Chapter 837
With his strength, it is impossible to be much worse than this female ancient demon ancestor.

However, he was originally the demon body of the female ancient demon ancestor.

From his bones, it was engraved that he could not resist this master.

It took him countless efforts and countless exercises to get out of this master's body.

Now, I don't want to go back again.

This is something he absolutely does not want.

Then he begged Chu Tian, ​​only begging Chu Tian to help him once.

Having obtained the conditions he wanted, Chu Tian was of course willing to make a move.

To pass through this snow-capped holy land, one of these two ancient demon ancestors must be needed to help him pass unimpeded.

Moreover, he can also have the authority to practice in the ancient demon realm.

That's a pretty good paycheck.

It's worth his shot.

At this moment, Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, he directly raised his hand, and along with the countless dead souls in his body, they came out through his body.

The dead soul roared continuously, and it really rushed out of Chu Tian's body.

The dead souls who couldn't control Chutian's body became very irritable now.

It was constantly destroying the surroundings, directly affecting the huge statue of the female Snow Mountain in front of it.

Obviously, seeing the thousands of dead souls, the Statue of Nuxue Mountain all paused for a moment.

Her complexion changed, and it was rare for her to back away directly, and she really didn't dare to fight against these thousands of dead souls.

Indistinctly, there is a bit of fear.

How to put it, she became what she is now, and it has something to do with the masters of these thousands of dead souls.

Her soul body was pulled away, and even the ancient demon realm was divided into two.

All of these were done by the masters of thousands of dead souls.

As soon as he stepped back, he immediately let go of the male ancient demon ancestor.

Chu Tian stepped forward without any nonsense.

He really raised his hand and put the ancient demon ancestor in front of him into his ancient world.

The male ancient demon ancestor disappeared immediately.

It also made the female ancient demon ancestor startled, her face was very ugly, and she looked over with a complicated expression.

The expression on his face fluctuated, and he locked onto Chutian. This time, he really looked at Chutian.

This female ancient demon ancestor really has a lot of consciousness.

From the looks of it, the other party retained his spiritual consciousness, and by using some method, he was able to retain a bit of his body.

I'm afraid I also want to wait for the opportunity to resurrect myself by relying on this body.

How could she let other people destroy her now.

Facing Chutian, his face was very ugly.

"With my original strength, you and these thousands of dead souls would not be in my eyes at all."

"However, I have lost [-]% of my current strength, and only [-]% remain. I admit that I am no match for you and these thousands of dead souls."

A face full of sighs, a face full of sighs, really a face full of sighs.

She didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

It was not at all what she thought.

"Forget it, I will sleep for thousands of years, and when the time is right, I will come back to take back my things!"

After finishing speaking, as soon as he turned around, he just walked away, and he really returned to the original place.

It became a statue of the snow mountain again.

There was no sign of activity at all, and Chu Tian never thought that this female ancient demon ancestor would be so decisive and straightforward.

A complexion changed, and he took a deep look.

Or just raise your hand casually, just like waving your hand.

The male ancient demon ancestor was released directly.

The male ancient demon patriarch, who was still in shock, relaxed when he saw that the female statue in front of him did not move any more.

Take a deep breath.

Sensing Chutian's gaze, he said without any hesitation, "I will do what I promised you. Now, I will let you leave the Snow Mountain Holy Land!"

After speaking, he waved his hand directly to change the surrounding scenery.

Back to the place where I saw the snow mountain holy land for the first time.

There are no more snow mountain statues in front of us, only a vast expanse of white snow mountains.

Chu Tian knew very well that this was the male ancient demon ancestor fulfilling his promise.

Let him freely shuttle from here.

The appearance of Chutian was also seen by the people of the ancient Huang clan.

After the complexion changed, each of them looked excited, so happy.

His face became excited.

"Great, His Excellency has done it, His Excellency has won the Snow Mountain Holy Land."

"It's too powerful, it's too powerful, my lord, it really is our future."

Some of the younger generation of the ancient Huang clan were overjoyed and flocked to them in an instant.

I admire Chutian very much.

All this fell into Huang Shi's eyes, and the change in his face was really very unhappy.

She also did not expect that Chutian actually won the Snow Mountain Holy Land.

This directly led to the rapid improvement of Chutian's status among the younger generation of the ancient Huang clan.

Even if she objects, the other ancient Huang clan will continue to admire the guy in front of him.

Right now, she really has nothing to do.

With a sigh on his face.

He could only grit his silver teeth, raised his hand, and spoke to everyone.

"Okay, don't forget our purpose this time, my lord, please take us through the snowy mountain holy land, and leave it to us to contact the two ancient gods!"

Chu Tian nodded.

Straightforward without nonsense, leading the crowd through the snow-capped mountain holy land.

With the help of the male ancient demon ancestor, the group did not enter the real snow mountain holy land, nor did they see the two statues.

It was very smooth to walk through this white snow-capped mountain.

This point made everyone's faces change, and they were really curious and puzzled.

"Is there only one snow mountain in the Holy Land of Snow Mountain?"

"No way, if there is really only one snow mountain, why can't our ancient people, those people from the past, come out?"

Some people looked curious, together with Huang Shi, looked over with doubts.

Chu Tian did not tell the real Snow Mountain Saint.

Keeping it a secret will do him a lot of good.

Even for the two old ancestors of Sun and Moon Tonghui, it is impossible for him to tell about the fact that the Snow Mountain Holy Land was taken by him.

No matter what, now he passed directly through the snow mountain holy land and appeared in front of the trees.

Chu Tian's eyes fell on Huang Shi, waiting for Huang Shi to lead the way.

But Huang Shi didn't take it forward directly, but raised his hand and took out something.

Just lift it up.

This ancient treasure is obviously left by the ancient ancestors.

As a token of transmission, it will allow the two ancient gods to understand at once that their ancient Huang clan has arrived here.

This keepsake emits a puff of smoke, the smoke is very shining, flying directly into the sky, really illuminating the world.

The smoke is very unusual, no matter how far we gather, we can feel it.

Especially some people with divine spirit.

It didn't take long to watch the smoke float into the sky.

Chu Tian immediately sensed several groups of people and approached them directly.

(End of this chapter)

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