Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 674 Frustrating the First Family

Chapter 674 Frustrating the First Family
According to Zhang Feng's words, the strength of other big countries is not bad.

It's really not enough to see who wants the current ability of the Huaxia family.

This made Chutian sigh with a little sigh.

While thinking about the words in Zhang Feng's mouth.

On the other hand, the other two great families all reported one thing and reported it to him again.

"Young Master Chu, this time, the Zhang family of China's No. [-] family has already taken action."

After finishing speaking, this sentence, all looked at Zhang Crazy who was on the side.

Zhang Feng is also a member of China's No. [-] family.

As one of the four emperors, his status is not simple.

However, after hearing about the Zhang family of the first family, it really seemed calm.

With a calm face, he still looked over calmly.

It's as if he didn't see what the Duan family said.

Only let the Duan family take a very weird look, and then said; "The other emperors all know Zhang Feng's strength and think that Young Master Chu has insulted the entire Zhang family."

"The reputation and status of the four emperors who insulted the Zhang family, they said, it won't be forgotten."

This made Chu Tian frowned, and he really sighed a little.

These Chinese aristocratic families really like to care about this.

No wonder there is no strength to occupy a higher status and fame.

The members of the First Family all listened to Chu Tian.

When she curled her lips, there was a little sneer, and there was complete indifference in her eyes.

Na raised his head and said without thinking; "They want to trouble me, I will accompany them, no matter how many of them go together."

"Zhang Feng, since you are also a member of the Zhang family, pass on my words and tell them that I accept their provocation!"

Chu Tianhao looked over with a proud and cold face

The look in his eyes, the expression on his face, all fell into the eyes of Zhang Crazy in front of him.

Zhang Crazy's expression changed.

Feel Chutian's gaze, and sight.

After thinking about it, I still nodded.

"I see, Patriarch, I'll go back to the Zhang family and help Patriarch pass on this matter."

Among the Zhang family, the relationship between the titles of several emperors is really not that good.

Hearing that other people are really Xiao Qiao Chutian, he doesn't mind, let these people see a little color.

Even if he is very clear, the strength of the other emperors is very good.

But compared with Chutian, it is one sky and one earth.

It is simply impossible to compare.

Chu Tian was also waiting in the villa for Zhang Feng to pass on the news.

The first family is extremely arrogant.

He didn't understand, where did the confidence come from?
Has something to do with that fairy clan in the fairy world?

Could it be that a certain fairy clan maintained close ties with them, which gave them such arrogant capital.

It only made Chu Tian look serious, and his face turned cold.

This fairy clan, he must know who it is!


Inside the villa, Chu Tian rested for a while.

Added spirit.

I'm full of energy and really have nothing to do.

Instead, there was a loud sound outside the door.

The members of the Duan family all came again.

Hurrying into the room, Duan Ya, whose eyes lit up when she saw Chu Tian, ​​came so close.

With a serious face, he said to Chu Tian, ​​"Young Master Chu, I heard that you want to fight against the Four Emperors, don't you?"

It is only natural for Duan Ya to know about this matter.

Chu Tian nodded, looked at Duan Ya in front of him, and said with a smile, "That's right, are you here to stop me?"

Duan Ya was stunned, and immediately shook her head and said, "No, I'm not here to stop Young Master Chu, but to support Young Master Chu."

"Our Duan family is on the side of Young Master Chu's change. This time, I will help Young Master Chu!"

With a serious face, he looked over with a serious face.

It also made Chu Tian slightly curious.

It is not clear how Duan Ya intends to help him.

And Duan Ya, with a serious face, continued without any nonsense; "Just now, Emperor Wu Zhang Feng has already approached me, and through him, we have already contacted the Zhang family of the other First Family."

"We have to teach this extremely arrogant Zhang family a lesson, but such an ordinary lesson is not enough, we have to humiliate them in front of all the big Chinese families!"

Gritting his silver teeth, he looked over seriously.

Duan Ya also holds a grudge against the Zhang family's arrogance.

It seems that as the number one family in China, not many people really admire and admire it.

This made Chu Tian feel a little pensive.

The title of China's No. [-] family is indeed not suitable for the Zhang family.

No matter what he said, he is also a new generation of Heavenly Emperor. The fairy world has been sorted out, and he also wants to sort out these thousand-year-old families.

It's also about his beliefs.

Only the most sincere and continuous belief can stabilize his position as the emperor of heaven.

Thinking of this, Chu Tian raised his head, looked at Duan Ya and said, "What are you going to do?"

Duan Ya pursed her lips and said with a smile; "Of course, first find all the other families, and then rely on you, Young Master Chu, to severely defeat this Zhang family in front of many families."

"Young Master Chu, I hope you will not show mercy. I hope you can use all your strength to teach this Zhang family a lesson!"

Duan Yahao's serious expression really made Chu Tian startled.

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help laughing out.

"All strength?"


Duan Ya didn't joke around, I'm afraid Duan Ya still doesn't understand what his full strength means.

If he really used all his strength, this mortal world would be devastated.

He didn't need to show all his strength at all.

Seeing that Duan Ya in front of him was very concerned about frustrating the Zhang family, Chu Tian could only straighten his face, and said again; "I see, I will educate this Zhang family well."

"Look, are they qualified to continue to be the first family's position!"

If not, I am afraid that the first family will change families.

Hearing Chutian's words, Duan Ya's eyes lit up, and she couldn't stop smiling.

A happy face, a bright face, that is not even thinking about it.

As soon as he said he would leave, he started to arrange the plan for this time according to the original plan.

"Young Master Chu, please rest well first, I will plan this matter well, and when everything is ready, I will send you to pick up Young Master Chu!"

After speaking, Duan Ya left in a hurry.

Leaving Chutian alone, he touched his nose and really wanted to say something.

He didn't need to rest at all, and he could deal with the entire first family in China.

However, the reputation of the first family must be thwarted before other families.

This can only make Chutian wait a little longer.

Even now, he really wants to go directly to the door.

But in that way, there are not many spectators, and it is impossible to defeat the First Family.

Suppressing the reputation of the first family, let the title of the first family directly change the family.

Thinking about it, Chu Tian could only wait patiently for Duan Ya's contact.

At this time, there were really not many people in the entire villa.

It seemed that he had left a quiet environment for him alone!
(End of this chapter)

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