized items.

After pondering for a while, Chu Tian raised his head and said to Xueman in front of him, "With my current cultivation, it's only the strength of an ancient immortal saint."

"I want to become the ancient saint ancestor, or the ancient saint emperor. I hope to complete my current strength improvement in the fastest and shortest time!"

With a serious face, he looked over with a very serious face.

Chutian's supernatural power has long reached the level of the ancient immortals.

His strength has now stagnated.

Just like her physical cultivation, she still only stays at the mortal stage.

This made him very distressed.

If it is physical cultivation, things in the heavens can no longer be improved.

Not to mention his current real strength.

In the Heavenly Court, there is nothing that can help him improve quickly.

As for slowly improving, he really didn't know how much time it would take.

How long will it take to reach this kind of strength and reach this level.

He needs to grow fast, and also needs to acquire more supernatural powers, as well as supernatural powers.

Now it is difficult for him to do it by himself, and he can only turn to the Snow God Shop in front of him.

It is impossible for a large shop in the ancient land of gods and demons to be unable to do all of this!
No matter how you say it, it is also a customization of millions of divine stones!
Sure enough, Xue Manqing was not surprised when he heard Chutian's words, and nodded seriously.

Just look at it like this; "My lord needs to quickly improve my strength. With the current strength of my lord, if the ancient immortal saint wants to be promoted to the ancient holy ancestor."

"I'm afraid, without tens of millions of sacred stones, no one would agree to teach you. Moreover, no one has the ability to contact our Snow God shop. For this, I apologize."

With a serious face, he just looked over with a serious face.

What Xue Manqing said made Chu Tian startled.

It's just such a face that keeps changing, it's a strange expression; "So, you can't do it?"

Xue Manqing shook his head, and said directly, "The ancient saint ancestor can't do it, but the ancient saint emperor can, but I don't know, the ancient devil emperor or the ancient saint emperor's strength that my lord needs?"

Chu Tian became curious: "What's the difference between the two?"

"The difference between the ancient holy emperor and the ancient devil emperor is, is your lord cultivating a demon soul or a divine soul, or in other words, which of the two souls does your lord plan to major in in the future?"

Generally, in the land of ancient gods and demons, one must either practice the spirit of the gods or the soul of the devil.

The devil soul enters the Tao, cultivates to great success, and can become a devil emperor!
Break through the way of the devil, destroy the sky and destroy the earth, and become the ancestor of the devil!

However, the ancient ancestors and emperors are different.

Cultivate the Dao with the spirit and soul, see the way of heaven, and if you achieve great success, you can become a holy emperor.

Completely comprehend the way of heaven and integrate the way of heaven into himself, and he is the real ancestor!
The two souls can only choose one of them, and this has been the case since ancient times.

Chu Tian who heard this sentence frowned.

His complexion fluctuated.

A face, with a bit of curiosity and even a complex expression.

No one can cultivate two souls at the same time, after all, two souls cultivate together.

It will only slow down his progress.

But Chutian really didn't believe it. He had already cultivated into a demon soul, but now he really wanted to cultivate a divine soul.

Looking at the past seriously, he said directly; "I need to cultivate the soul, and now I don't have any soul, but I still want to rely on the soul to take the lead in stepping into the realm of the ancient holy emperor."

Feeling Chu Tian's serious face.

Xue Manqing smiled wryly, but still didn't dare to refuse the words to go out.

Customization of 100 million god stones.

Chutian is qualified to make any request, and this request is not excessive at all.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Manqing became serious; "I know Master Chu, and I will follow your request to find someone who can teach him the spirit."

"I guarantee that I will introduce it to someone who will allow adults to comprehend everything in a short period of time and gain the strength of the ancient emperor!"

When Chu Tian heard this, he curled his lips and smiled endlessly.

With a bright smile on his face, he just smiled with satisfaction and nodded.

Without any nonsense, he handed over the deposit of 50 divine stones to Xue Manqing.

Once the 50 deposit was paid off, he really didn't have many sacred stones in his pocket.

In addition, he owed another 50 divine stones!
This made Chutian sigh a little.

Of course, it didn't take long for Chutian to figure it out.

Anyway, Shenshi now has a super Shenhao system, making money is really not too simple.

With 100 million god stones, you can get a shortcut to upgrade to the strength of the ancient emperor!
This is simply not too cost-effective, too cheap!

To Chu Tian, ​​it was really nothing.

Chu Tian didn't care, but the others were surprised.

Especially seeing that Chutian really handed over all the 50 sacred stones to him, he really delivered 50 sacred stones directly!
Plan to customize a business of 100 million.

Many people from the other two major shops and chambers of commerce looked at Xue Manqing with envy.

Xue Huawu's face was ugly, that pretty face was obviously blue.

It also made Xue Manqing see it very well.

The corners of his mouth floated up, and he just watched over with a smile on his face.

Looking at Xuehuawu, I couldn't help but said, "Xuehuawu, do you still think that this adult is not qualified to participate in our activities?"

With a curl of his lips, he continued to sneer, the look in his eyes.

The words in the mouth also made Xue Huawu's face change.

Hearing this, they all looked at Chu Tian in front of them with uncertain faces.

That was clearly an expression of dissatisfaction.

But even if he was not reconciled, he didn't dare to say anything at all.

Chutian used 100 million custom orders, which is already an extremely rare big business within the Snow God Shop.

Even if she objects now, when the time comes, the ancestors will blame her.

Nothing good will happen to her.

Thinking of all this, Xue Huawu really let out a cold snort as she clenched her fists.

Put down a word and walk away; "Hmph, Xue Manqing, I won't forget about today's affairs, just wait and see."

After finishing speaking, he sneered coldly, with an indifferent look on his face.

Taking a deep look at Xue Manqing, he turned his head and left.

It's clear that they don't want to forget about it.

After all, this event is to elect the manager of the entire Xueshen store.

Both of them are merchant associations in different places.

They are all here to compete for the general manager.

Between the two, there will definitely be enmity.

Hearing Xue Huawu's words, Xue Manqing didn't care at all.

Just turning his head, his eyes fell on Chu Tian, ​​and he said with a smile; "Young Master Chu, since you are interested in witnessing our activities, I will introduce you to our holy mountain."

"Take you to see and see, this holy snow mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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