Chapter 696

At this moment, the big formation in front of him also disintegrated in an instant, which was broken by Chu Tian in an instant.

This made the group of people in front of them see it, and their faces changed, but they didn't expect it.

Lord Heavenly Emperor will come here unexpectedly.

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly.

The original Taoist saints were all seriously injured, and with just a few immortal families, they could be subdued.

It is impossible for the two brothers and sisters of Dao Zun to deal with the Emperor of Heaven.

This moment, in an instant.

The formations of the seven immortal families were completely destroyed.

The formation was directly broken by Chutian, and under the backlash of the formation, the seven members of the Immortal family fell to the ground with serious injuries in an instant.

His face was ugly and pale.

Fortunately, the changing face was all because of Chu Tian's arrival, and his face was full of fear and uneasiness.

Facing Chutian's strength, they were no match at all.

As long as Chutian raised his hand lightly, they could be put to death.

Now, they are all finished.

As for the two siblings, Dao Zun, their eyes lit up when they noticed Chu Tian's appearance.

Fortunately, he looked happy and excited.

His complexion was so bright that he half knelt down facing Chu Tian without even thinking about it.

Greeting Chu Tian's arrival.

Chu Tian fell to the ground in an instant, and ended with the sound of treasure digging next to his ears.

As soon as he raised his head, he glanced at the few people in front of him.

None of the seven immortal families dared to resist. Facing Chu Tian's arrival, they could only lower their heads with fear on their faces.

The whole body trembled, and at this moment, the seven immortals gave up resistance.

Chu Tian glanced coldly, and his eyes fell on the two brothers and sisters of Dao Zun.

With a serious face, he said directly; "What's going on?"

Dao Zun's two brothers and sisters were very excited. When they noticed Chu Tian's arrival, their expressions changed.

He looked over with a happy face.

He said without even thinking about it; "Young Master Chu, these people want to stop us from taking down the Dao Temple."

"Oh, is that so, are you dissatisfied with the Fengtian Xiansheng I appointed?"

Chu Tian glanced, and the coldness flashed in his eyes, and he looked over with indifference.

That cold gaze, a look of incomparable indifference.

All of them made the expressions of the group of people in front of them change.

He lowered his head, no one dared to speak.

No one dared to say anything.

No one thought that the Emperor of Heaven would come to check and clear it.

The Youxian family couldn't bear Chu Tian's aura, and trembled all over, and knelt down directly for an instant.

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, please forgive us, we, we didn't do it on purpose, please forgive us, Lord Heavenly Emperor."

"We, our immortal family, are willing to support the new Daoist, we, we are willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright."

"Please, Lord Heavenly Emperor, give us a chance to reform ourselves!"

All of them had extremely ugly faces and spoke directly to Chu Tian.

He called out directly with a look of panic.

It also made Chu Tian see it, watching half of the immortal families begging for mercy, and the remaining half of the immortal families.

It was obvious that they were not convinced.

"Emperor of Heaven, Dao Temple, not everyone can occupy it. With the strength of the new Dao Saint, we don't think she is qualified to know the temple."

"That's right, Dao Sheng hasn't recovered yet, all the property in this temple is Dao Sheng!"

Half of the Xian family, with serious faces, just watched over.

A look of reluctance to admit defeat.

In Chu Tian's eyes, he glanced coldly and raised one hand without any hesitation.

"The position of Immortal Saint is determined by me. If you don't listen now, you are against me."

"Since this is the case, you want to fight against me, well, as long as you beat me, this temple will be yours."

After finishing speaking, as soon as he raised his hand, he turned his hand into a fairy cloud.

Chutian's immortal way is also extremely terrifying.

Relying on his current strength, with every gesture, there is a great array of Taoism.

Directly let the space in front of him be transformed into his formation.

Trapped half of the fairy family.

The faces of those immortals changed drastically, how could they be Chutian's opponents.

They were all unable to resist at all, and were directly trapped by Chutian, facing the burning flames directly cast by Chutian.

In an instant, they were completely devoured.

No screams at all.

In the Eastern Heaven Realm, several great immortal families died tragically in Chu Tian's hands.

And almost all of them were wiped out.

The rest of the immortal family felt even more terrified and felt Chu Tian's gaze.

Their faces were extremely pale, and they knelt down one by one.

Facing Chutian, no one dared to respect him.

Chu Tian only glanced at it before nodding his head in satisfaction, and said directly, "The Taoist Palace is her territory from now on."

"Can you help her to control the affairs in the Dao Temple?"

Faced with Chu Tian's inquiry, the immortals dared not disobey.

"Yes, Lord Tiandi!"

When the group of people in front of them all agreed directly.

Only then did Chutian nod his head in satisfaction, and left the East Heaven Realm.

There is the last treasure map left, and the location of the treasure map also falls directly within the last northern heaven.

Come to think of it, the original emperor of the Northern Heaven Realm is him.

To say that the most stable one should be the Northern Heaven Realm.

I don't know what's going on with Panshan as the new Emperor Sage of the Northern Heaven Realm.

This made Chu Tian very curious.

In order to dig out the treasure map, I also went to see Panshan.

That's the place to go directly to the North Heaven Realm!

North Celestial Realm.

As soon as Chu Tian arrived here, he really found that this place was indeed very peaceful.

Not too much hoopla.

On the contrary, it is a kind of lively prosperity.

After all, he was originally the Saint Emperor of the Northern Heaven Realm, and he established the business circle of the Northern Heaven Realm.

It also makes the North and North Heaven Realm stronger.

Not to mention, he became the Emperor of Heaven, allowing many immortal families in the Northern Heaven Realm to support their backs.

Have the strength to fight against the immortals of other heavens.

For Chutian, the immortals in the Northern Heaven Realm were still in awe.

Not many people objected to Chutian's newly elected new Immortal Saint.

The new Immortal Sage chosen by the original Human Emperor Sage, the Immortal of the Northern Heaven Realm, many people agree with it.

As soon as Chutian arrived, and slowly approached the noisy commercial street, he realized that the North Heaven Realm was much more lively than expected.

This is a kind of festive excitement.

Along with Chutian's arrival, several immortals from the commercial street also noticed Chutian.

The person who was sent immediately to meet him.

"My lord is here, welcome to my lord!"

"Lord Heavenly Emperor, the celebrations for the new emperor have been arranged by more than a dozen of our immortal families. When Lord Heavenly Emperor is coming, why don't we go and have a look together?"

"Yes, Lord Heavenly Emperor, but we are unique in the Northern Heaven Realm. Please, Lord Heavenly Emperor, come and celebrate with us!"

All of them looked happy, with bright smiles on their faces.

No one objected to Panshan becoming the new Immortal Saint.

Panshan's strength was originally in the realm of immortal saints.

Being qualified to get the position of Emperor Sage of Human Beings, plus it was recognized by Lord Xintiandi, it was too late for them to be happy.

How could it be possible to object!

(End of this chapter)

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