Chapter 693 All Arranged
Four dark horses, no one noticed at all.

Needless to say, Xiaodie and Panshan's strength is originally the strength of the immortal saint, and it is also infinitely close to the ancient immortal saint.

With the help of his Heavenly Pill, no one can resist it.

It is very simple to win the positions of the two immortal saints.

At the same time, the two brothers and sisters who worshiped him who were still in the East Heaven Realm, Dao Zun, were also good candidates.

Under the ancient heavenly pill given by Chutian, the strength of the two of them has also been greatly improved.

It is of course very easy for the two brothers and sisters to win the position of Immortal Saint.

All of this was beyond the expectations of the Yaozu and Daoshengxian's family.

No one expected that with the start of this celebration, four people with great strength would suddenly burst out.

It shook the curse-forbidden land of the three heavens!
"I, Panshan, can destroy dozens of your immortal families by myself. Look at my giant body, don't try to prevent me from taking the title of Northern Immortal Sage for my master!"

"Xiaodie also wants to win the position of Nanxiansheng for Young Master Chu. If you monster clan monster saint is not here, let me see, who among you monster clan can compare with me, and I can get half of the ancient celestial pill with me." The power of an ancient immortal saint!"

In the front of the South Heaven Realm, as well as the two sites in the North Heaven Realm, major changes have taken place.

Panshan alone can suppress dozens of immortal families, and many people sent by the immortal family have no choice but to smash Panshan directly by him.

The Xian family lost a lot of personnel, and the few immortal emperors who were able to stay were also lingering on their last days, which was never thought of.

There is still such a big black horse.

Not to mention, Xiaodie on the other side is not bad either. Facing the alliance of the monster clan, Xiaodie relies on the ancient heavenly pill that Chutian gave her.

Playing with all the monster races by one person, making those monster races grin their teeth and turn into monster bodies, there is nothing they can do about Xiaodie.

The entire Southern Heaven Realm was in chaos.

It had already fallen not far away. In the eyes of the two, they originally came here to compete for the Western Heaven Realm.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that something happened in the Southern Heaven Realm.

The descendants of Xuanyuan Daosheng really laughed out loud; "Great Sage, your position as a demon saint of the demon race will be lost. It seems that someone has planned a long time ago to snatch your position as a demon saint."

Monkey King grinned his teeth, his face was very ugly, and his eyes swept away.

Noticing what happened in the Eastern Heaven Realm not far away.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he also laughed; "Your East Heaven Realm is nothing more than that, look at the situation in your East Heaven Realm, you still have the face to laugh at me!"

Xuanyuan Daosheng's descendant's face was shocked, and they glanced over.

Sure enough, he noticed the location of the East Heaven Realm this time.

Those fairy families of his have encountered a little trouble.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers and sisters of Dao Zun came here, and for some reason, their strength suddenly increased several times, as if someone was secretly helping them.

This made his face change, and in an instant, a gloom rose in his heart.

"Both of us were deceived. This time, we are not the only ones who can compete for the position of Immortal Saint. It seems that there are other people who are also eyeing our position."

"No matter what, now that the new emperor is watching, if we don't seal the victory, we have no way to control other places, so let's take a trick from the great sage!"

After finishing speaking, Great Sage Equaling Heaven really rushed forward in an instant, and immediately fought with Xuanyuan Daoist in front of him.

Both of them clearly wanted to quickly decide the outcome, to see if there was a chance to help their Yaozu Xianjia.

In the Buddha Heaven Realm, there are not many who can compare with the two.

As the two shook the world, the fight between the world and the earth was shaken.

It really affected many people around, and within the entire Forbidden Curse Land, it took less than ten minutes.

Only two people were left fighting.

Chu Tian saw this and frowned.

It is very clear that the two cannot be allowed to destroy the plan to snatch other fairy worlds, and directly face Xiaodie, Panshan, and the two brothers and sisters of Dao Zun.

An order has been issued, quickly resolve this matter.

Sure enough, the whole scene was very lively.

The power of Pangu in Panshan is indeed extremely terrifying, and Pangu is also a clan in the land of ancient gods and demons.

The strength is terrifying, plus Chutian's ancient heavenly pill.

In less than half an hour, within the entire forbidden curse, no one could survive before Panshan.

It was a mess, and only Pan Shan's huge body was left behind.

If only one person survived in Panshan, the curse of the entire world would be broken in an instant!

At this moment, many people stared at the past, feeling that Panshan broke the forbidden spell first, leaving only one person behind.

All sighed.Shocked.

"It seems that Human Emperor Sage has already made a decision. Hey, I don't know whose fairy family this guy is from?"

Pan Shan broke the forbidden spell in an instant, and his face was filled with surprise.

With a happy face, he was even more excited, without even thinking about it, facing Chu Tian in front of him, he really couldn't help but kneel down and bow down.

"Master, I took down the Northern Heaven Realm by winding the mountain!"

All the immortals; "..."

After noticing this, many people realized that this was not a fairy family planning behind the scenes at all.

Rather, the Emperor of Heaven himself was the ultimate mastermind.

Many immortals looked ugly.

But Chutian smiled and nodded with satisfaction, and he was also happy when he heard the sound of the system upgrading next to his ear.

"Obtain the ruler of the Northern Heaven Realm, strengthen the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor to complete the first step, and obtain the super god treasure treasure map * 1, and the super god treasure treasure chest * 1."

"Oh, for one, I can get two items, which is not bad. I can also get the other three worlds. In other words, I can get three times the items."

Chu Tian almost burst out laughing, he didn't care how the people around him looked at him.

His Heavenly Emperor, who else dares to say anything.

And right now, in less than a while, Xiaodie is also the second person to break the forbidden spell.

Xiaodie's strength is not bad, with the help of artifacts and ancient celestial pills.

It is really effortless to take down those monster races.

It also wiped out all the demon clan, leaving her alone!
Xiaodie, who broke through the forbidden curse, also looked happy and excited, and said to Chu Tian without thinking.

"Young Master Chu, Xiaodie has also won the position of Immortal Sage in the Southern Heaven Realm, and the demon clan has been wiped out. From now on, the entire demon clan will be dominated by Xiaodie, and Xiaodie is the new demon queen!"

He had a haughty look on his face, like a little arrogant and complacent expression.

In the eyes of some monster clans, they dare not speak out. After all, their great saints are fighting hard now.

I can't help them at all.

But now, only the West Heaven Realm and the East Heaven Realm are left.

The situation in the Eastern Heaven Realm has stabilized, and it is only a matter of time before the Daozun brothers and sisters win.

It's just that within the forbidden curse of the Western Heaven Realm, the fight between two critical ancient immortal saints really made his forbidden curse vibrate.

Looking at the front, Chu Tian clearly realized that both of them showed their final strength.

The great sage, the monster sage of the monster clan, also turned into a giant monkey, and with the talent of heaven, he kept pushing back Xuanyuan Taoist queen in front of him.

It also made Taoist Xuanyuan couldn't bear it anymore and took out Xuanyuan's blood.

The power of the Taoist saint almost broke through Chu Tian's forbidden spell!
(End of this chapter)

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