Chapter 686

The head of the Zhang family is under the gaze of everyone.

When he reached the front, he said without thinking, "I came here this time to tell everyone that our Zhang family plans to withdraw from the Huaxia family."

"From now on, as long as it is involved in the family, our Zhang family will not interfere again!"

Surrounded by boiling, no one thought,

The Zhang family would actually make such a decision.

I don't intend to meddle in the affairs of the family.

This shows that the Zhang family is going to retire.

How is this possible? This is the Zhang family of China's No. [-] family.

It's so straightforward, if you retreat decisively, those who believe in the Zhang family's ability to turn the tide will all open their mouths.

His face was stunned, but he looked forward in shock.

There was a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"Why, why did the Zhang family retire?"

"Could it be that the Zhang family has provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked, and even the Zhang family is afraid?"

"But, the Zhang family is afraid and dare not provoke someone, who is this?"

Some people's faces changed. Hearing the words of the Patriarch of the Zhang family, the entire Huaxia family caused a disturbance.

Under the noise, many people noticed Chu Tian in front of him.

Chu Tian who stepped forward really made some people's eyes change.

Only now did they realize that the Zhang family's retirement must have had a lot to do with Chutian.

It can make the Zhang family retreat.

What is the origin of this guy?
It makes people look ugly.

"Could it be that it was really because of him that the Zhang family retired?"

"It is very possible that the Zhang family's retirement must have something to do with him. It seems that even the entire Zhang family is in awe of his strength."

Some people looked terrified. Compared to before, no one dared to underestimate Chu Tian.

An expression of awe and a look of fear.

After glancing at everyone's faces, Chu Tian straightened his face and went straight to the front.

Without talking nonsense, he showed his aura of the emperor of heaven, and said directly: "There is one thing that I need your help to do."

"The Huaxia family does not allow outsiders to enter. As long as anyone is involved with other outsiders, I will never let it go. From now on, your Huaxia family must show your backbone and cannot tolerate these outsiders who disturb the family! "

With a serious face, the words in his mouth only made everyone's faces change.

Hearing Chu Tian's words, his expression was very strange.

Looking at them with a glance, the strange expressions on their faces all fell into Chu Tian's eyes.

Only let Chutian continue: "From now on, people outside the Huaxia family are your enemies. If you want to improve the status of your family, you must listen to me."

"Could it be that you are willing to be suppressed all the time?"

Chutian's voice was loud, and he heard Chutian's cry.

Many people's faces changed, thinking that the status of the Huaxia family was constantly belittled in the eyes of many people.

This made them very unconvinced. They raised their hands and shouted directly: "Impossible, as a Chinese family, we never thought that we would continue to be suppressed by others."

"That's right, the Zhang family of the first family, I have long disliked them. They colluded with people from other ethnic groups in the Huaxia family, and it was because of them that the whole family was in chaos."

"We must not allow people outside the Huaxia family to interfere in our territory!"

One by one the voices were noisy and sounded in one piece.

It also made a few foreigners in a small circle look very ugly.

In particular, they noticed that Chu Tian, ​​who was the leader in front of him, had an unusually pale complexion.

With a cold snort, some of the leaders looked unhappy.

"What is this guy, what qualifications does he have, dare to say these things here?"

"It's ridiculous. He actually wants to sabotage our plan. It's ridiculous. This kid, as the leader, seems to have to be taught a lesson."

"The garbage of the Huaxia family. Without the Zhang family, you are all a bunch of garbage. I want to see how you resist."

It is really a good thing for them that the Zhang family retired.

Without the Zhang family, it would be easier for them to enter the Huaxia family and do something.

Which family can stop them?

Thinking of all this, the leaders of the two factions all looked very bright.

The corners of the mouth floated up, and the smile was very cold.


Many people listened to Chu Tian's words.

The retreat of the Zhang family caused a shock in the Huaxia family. Now even the Zhang family dare not stop Chutian.

Who else dares to say anything.

Now that Chu Tian said, we must resist the power groups of other countries.

They had no choice but to obey Chu Tian's orders.

According to Chutian's words, they are all trying their best to search for the Chinese family that has connections with other countries' power groups.

This time, it must be a huge earthquake for the Huaxia family.

What Chutian has to do is, of course, to cleanse the current Chinese aristocratic family.

Starting from the inside, the influence groups of other countries are not allowed to intervene.

He has to investigate all those who have connections with other national forces.

Of course, someone will help with the investigation, and he really doesn't need to contribute.

Just order these things well, and the Huaxia family who supports him will help him complete them.

This made Chu Tian curl his lips, and his face was full of smiles.

With a smile on his face, he is arranging some things to be handed over to many Chinese families.

Unexpectedly, the head of the Zhang family found him again.

This time, the Patriarch of the Zhang family lost his previous aura and approached him.

They all lowered their heads and said with changing expressions; "My lord, I feel that there is no need for us to make such a big fuss."

"Actually, other national power groups are helpful to our Chinese family."

Chu Tian frowned every time he spoke.

Looking at the Patriarch of the Zhang family in front of him, he wanted to say something else.

Unexpectedly, behind the Patriarch of the Zhang family, there was a member of the Zhang family who came in a hurry.

Arriving in front of the Patriarch of the Zhang Family, the moment he uttered a word, the Patriarch of the Zhang Family's face changed drastically.

"My lord, it's not good. The Zhang family is in some trouble. People from the Bronze Knights and the werewolves have all come to the door."

"Our Zhang family is in disaster!"

The expression on his face was urgent, and the words that he spoke made the face of the Patriarch of the Zhang family change.

Hearing this sentence, his face was extremely ugly, pale and uncertain.

He didn't even think that before the Zhang family made a move, the two major factions couldn't help it.

It is clear that they want to deal a fatal blow to the Zhang family while the Zhang family is dying.

Looking at the pale complexion of the head of the Zhang family.

Chu Tian really couldn't stop sneering.

The Zhang family is trying so hard to cooperate with other factions, I'm afraid they can't think of it.

In the eyes of the other party, they are just stepping stones.

It's just a pawn to play with!

(End of this chapter)

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