Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 854 Emperor Zhen's Body

Chapter 854 Emperor Zhen's Body

The appearance of Emperor Zhen shook everyone up.

The ancient Emperor Zhen has now become such an appearance. He was originally extremely mighty, but he is controlled by two little emperors.

What a sad thing.

This made everyone look at the past with complicated eyes.

Emperor Zhen's body turned into a towering giant, and he just stood up.

The eyes staring at him are really indifferent. With the appearance of the ancient demon realm, although he has a terrifying figure, he still has a very powerful aura.

But it always makes people feel that there is a lack of demeanor, and there is no spirit in it.

That's right, Emperor Zhen, who had lost his demon soul and body in the first place, left only such a body, which was nothing but a show.

Seeing it, Chu Tian couldn't help shaking his head. At this moment, he really appeared in front of everyone.

Looking at Emperor Zhen in front of him, his face was full of sighs.

"I didn't expect that the supreme emperor in ancient times would become what he is now, which is ridiculous."

"You said, right, Snow Demon God?"

Hidden in Chutian's ancient demon realm, Chu Xue, who was still cultivating originally, also trembled. Through the image Chutian gave her, she immediately saw the posture of the ancient Zhendi.

He also heard what the two Xuanhuang Supremes said in front of him.

This shook her heart.

As gods, they performed amazingly on the ancient chaotic battlefield.

But now, there is such an end. Is all this really what they want?

This made her completely indifferent.

Really can't say a word, the current Emperor Zhen is pathetic.

If he was famous at the beginning, and even wiped out many ancient gods, the God who surpassed all gods and demons knew that he would end up like this, so how would he feel?

But now, the ancestors of the two Xuanhuang Supremes were really proud, and laughed with a smile on their faces.

"Emperor Zhen is in our hands, it is impossible for you, a brat, to win."

"Let me tell you, no matter what chance you have, it will be futile in front of the body of Emperor Zhen under our control. Hahaha, let me show you the real Emperor Zhen."

After finishing speaking, the two of them directly raised their hands, facing Emperor Zhen, and put their demon soul energy into Emperor Zhen's body.

Emperor Zhen trembled, and at this moment, he seemed to come alive.

There was a flash of light in both eyes, and at this moment, he really woke up directly, and the huge eyes just opened directly.

It is really projected, shaking the light of heaven and earth.

"Above all the gods, I alone dominate one side, and I even reverence the devil god, no one can put me to death!"

After finishing speaking, the sound was like thunder, and a roar caused the sky to shatter directly.

With a loud sound, the sky really exploded, and the surrounding area resounded even more.

All of this fell into Chu Tian's eyes, and when he looked over with his eyes fixed, his face was really complicated.

He couldn't understand whether this Emperor Zhen had recovered his demeanor, and now he just had to hand it over to another ancient demon ancestor who was also from the ancient era.

Seeing Emperor Zhen's continuous swelling, Chu Tian also directly raised his hand.

As soon as the ancient demon domain appeared, it also directly appeared together with Chu Xue.

This female demon god really has a bad face. Now she seems to not want to see the person in front of her at all.

It should be said that there is also a deep awe for the people in front of them.

"If Zhendi's spiritual consciousness is still there, I am no match for him. Why did you let me out here?"

"It's impossible for me to beat him. This time, I admit that I can't. Hurry up and let me leave here and put away the ancient demon realm, otherwise, you and I will be finished!"

His face was full of anxiety, and he couldn't help it, so he yelled out in a hurry.

It's a pity that as soon as the ancient demon realm appeared, Emperor Zhen in front of him had already looked over with a glance.

The divine light in both eyes is still there, and the aura of the whole body is extremely terrifying.

After locking on to Chutian, he just lowered his head like this, and when he looked over, he really frowned, glanced at Chutian, and landed in Chutian's ancient demon realm.

And Chu Xue.

"Oh, it turned out to be the Snow Demon God. Unfortunately, it's ridiculous that you were trapped in this world."

"Let me help you break through this world!"

After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it directly.

Seeing the other party's actions, Chu Xue really wasn't surprised at all, instead her face turned pale, she gritted her teeth, and glared at him angrily.

That made one grit his teeth and said: "Emperor Zhen, don't say it so nicely, look at my current situation, it is impossible to leave here."

"If you break this world, I will disappear directly, you bastard, you just want to get rid of me!"

Emperor Zhen really didn't move at all, his face was indifferent, and the movements of his hands didn't stop.

It also made Chu Xue anxious, unable to control the ancient demon realm, she could only ask Chu Tian not far away for help.

"The ancient demon realm is broken, and it will cause you a huge loss, so hurry up and stop him!"

An anxious look on his face was also in Chu Tian's eyes, seeing that Emperor Zhen really wanted to destroy the ancient demon realm.

This made Chu Tian rush forward in an instant.

As soon as he raised his hand, he punched him directly.

"What are you, who dares to touch me, even if you are an ancient god, so what, I will break this body!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed forward and raised his hand.

Chu Tian's punch can even shatter the sky.

With one punch, he really hit Zhendi's huge leg, and his whole leg trembled. At this moment, Zhendi really retreated directly.

Feeling the pain, he watched over with an unhappy expression.

That made a face full of anger: "I am a majestic generation of demon gods. Could it be you who can provoke me, little bug, do you know who you are attacking?"

After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it again.

Grabbing Chutian, Chutian retreated directly.

Looking at Emperor Zhen in front of him, he really frowned. After all, with his punch just now, he could only make the opponent retreat.

Even Chu Xue, an ancient demon patriarch, couldn't possibly suffer this little damage.

Could it be that the front is not just as simple as the body?
It also made Chu Tian's expression fluctuate.

Just as Chu Tian's face changed, Xuanhuang Supreme not far away also burst out laughing.

"Boy, you know that Emperor Zhen is powerful, you can't escape."

"That's right, just obediently wait to die."

The moment they finished speaking, the two waved their hands directly.

The sound was loud, and it really accompanied the space between the sky and the earth. Under the shock, Emperor Zhen directly pressed down the sky with his palm.

"Shaking the sky and destroying the world, I use the sky to destroy this mortal world, and I will die!"

At this moment, many people were really wrapped up in it.

Feeling the opponent's movements, I really want to kill everyone.

It can only let Chu Tian, ​​without even thinking about it, use the ancient demon realm to push the opponent down, and the sky will directly push up.

(End of this chapter)

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