Chapter 691
From the looks of it, the Four Great Immortal Realms are due to the Immortal Saint.

They were all noisy together, in the two immortal worlds of humans and Buddhas, without the leadership of immortal saints, many forces emerged.

want to occupy it.

And Chutian was originally qualified to decide the post of Immortal Saint in the Four Great Immortal Worlds!

That's why they found it here.

And hearing the people of the Yaozu Xianjia, the Buddha of the Buddha Realm also looked unhappy.

Gritting his teeth, he glared at him angrily, and said angrily, "You trash little demons also want to step into the land of our ancient Buddhas, even if our holy Buddhas are not there, just rely on us immortal Buddhas."

"It's enough to melt all of you monsters!"

The fairy family of the Yaozu clan grinned their teeth, and in an instant, they all burst into rage; "Damn bald donkey, what are you talking about, if you have the ability, let's compare and see if you are more powerful in Buddhism or in the way of demons!"

The two looked unconvinced.

He really looked like he wanted to fight.

This made Chu Tian cough dryly.

Following his opening, the two people in front stopped arguing.

"Okay, I already know about your affairs."

Chu Tian swept his eyes, and his eyes fell on the other two. Of course, Dao Xianjie was sent by Dao Sheng.

He was very respectful, but still showed an expression of disobedience, presumably also a little peeping at other fairy worlds.

And the woman from Human Sovereign Saint Immortal Realm watched over with a strange expression.

Looking at Chutian, he said with a bit of worry on his face; "Master Human Emperor, you are now the emperor of heaven, and you were originally convinced by our heaven, but."

"After you became the Emperor of Heaven, there will be no Emperor Sage in our heavenly realm. Although you are the only Emperor Sage in our hearts, you are the Emperor of Heaven, and we dare not bother you at all, so..."

Chu Tian stared at the past and thought of something; "So, you also want the new emperor?"

"No no, my lord, we only have you, Lord Human Sovereign Saint, we just want the clone of your lord, that's enough."

The woman lowered her head, her expression frightened.

The words in his mouth made Chu Tian shake his head, and he said without nonsense; "It is difficult for me to manage your heavens with clones. In my opinion, I'd better choose a new emperor for you."

The woman's eyes lit up and she looked happy.

Although, she is very willing to help Chu Tian clone.

However, if they can choose Huangsheng again, their fairy family has a lot of hope.

Thinking of all this, his face was bright, he lowered his head, and said to Chu Tian, ​​"Everything should be obeyed by the Heavenly Emperor."

Chu Tian's gaze swept away, and then fell on the person from the Taoist celestial family again.

As a descendant of Taoist Xuanyuan.

I have to admit that Dao Sheng's strength is also the most powerful among them.

Now that the holy Buddha is not there, only the Taoist saint can be regarded as the real number one saint in the fairy world.

It also made the man in front of him look a little proud.

Facing Chu Tian's gaze, he smiled faintly and said calmly, "Our Daosheng lord, this time, let me come here to ask you how you think about the Four Great Immortal Worlds."

"The monster clan and the immortal Buddha will definitely not give up like this. They will fight and disturb the peace of the entire fairy world. This will be very unfavorable to you, Lord Heavenly Emperor."

As soon as the words came out, Chu Tian curled his lips.

Looking at the past, he said directly; "Oh, so, you Daoist saints have a solution?"

The visitor nodded without thinking, "Yes, my lord."

"Our Taoist lord, I still suggest that the Lord Heavenly Emperor preside over and select the heart ruler of the four directions of heaven. As long as he has the strength, he can become a fairy saint."

"He should be given the status and ability of the Immortal Saint, which is a good thing for the Sifang Immortal World!"

The man from Dao Shengxian's family curled his lips and spoke with a smile on his face.

Chu Tian didn't understand what the other party meant.

Regardless of the four major immortal families, as long as they have the strength, they can become the master immortal saints of other immortal worlds.

It seems that Dao Sheng is also very confident in his subordinates.

This made Chu Tian laugh, thinking that this mission was also for the sake of the saints of the four great immortal worlds.

This made him agree without thinking about it; "Okay, Dao Sheng's method is good. If that's the case, I will organize it in Heaven."

"The Celestial Saint Conferring Heaven Celebration Ceremony!"

As soon as the words came out, the faces of the people in front of them all changed.

With a serious face, they looked over and looked at each other with a serious face.

It was a look of inevitability.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor speaks, we dare not disobey. I don't know what rules are there this time, Lord Heavenly Emperor?"

He looked over seriously with a look of anticipation on his face.

Chu Tian pondered for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "The rules are not fixed. As long as you have the strength and ability in the four great fairy worlds, you can become the gods of other fairy worlds."

"Obtain my canonization, you can get the position of Immortal Saint!"

Hearing this, several people all looked happy and bright.

Without even thinking about it, I agreed.

Really go back immediately to deliver this news.

Falling into Chu Tian's eyes, the corners of his mouth kept smiling.

His purpose is more than that.

Since the mission this time is for the majesty of his Heavenly Emperor.

It's not just as simple as re-selecting the Celestial Saint!
Instead, divide his majesty and power.

Therefore, this time, he made no matter which fairy world people are eligible to seize the position of immortal saints in other fairy worlds.

This rule shows that he is also qualified to arrange for people to seize the position of immortal saint in other immortal worlds.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian couldn't stop smiling.

Since the saints of the four great fairy worlds like to mess around so much.

Then he will change the candidate for the Immortal Saint, all of this is for the stability of the Immortal World!


Think of the candidate to replace Immortal World.

Chu Tian really wanted to replace all the saints of the four great immortal worlds in the southeast, west, and heaven, but, for a while, he couldn't find so many people.

Thinking about this question, Chu Tian also planned to visit the Four Great Immortal Worlds.

The first to pass, of course, is the Southern Heaven Realm where he is.

There is still his Immortal Mansion in the Southern Heaven Realm, and there are many people he can trust in this Heaven Realm.

Thinking of Xiaodie and Panshan made his eyes brighten.

If the Southern Heaven Realm wanted to choose a new demon saint, these two would be good candidates.

Thinking of all this, Chu Tian summoned the two of them to the Southern Heaven Realm.

I intend to see the strength of the two of them, whether they are qualified to become the immortal saints of the Southern Heaven Realm!
Called by Chutian, the two really came in a hurry.

Hearing that Chutian wanted to re-plan the celebration of the celestial sage conferring heaven, Xiaodie and Panshan looked forward to it.

"Young Master Chu, Xiaodie has almost gained the strength of a fairy sage now, and Xiaodie has the confidence to fight that demon sage!"

"Master, me too, I am willing to help master take down that demon saint!"

The two looked confident, feeling the strength of the two, but they were both close to the Immortal Saint.

This made Chu Tian very satisfied, and gave them some heavenly pills from the land of ancient monsters, so that they could practice hard.

Go to the other three heavens again to find suitable candidates.

(End of this chapter)

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