Immortal world invincible life system

Chapter 858 Emperor Zhen Was Divided

Chapter 858 Emperor Zhen Was Divided
Emperor Zhen, who was in a state of madness, also relied on the entire ancient demon realm to directly hit Chu Tian.

If the Ancient Demon Territory disappeared, it would be impossible for him to be fine.

In a desperate situation, this is completely forced.

The other party never thought that even if Chutian's ancient demon realm disappeared, Chutian would not die.

And the opponent is attached to the entire ancient demon domain, and the opponent's ancient demon domain disappears.

It will disappear immediately, and at that time, I am afraid that there will be no consciousness left.

However, until now, Emperor Zhen can no longer control so much.

Under his berserk, the Ancient Demon Realm was like a huge mountain, and he directly smashed towards him.

This is the ancient world that envelops the entire world and is surrounded by a whole world.

It directly collided with Chutian's world.

They all made extremely loud sounds, which really resounded throughout.

It seems that the whole world is shaking, and the impact of the two ancient demon realms also makes them rub against each other.

It even changed into two spherical shapes that squeezed each other.

The surrounding sky was pulled in, and everything was directly absorbed into the place where the two heavens and the earth collided.

The suction is so strong that people from the other three ancient god clans and the ancient snow demon clan were also implicated in it.

Many people who were too close and had no time to escape were directly involved.

In an instant, it turned into ashes.

What only scared everyone backed away one after another, and their faces were extremely ugly.

He didn't want to be implicated, and he was even more afraid that the ancient demon realm where the two would collide could destroy the entire chaotic battlefield.

The two patriarchs of Sun and Moon Tonghui also frowned, their expressions were not good-looking.

Looking at the continuous squeeze of the two ancient demon realms, it really hasn't reached the limit, and everything around it can't bear it, so it goes on like this.

In less than half an hour, everything in the entire chaotic battlefield will probably be involved.

At that time, all living things, whether living or dead, might be wiped out.

It really must all be attributed to chaos.

This made the faces of the two ancestors pull, and they really gritted their teeth and just stared at the past.

His face was full of anxiety, and he couldn't help but yelled directly: "God Chu, if this continues, the Chaos Battlefield will be destroyed, and there will be no one left along with other holy places."

"I'm afraid that Chaos Street will also be affected. At that time, nothing will remain, and he can't continue to be hit like this."

That's right, as the two elders said, the two ancient demon domains collided with each other, and the destructive power was really astonishing and terrifying under the constant cancellation.

Under the devastation, it is even more necessary to turn everything around into nothingness.

If this continues, not to mention destroying the Chaos Battlefield, even the Chaos Street will be affected.

Knowing this, Chu Tian also focused his eyes, watching the opponent's constant squeeze and gritting his teeth, which forced him to make a move.

Now he has obtained the power of the ancient demon ancestor for half an hour.

Can control all the supernatural powers of destroying the world.

With the power to completely control the ancient demon realm, it's all on him.

It is impossible for him to lose to Emperor Zhen in front of him.

The opponent is just a consciousness plus a body, without 100% strength, it is impossible to perfectly control the ancient demon realm.

Throwing the ancient demon domain directly and forcibly colliding with him is a good proof.

Locking on Emperor Zhen's demon domain also made Chu Tian raise his hand.

Under the supernatural power of destroying the world, the ice and snow emitted by his single hand directly froze everything around him.

"World-destroying supernatural power, I will freeze this world!"

The instant he finished speaking, the ancient demon realm in front of him also froze in an instant, and the entire barrier was covered with huge ice blocks.

Just like that, the entire enchantment and the ancient demon domain were completely turned into solid ice.

It was also Emperor Zhen who looked at all this, his face pulled, and he couldn't help raising his hand, wanting to destroy the ice formed by Chutian's ancient demon realm.

However, he hasn't made a move yet.

Chutian's world-destroying supernatural power filled his world.

"World-destroying supernatural power, Demon Realm destroys the world!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Tian didn't even think about it, and instantly turned the entire ancient demon realm into chaos.

His ancient demon domain really disappeared directly, turning into a chaotic world.

This made Zhendi in front of him stunned, and didn't understand what the guy in front of him wanted to do.

All the families of the same family stopped in place, just for this moment of stupefaction.

It also made him never think that Chutian was the ancient demon realm that would turn the introduction into chaos, and it would just wrap it up.

The Zhendi Demon Realm, which would turn into solid ice, was completely wrapped into his world.

It's really forced to wrap it in.

This made Emperor Zhen's face pull, he was very upset, and he didn't understand what the guy in front of him was doing.

"You are looking for death. You are actually seeking your own death in this way. You wrapped my demon domain into his demon domain. As long as my demon domain explodes, your demon domain will definitely not be able to survive."

"Haha, are you trying to help me on purpose, so that both your Demon Realm and mine will die together?"

With a smile on his face, he really thought Chu Tian's actions were very stupid.

The two ancient demon domains were originally equal in strength. It was impossible for Chu Tian to use the demon domain to suppress them forcibly.

At that time, the ancient demon domain became violent and exploded directly.

I am afraid that the two ancient demon realms will disappear immediately.

This is even more powerful than a direct collision.

Sensing the smile on Emperor Zhen's face in front of him, Chu Tian curled his lips, and said in a cold voice, "Oh, is that so?"

Chu Tian's calm expression made Emperor Zhen very confused. He always felt that the guy in front of him would not be so stupid.

Otherwise, you won't get the Ancient Demon Realm.

His expression changed, and he was still about to ask the guy in front of him for his attention.

Instead, his whole body trembled.

Originally, the ancient demon realm was surrounded by Chutian's demon realm, and now his body, along with the ancient demon realm, directly entered Chutian's demon realm.

In an instant, he was forcibly sucked into Chutian's Demon Realm.

Chu Tian didn't talk nonsense, he opened the Demon Realm with one hand, and just stepped into his own Demon Realm.

Now within this piece of chaotic world, the demon domain of Emperor Zhen of the opponent continues to be wrapped.

Like a huge circle of light, it was once again surrounded by ice, but now the ice is slowly breaking apart.

Along with Emperor Zhen's ancient demon realm, it will reappear.

It also made Emperor Zhen smile very proudly: "If my ancient demon domain appears directly within your ancient demon domain, then, I don't need to use too much, and your demon domain can directly explode."

"Haha, maybe I can get something by offsetting the two ancient demon realms, but you, it's impossible."

Chutian has also entered this world now.

If they hadn't escaped before the opponent's ancient demon realm broke through forcefully, under the mutual explosion of the two demon realms, it would be impossible to leave any remnant souls behind.

(End of this chapter)

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